
Sunday, September 22, 2024

All Knotted Up


Friends, this election will be decided in the battleground states, as everyone knows.  As of today, the polls in those states, according to the RealClearPolitics averages, are precisely tied at 47.7% each for Trump and Kam-Kam.  I predict, in the coming weeks, it could get even closer!!!  Holy moly!  Now, if you subscribe to the view that many public polls overstate Democratic support, and understate support for Trump, in particular, especially at the state level, then you could surmise that it's Trump who has the upper hand.  You could surmise that, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.


In other news, WWI isn't quite over, at least in Belgrade, Serbia.  Boy, those Balkan Slavs really know how to nurse a grudge, don't they? 

Germany has been closing safe, reliable, essentially non-polluting nuclear plants for years, because progressives find them icky.  The result?  More expensive energy, and a lot more carbon emissions than was necessary.


Finally, have you ever wondered why Uncle Joe Stalin was so handsome, vigorous, and physically fit?  I know I have.  It seems he benefitted from regular injections of a serum harvested in part from recently deceased young men, of which Russia had something of a bumper crop at the time.  What an amazing achievement for Soviet science!  I hope no one in the White House reads this article, because they might get ideas about putting the spring back in Sleepy Joe's step... 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: If anyone personified unalloyed evil it was Stalin. I wonder if that serum was harvested from specially selected young men, perhaps at Stalin's express individual behest. He had attended seminary; I wonder if he feared damnation. His near catatonic initial reaction to the Nazi invasion suggests that he dreaded departing this life because, being a hellhound, he knew what hell was like. The description of his death struggle in Robert Conquest's Stalin: Breaker of Nations holds that witnesses , already terrified that he might somehow avenge their deliberate withholding of treatment, beheld in his visage an unearthly horror and malice. What profound sociopathy Marxism has enabled and empowered.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The last people radical environmentalists will blame for Germany's mess is themselves. They will keep on dreaming and imposing with insouciant abandon to slake their never ending emotional thirst.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Heck, for the Balkans WWI is way in the future. They are still sorting it out between various Slavs, Bulgars and others of the tribes who wended their way into that tormented land. Why, the Ottomans are still unheralded! Too bad Alexander didn't move north so that the Balkans could have been Hellenized.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: "These are the times which try mens' souls " but DJT is no "summer soldier" (and I'm no Thomas Paine).

  5. Jack, that Stalin feared death is certain. What he equated death with is a matter of speculation. Possibly it would be more accurate to say that he feared being killed, as opposed to being dead? Who knows.

    Oh yes -- there's little danger that the people who ACTUALLY caused climate change, i.e. the anti-nuclear environmentalists, will ever be held accountable, or will even pause for a moment to consider their own idiocy. Of course, not all environmental activists approach the issue in the same way.

    All kidding aside, I think the Balkans are a great testament to how easily different ethnic groups can coexist...or slaughter one another, depending on the circumstances.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I've read that Stalin was a diagnosable true sadist. Having ordered so much tortuous death he may well, like Saddam and Hitler, enjoyed seeing films of fiendishly conceived execution. It might have occured to him that he might at some point be the recipient of such inconsiderateness and that even death might not deliver him. Like all monsters, he was once innocent; what an appalling thought it is consider the process which forms such profound sociopathy and bad will in a personality.

  7. Hmm. Was he "once innocent"? That assumes that psychopathy is induced by the environment. Not sure I agree. In fact, I'm quite sure I disagree, at least in part. A man like Stalin must have been "born to be bad", to a point. But what's your source for Stalin's enjoyment of torture and execution films? Never heard that one.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'm speculating on that first by mentioning that we know his comrades in monstrosity, Hitler and Saddam, did enjoy such entertainment. Second, I cannot recall the author - perhaps it was Robert Conquest - who said words to the effect of "it is clear that Stalin enjoyed inflicting pain and anguish." Perhaps his rule was, to a large extent, simply for him an opportunity to wreak endlessly voluptuary suffering and convenient depiction of it might well have been for him much desired fare. I learned while working in state prisons that depravity has parameters so extensive that we who live positive lives may lack the ability to comprehend them. Sociopaths are enthusiastic and sometimes exhaustive students of such hellish subjects. God help us all when they achieve totalitarian power, as such creatures always do in totalitarian states.

  9. Hmm. So now you're saying that Stalin AND Hitler enjoyed watching people be tortured and killed? Now I'm doubly incredulous. I've never read anything of the kind about Hitler. I think the evidence is that he was quite insulated from the horrific consequences of his own policies. I have no reason to believe that he ever saw a dead body in WWII, much less sought one out. You seem to be assuming, Jack, that someone who is evil must be beastly in every way. I assert that the human mind is a much more subtle organ than that.
