
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

After ISIS, What Comes Next?

Partly thanks to President Trump's aggressive moves against ISIS, that repulsive force is now in retreat, and as a "state" it is close to collapse.  Now is no time for complacency, however.  Behold, my latest article, which reflects on the latest developments in the Middle East, and on prospects for further progress:


  1. Dr. Waddy: What will probably come next is terrorism. The depraved, 7th century style savagery briefly institutionalized by ISIS but retained in the minds of those who yet think Islam a call to eradicate all who question it, will continue to inspire acts of destruction. On a local level. we should pay attention to a local source of such antipathy. That is the latitude given to Muslims in our state prisons. They typically have designated spaces, in which prison staff excepting the state paid "Imams" who are often sympathetic, are given to understand they are unwelcome. Violation of such warnings invites "discrimination" lawsuits and sometimes physical threats. In these spaces racial and religious hatred is freely urged, anyone who has worked in the prisons knows it. It is only common sense to expect that Muslim terrorists are recruited, inspired and perhaps even trained in such fertile settings. Their chief motivation is disingenuous resentment toward American society for the "unjust" incarceration of black inmates. Islam has long been misused this manner in U.S. prisons. They are in custody! Why can't the lawful majority, including crime victims, see its interests served first by law makers and prison administrators? Because the latter fear for their reputations should they be accused of "racism". Let them, rather, fear our disapproval, expressed directly to them, lest we read soon of a murderous outrage perpetrated by ones over whom we once had control.

  2. I should add that the current inmate population is very familiar with the Internet, a medium used to much advantage, ironically in a grim sense,by miscreants otherwise straight out of the Middle Ages They are potentially aided in communicating by a few insanely idealistic corrections staffers who actually advocate full and free access to the Web for inmates. I don't know how successful they may have been in the time since I retired but I know they have tried. With the ISIS monsters being deprived of their "state", in large part by recent U.S. resolve, they will be especially eager to find recruits in the U.S. itself. The prisons can work for them but only if we allow it.

  3. Thanks for the insights, Jack. Of course, most of us know precious little about how our prisons function. I can well imagine that unfettered access to the internet leads to all manner of troubling outcomes in our prisons (as indeed it does outside of them too). The Enlightenment assured us that maximum access to knowledge would yield greater wisdom. The last couple of centuries have proved that the truth is a lot more complicated. Knowledge can be twisted with remarkable ease, and the world is full of people easily duped. I frankly feel sorry for many Americans, who are thoroughly brainwashed. As long as the left controls the levers of education, entertainment, and the news media, I fear this problem will be next to impossible to solve.
