
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Righter Than Ever

Friends, Rush Limbaugh ain't got nothin' on me.  This week I began a stint as a weekly guest on the Newsmaker program of WLEA talk radio in Hornell, New York.  WLEA, founded in 1948, has a storied past and, I trust, a bright future, pumping out 2,500 watts of Waddy!  You can listen to this week's broadcast here:

The audio quality is not the best, and I apologize for that, but it shouldn't be a problem in future.

In other news, have you noticed how asinine and juvenile many liberals have become?  When I sit down with liberals, I'm flabbergasted by how many of them want to talk about Trump gossip, as opposed to national or international news.  Much of this gossip seems to swirl around Trump's family members, especially long-suffering Melania, Ivanka, and Jared, rather than Trump himself.  Naturally, any (alleged) sex scandal also gets top billing.  Could this be the latest manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)?  Do leftists not realize that ad hominem attacks, especially on the family members of politicians, are the height (or bottom, as it were) of calumny?  Are liberals simply regressing to childhood to soothe their triggered consciences?  It baffles me, it truly does.  Every day, our national conversation seems to reach new lows -- while our maturity and tolerance wither and die.  Consider this story, which appears in Newsweek.  Now, I can remember a day when Newsweek contained actual news!  No more.  Now it contains tips on how to avoid icky people like Ivanka, and how to virtue signal all the livelong day...  Amazing stuff.


  1. Our national conversation reaches new lows because the occupant of the White House takes it to new lows. He fires his Secretary of State via a tweet, illustrating he lacks courage and integrity. He has twelve women who have accused him of sexual harassment, one of whom is taking him to court for slander. Two other women have court actions with people who attempted to prevent the stories of affairs he had with both (while married to his THIRD wife) from coming out before the election. He praises authoritarian leaders across the world (Russia, China, Turkey, the Philippines), yet attacks our allies (Germany). He lies daily. So, if you are looking at why the national conversation has reached new lows, look no further than Captain Chaos.

  2. Lots of allegations here, and very little meat. If he's such a monster, why has he never been convicted of a single crime? And, just because someone makes unflattering remarks about President Trump, that doesn't make them inherently believable. People do fib, from time to time. "Captain Chaos" is witty, though, and I can't deny that Trump can be childishly offensive. Lies daily? That's an oft-repeated claim. How about an example? "Attacks" Germany? I wasn't aware we were at war with Germany. If criticism equals "attacking", then you've just attacked the President of the United States, by golly! Treason! :O

  3. Dr. Waddy: Perhaps I shouldn't do this but I didn't even read the Newsweek article. I stopped paying any attention to Time or Newsweek years ago. That's just a personal preference; I know they wield appreciable power. Lenin, I believe, in one his works expanding Marxism to Marxism-Leninism, stated that the general educated public would be unable to understand the principles guiding that later proven murderous creed using contemporary and widely accepted standards. The left has applied that convenient excuse throughout its relentless assault on America. It justifies unlimited ad hominem attacks on any who dare to question it or actively oppose it, like President Trump. Why, destroy a plutocrat? That's nothing for the avatars of people who pumped low caliber pistol bullets into the necks of uncounted multitudes in the 20th century. Their power may be "demonstrated" this weekend by the anticipated multitudes ( whether they are or not, they will be described as such by the unscrupulous MSM) of youth rightfully outraged by the failure of their elders to protect them in the academy. They are mistaken in their conviction that the freedom to possess arms is the reason because the disingenuous left, through the MSM, through the "universities", through far too much of secondary education, has falsely persuaded them of this. Lacking intellectual depth and maturity, they've bought it, as the left expected they would. The left's motivation is, of course, not the safety of the students, who they would gladly have aborted 18 years ago, but the discrediting of a gunrights movement they know full well to be a pillar of the conservative movement which unforgiveably denies them totalitarian sway.

  4. I feel your pain, Jack. This weekend will bring quite an exhibition of the consequences of leftist brainwashing. The only consolation -- things probably looked even worse for America's future circa 1972, when McGovern carried the youth vote and nothing else. Fortunately, the youngsters grew up!

  5. Dr. Waddy: One difference was that though youth had had an unprecedented effect by hamstringing our Vietnam effort, the prospect of the far left actually taking over the country would have been unthinkable. But by 2016 it almost put us on a certain road to it. In'72, the nomination of a draft dodger or a putative Marxist would have been impossible. McGovern was a decorated WWII pilot. The youngsters did grow up but some retained their '60's arrogance, naivete and monstrous ingratitude. Many of them, together with their younger avatars, are still bustling and dissembling; they believe they will eventually succeed and its not inconceivable now.

  6. Well, Jack, you've doused my optimism, and not for the first time. Ha ha. You're right -- the lunacies of the flower power, anti-Vietnam War crowd are coming home to roost, and how! They've already achieved victories that would have been unthinkable even ten years ago. Oy!

  7. Dr.Waddy: The disappearance of the boomers over the next 30 years will be revealing. Will the baleful influence of the all too consequential leftist faction of my generation continue when we are gone? Has it had a permanent effect or will its time prove to have been a bizarre interlude? I won't live to see the answer though a tendency may become discernible in my lifetime. Now on to hold forth on today's epic developments.
