
Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Powers-That-Used-to-Be?


Friends, recent developments have me questioning just how firm the establishment's grip on public opinion is these days.  You've got the big wins in Argentina and the Netherlands for "far-right" populists, and you've got DJT's steadily improving poll numbers vis-a-vis Joe Biden.  The level of popular distrust of establishment narratives is quite extraordinary, when you consider how many advantages the "approved" voices have over the views of dissidents and "deplorables"...  My latest article speculates that, as the powers-that-be see their dominance slipping away, they could resort to extreme measures to protect it.  Yikes!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your observation that the institutionalized left is facing ever increasing effective opposition is very encouraging and your suggestion of the possiblity of drastic reaction by an incensed leftist establishment is very plausible.I think it has gotten underway already in the US in the antiamerican left's frantic prostitution of our legal system to destroy a DJT who frightens them beyond measure. They have always relied on their demonstrated success in levelling summary charges of a myriad of unspeakable "isms" which carry condemnation upon mere accusation, against any as insolent as to gainsay them.But DJT, DeSantis and Fox have shown the way in standing up to them and Maga has manifested.And in this, the incipient totalitarians see the dread prospect of their disenfranchisement. We can expect them to go to new levels of viciousness to preserve their perceived privilege.

  2. Yes, it's a scary thought that 91 felonies are just a down payment on the full range of beastliness of which the Left is capable. Norms are made to be broken, especially nowadays!

  3. The antiamerican left's reflexive and mindless use of terms (eg. prosecution)which often intimidate simply by being introduced or even implied has the purpose of stopping dialogue which contains the prospect of reasoned discrediting of their views. If challenged to define their much beloved "isms" they often descend into emotional splutter and threat mongering. Open principled discourse on issues with mutual courtesy afforded is antithetical to their antiintellectual totalitarian convictions, which often cannot withstand protracted examination. Since such conversation is unavoidable in the courtroom they stand to experience continuing defeat in their vicious onslaught on DJT.So keep them yapping in all settings and putting themselves to confusion.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Mike Huckabee said it well on Fox yesterday: " Trump is us". That would make a danged good campaign slogan. DJT has made a visceral connection with those who find themselves so often saying "now what are those people doing!?" The antiamerican left's frantic and unrelenting drive to force unneeded " fundamental transformation" on America has found in DJT an exemplar of our ever growing understanding of the radical assault on our civilization and the necessity of stopping it.Sure, he expresses his concern crudely at times but so what? So do "us"

  5. Good point: the courtroom, by its very nature, permits opposing viewpoints to collide. Dems, whose idea of "dialogue" is the monologue of the "January 6th Committee", might find this aspect of the Trump trials unsettling.

    Trump's connection to his base is a huge asset, I agree, but in the end he won't win the election that way. He'll win it because a good-sized fraction of the electorate can't stomach another vote for Biden, and quite a few of them will vote for Trump as the obvious alternative, or they'll stay home, or they'll vote for third party candidates. That is to say, in my opinion, if Trump wins, it will mostly be a rejection of Biden, not an embrace of Trump.
