
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Trump Keeps Rolling


Friends, DJT dominated the Turning Point Action Conference straw poll, drawing 87.5%!  Wow.  That's impressive.  Poor Ron DeSantis finished third, behind some guy I've never heard of.  That's...not impressive.  It's hard to deny that Trump has all the momentum at the moment.  Will it last?  I mean, it's lasted for eight years already (as far as Republicans are concerned), so maybe so!


Trump is claiming that he can end the Russia-Ukraine War "in a day", just by commanding Zelensky and Putin to "make a deal"...  That would be a neat trick!  Note that Trump says that, if Putin doesn't play ball, he might actually escalate U.S. support for Ukraine.  Long story short: I'm still trying to figure out Trump's position on Ukraine, and whether there's any coherence to it, or if he's just patting himself on the back, as per usual. 

After much gnashing of teeth, the great state of California has embraced "equitable" math.  What a relief!  Assuming standards are set low enough (hardly a stretch), they might even achieve their goal, i.e. every California public school student will be equally stupid!


Finally, hearty congrats to Carlos Alcaraz, who beat tennis superstar Novak Djokovic to become the new Wimbledon gentleman's singles champion.  It wasn't easy, by any means, but quite incredibly it was Alcaraz who played with more poise and confidence.  He deserved it, and it was nice to see the King of Spain on hand to support him.  Maybe that's where Serbia went wrong.  They abolished their monarchy...back in 1945, to appease their communist overlords.  Tsk tsk.  (Djokovic is a Serb, for anyone who didn't understand the relevance.)  I say: any nation that refutes the Divine Right of Kings deserves what it gets.  I'm looking at you, America!!! 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re royalty: LOL but with affection. Rule Britannia, may the King (and his throne) live forever, well I wot!But elsewhere? We would not have had a written constitution of the Hanover's and though British democracy is exemplary and productive of the highest civilization, I like our 1st and 2nd Amendments and the rest of them (except for the income tax) ain't so bad. A commie monarchy? Inconceivable! But wait, I forgot the imperious Kim's.Its sobering to think that our perhaps counterintuitive "tolerance" countenances their ilk in our very Congress.


    Finally! You admit that you are a Monarchist. Okay! So you were joking. Right? As I recall, Tito and his people had a lot to do with getting rid of the monarchy in Serbia following WW 2. I also recall that Tito was not even a Serb, and I also recall that Tito was not a puppet of Stalin. I recall, even more, that British operations in Yugoslavia during WW 2, were steered by British Leftists, to ensure that the monarchy never returned to that country.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Now we see the quasi divine right of the neo marxists. They are every bit as haughty and vindictive as their medieval counterparts.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: "Equitable math" Well dog my cats!Kalifornia's descent continues space. Ontology recapitulates philogeny (or the reverse, I dunno), the infamous theory that all life relives during it's pupation or gestation all preceding forms it evolved from. Kalifornia is establishing a social form of this in a regressive direction. Soon all empirically based information will be outlawed and superstition, fantasy and emotion will replace oppressive objectivity and detested reason.This would put the left coast amoeba squarely on target for 1000 BC hood all the while.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh how the antiamericans wax shocked and scandalized by DJT's popularity. These are the people who extolled that convicted cokehead mayor DC had not so long ago.If the American left wants to see DJT nominated they may want to consider exercising caution: they may just get what they ask for, and more, much more. Grover Cleveland may prove no more a Jeopardy stumper.

  6. apace not space. . .

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re "equitable math" ( but I do love the term because it suggests a world of comic subjective possibilities eg: "just geography, affirmative grammar, hapless history, licensed literature, virtuous woodshop ". . . ad absurdum. Let us be of good cheer: we always have known the left mandates that 2+2=5. Oysters and clams are perhaps not very bright but even they know enough to surround counterintuitive irritants in their little worlds with a protective barrier. That's what America needs to do with antiamerican strongholds like NY and Kalifornia!

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I know; let them be declared "Autonomous Regions". Now there's a term the antiamericans can embrace! And we can treat them with the same disingenuous deference commie countries afford them. Its often remarked that Kalifornia sets the pace for America. Let common sense and measured regard for Western civil ization forbid, lest they dream us into thralldom.

  9. Jack, I like our Constitution too! I wish we followed it, even a little. Funnily enough, you might argue that constitutions and monarchs have one thing in common: they're both anchors that prevent the body politic from flying off into space. Or at least they're meant to.

    Ray, your recollections do you credit! I met a lot of Croats and Bosnians in my travels over yonder who had fond memories of Tito and Yugoslav communism. Of course, quite a few of them were too young to have any such memories, but that's another story. Monarchy and communism definitely ARE NOT mutually exclusive, in any case, although the Left often reimagines monarchy to serve its ends. Am I really a monarchist? Ehh. I don't believe all that strongly in anything, except mankind's limitless capacity for stupidity. That core belief has served me well thus far.

    Jack, your theory that all Californians will of necessity devolve into single-celled organisms intrigues me, and it's easily my feelings. I feel you're right, and therefore you are! (That's what I call "liberal life science".)

    I agree: the Left is playing with fire in courting a DJT candidacy. Even if they beat him, the means by which they do so may be so transparently crooked and self-serving that the prestige of American democracy (and its functionality) would never recover.

    Jack, the old saying, "As California goes, so goes the nation", is almost certainly true, demographically, and it may someday be true politically too -- which makes it all the more intriguing to watch California's decline, and to wait and see if the California GOP ever rouses itself and fields a competitive statewide candidate for office. Fingers crossed!

  10. Dr.Waddy from Jack: TD Lysenko,Stalin's terrorized all purpose stooge scientist ,would have agreed. "Feelings" are proven the only path to objective truth. I hear Kalifornia plans to "rehabilitate" the poor dear!

  11. Jack, the plasticity of science, and thus of "truth", never ceases to amaze me!
