
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Feeling Blue, Voting Red


Friends, today I bring you two signs that the mood of the public may be shifting in a way that's highly favorable to the Trump campaign.  The nunber one issue in this election, and in almost every election, is the economy, and in the past month consumers, who are the same thing as voters, are feeling much less optimistic.  In fact, consumer confidence is tumbling.  Is that "fair" or valid, based on objective economic indicators?  Well, who cares!  Economic perceptions have a much greater effect on politics than economic realities, and for this reason the lefties should be mighty nervous!  In related news, the Chinese government is getting increasingly antsy about the state of their economy, which they are trying to juice up with stimulus measures.  Lest we forget, a Chinese slowdown portends a global slowdown, which in turn portends an American slowdown.  It's all a rich tapestry, isn't it?  The Dems better hope that vacuous Kamalan "joy" is sufficient to beat back this wave of pessimism, or else their goose is cooked! 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: On the economy I am an everlasting neophyte. But I always thought the Dow-Jones was a prime indicator of economic health. It looks to me like its in the stratosphere now: I remember when it was at 500! Wish I'd invested then.

    Fiddling with an economy at the heart of which is a superlative individual entrepreneurial spirit and a very strong work ethic must be dicey. For the sake of the Chinese people I hope it isn't mismanaged. After what they've gone through, prosperity is an incalculable blessing

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your evaluation of the present state of the election , as usual well founded, is a source of welcome optimism.

    I like the fact that the House GOP is keeping the assassination attempts in the news when of course the Dems would like to see it buried and their MSM shills would be all too glad to cooperate. I sense a rising tide of gratitude for DJT's selfless (yes, I say, who would endure the personal travail he has met and now, a continuing threat of death, at his age, simply for the entertainment of an oversized ego?) No, I see a grim determination in him which gainsays any remnant of his once frivolous reputation. To the ancient Greeks, Nemesis, the unrelenting always successful vindicator, was INVITED upon its subjects through their own terrible folly. With their execrable and presumptuous onslaught on DJT and the America which has placed in him full confidence, the antiamerican left has , with monumental hubris, invited Nemesis on itself

  3. Jack, you make a good point that, for an increasingly large share of the population, the health of the stock market is analogous to the health of the economy, and, if we're to be honest, Biden and Harris have done the market no apparent harm. Be that as it may, inflation still hits home with more people than dividends and share prices.

    Indeed, Trump's survival of two assassination attempts may solidify the bond he has with MAGA types. It doesn't seem to have affected his broad popularity/unpopularity, but it may boost Republican/conservative turnout all the same.
