
Friday, September 6, 2024

Red Power!


Friends, in a fascinating development the lawfare crowd has backed down and conceded that Donald Trump will not be sentenced for the egregious crime of "falsifying business records" until after the election.  Ergo, they have more or less blown their last chance to incarcerate DJT before voters head to the polls.  What does this mean?  In simple terms, it means that Democrats have decided that, if they throw the book at Trump in the short term, or send him to jail, there is a distressingly large possibility that it would help him more than it would hurt him.  Not cool, from a lefty perspective.  What it most definitely does not mean, however, is that the campaign of lawfare is done or that Trump is off the hook.  If he wins, there is a real possibility that state-level legal harassment of Trump will increase, to make up for the federal lawfare that will, presumably, go away.  If Trump loses, there is a very good chance that New York and Georgia prosecutors will pursue DJT to the ends of the earth merely for spite.  These are interesting questions, to be sure -- especially if you're Trump and are facing the prospect of spending your sunset years behind bars -- but they're secondary to all relevant parties, including you and me, because this whole lawfare gambit was advanced in the first place as a political stratagem.  That is, prosecuting conservatives appeals to Democrats and progressives mainly because they think it can help them win elections and solidify their grip on power.  There is thus a chance, albeit a slim one, that the lefties will conclude, if Trump wins in November, that the creative application of the "justice" system to persecute their enemies and score political points is a losing proposition, and they will abandon it.  Wouldn't that be nice???  Yeah, I'm not holding my breath either.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: There is a good chance this judge did not make this decision on his own. If orders came from, say, the Obamas, was it because the dems see a sentencing just now on this absurd "conviction" hurting their chances in an election in which they have a real chance now? Perhaps it is hurting them already.

    So far, anarchic lawfare against redoubtable DJT has been a monstrous fluff for the antiamerican left and its obsequious vehicle, the Dem party. Could it be that they will conclude that it was an ill advised tactic? Maybe, but I would as soon sit upon on a tack as imagine that they would give up their amoral overall strategy of "ANYTHING GOES" in their existential quest for totalitarian rule over an America they comprehensively condemn. Nah, they would just change their tactics.

    It may well be that they will apply the reasoning which has sustained them in their reprise of catastrophic Marxism to a tentative evaluation of lawfare's advantages and disadvantages. "Why, we just didn't do it right that time or this time". Our adversarial legal system affords them very extensive opportunity for pitching pipe wrenches into the gears. Not everyone has the fortitude of a DJT. No, we must relegate them to "also ran" status, we must defeat them and make of them a bizarre chapter in our ongoing democracy if we are to end their relentless depredation.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Ok, DJT wins, then that NY kangaroo court does what , pray? Their primary purpose, preventing DJT's election will have been torpedoed and their case may well be rendered moot by an upcoming decision on the application of Scotus's immunity decision. NY could be in roughly the same position as the Confederacy after the 1864 election.

    Just for fun, with about a 1% chance of realization, let's imagine NY" hangs tough" and sentences DJT to do time until Jan. 19, 2025. He would of course appeal and after he takes office, would Gov. Hochul send the unwilling State Police to pluck him asunder from the very White House should he lose an appeal?

    There is also to consider NY's ever increasing pariahhood among the states for its one party leftist dictatorship and its relentless far left imposition, which reputation and possible adverse consequences could not but be advanced by such juvenile vindictiveness.

  3. I tend to agree: as long as the Left has life in it, it will use every available tactic to defeat its enemies, including lawfare. In fact, if Trump wins, the Left is as likely to redouble its efforts at lawfare as it is to abandon them.

    Hmm. I wonder: if NYS tried to incarcerate president-elect Trump, or even President Trump, would SCOTUS save his bacon? I'm not entirely convinced they would. I'm pretty sure the Secret Service, as presently constituted, wouldn't take a bullet to keep Trump out of Sing Sing.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would guess it would be the Marines ensuring the President's uninterrupted exercise of his office, should Gov. Hochul be as unwise as to press the matter.

    Such a situation would have its almost comic elements. NY is seriously considering sweet forgiveness of murderous imprisoned monsters who have done a surely redemptive 15 years and are in their apollonian 50s. Meanwhile their victims continue to molder in their graves and their families endure PTSD. BUT . . . no slack for a politically incorrect violator of election law! NY, unless it uncharacteristically chooses to accede to common sense, continues its slide into politically correct reductio ad adsurdum. Alvin Bragg can run for absentee President of Mars someday. . . maybe.

    If Scotus gets involved it will follow the law and I agree, I don't know where that will take them. Should they rule against DJT, Schumer will have to do penance on the steps of the Scotus building. But the upcoming immunity ruling may restore some sanity to this bacchanal.

  5. Jack, it could get very interesting! I'm not sure what justification SCOTUS could have for nullifying a state felony conviction. Presumably they would have to find that some aspect of the trial violated Trump's federal civil rights. Sounds plausible! I wouldn't rule out the possibility that pretty much everyone in D.C. would cooperate to hand Trump over to the NYS Dept. of Corrections. Anything to cut short his reign of terror, right?

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The Trumpian heresy has been a terribly disturbing experience for the antiamerican left because it has manifested an unapologetic opposition leader with no illusions about their national loyalty or their intentions.

    When the Romans conquered a city state or country, say like Carthage, they followed through by plowing salt into the fields in an effort to prevent any subsequent rise of the defeated power.

    If DJT loses, you might think the Dems would relent on their lawfare onslaught on him. But perhaps not so; they might persist, in order both to assure his final defeat and to discourage anyone (JD?) from emulating him. And of course, being suffused by emotion as always, they would glory in having ruined him and the hopes of those who support him.

  7. Absurdum not adsurdum. Jack

  8. Jack, I wonder whether the Left is not now ruminating on the frightful possibility that the ONLY way to rid themselves of Trump and Trumpers is to learn to use firearms with somewhat greater effect than Messieurs Crooks and Routh... I'm sure they would PREFER to use the criminal justice system, but that is proving a lot more time-consuming and cumbersome.
