
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Sunny Side of the Street


Greetings from the Sunshine State, friends!  I apologize for being MIA for what from your perspective must have been an interminably long period.  I hope not many of you have succumbed to despair.  Well, I'm back now -- intellectually speaking, if not geographically.  I'm currently enjoying a tennis-filled sojourn in warmer climes.  In fact, my old pal DJT was kind enough to offer me the use of his private suite at Mar-a-Lago.  Apparently he's got pressing business in D.C.  Not sure what that's all about.  Some people just don't know how to relax...  I'm not one of them.

I gather the news has been pretty slow, except for the fact that the City of Angels is a roaring inferno.  I've got mixed feelings about that, as you might imagine.  I sympathize with ordinary folks, but my view is that, the more tv and movie studios that burn to cinders, the better!  We'll see how that goes.

As you may be aware, there's an inauguration coming up.  What are your plans for the big day?

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Money and Medicine


Friends, the U.S. health care system is a maze of contradictions.  Depending on who you ask, they'll tell you it's awesome and excellent, or abysmal and excruciating.  Truth is, they'd both be right, because it's a multi-headed hydra, to say the least.  I don't pretend to know much of anything about American health care, especially the business side of it, but I do know one thing for sure: big government is NOT the answer to what ails the system.  We've tried that time and time again, and, so far at least, expanding government funding and control has only made the structural, fundamental problems worse.  Fortunately, with the victory of DJT, we don't have to worry about being forced into a single-payer system, or "Medicare-for-All".  The solutions that Trump and Republicans are likely to pursue are market-oriented, and that gives me hope.  What gives me even more hope is the actions of men like Elon Musk and RFK, Jr., who want to uncouple government policy from corporate financial interests.  Anyway, the subject of health care is the focus of my latest article, as you can see here:

Don't Believe the Left's Crocodile Tears for UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson

Starstruck adulation is the last response you would expect rational, compassionate people to give to the acts of a cold-blooded killer, but such is the twisted state of American political discourse that many otherwise intelligent and decent people have expressed admiration for, and even approval of, the gunning down of health insurance executive Brian Thompson. The perpetrator, as by now everyone knows, was the privileged youth Luigi Mangione, who felt that, based on his own struggles with America's health care system, he was entitled to deprive Mr. Thompson of his life. The fact that Mangione is conventionally handsome, and the fact that private health insurance company executives are presumptively diabolical, has led a distressing number of progressives to conclude that, in fact, Mangione's slaying of Thompson was a righteous deed.

Wendell Potter, a former health insurance executive himself, and a convert to the cause of abolishing private insurance and promoting government-run health care instead, is not among those who lionize Luigi Mangione. In fact, in his latest New York Times op-ed, Potter is at pains to describe Thompson's death as “tragic” and “horrific”. What Potter and the Times are not above, however, is exploiting the media sensation surrounding this execution-style killing in order to shine a bright and unflattering light on the health insurance industry, which was, of course, Mangione's real target in the first place. Neat trick, that! No wonder Potter has been praised by left-wing icons like Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders. His zeal is commendable, even if his timing is obscene.

And what is the goal of people like Wendell Potter, health care analyst extraordinaire, and of leftist media organizations like the New York Times? It is, as it has always been, to abolish private health insurance. It is to maximize government funding and government oversight with respect to all forms of health care, with an eye to creating a single-payer system and/or extending Medicare or Medicaid coverage to all Americans, such that private insurance companies would wither away. The premise, as always, is that government-provided or public health care is inherently better and more equitable than capitalist health care. Let's be more like Cuba, these brainiacs keep telling us, where every conceivable medical treatment is provided free of charge, and no one ever grows sick and dies (more or less)!

Now, is the American health care system perfect? No, not by a long shot. It is, as almost everyone agrees, way too expensive, bureaucratic, and reactive rather than preventive. Be that as it may, the advocates of greater government funding and control, like Mr. Potter, have been selling us the same bill of goods for decades now, and the one thing we can say for sure is that, whatever the ills of American health care may be, these crypto-socialists don't have the answer.

Consider that Wendell Potter, like almost all health care advocates beloved of the editorial board of the New York Times, was a big supporter of Obamacare, a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act of 2010. Well, did Obamacare fix the high cost of American health care? Did it eliminate high deductibles and medical bankruptcies, which so offend Mr. Potter? Did it clamp down on health insurance company profits? No, no, and no! Indeed, the expansion of government funding and control that Obamacare embodied, while it may have improved access for some, solved none of the fundamental problems of our health care system, and it appears to have worsened many of them. And that fact only confirms what we have known ever since the 1960s: the steady expansion of government funding for, and control over, health care has been matched by a steady increase in the cost of such care, and declining public confidence in the fairness and effectiveness of the American medical system overall. In other words, in so many ways, more government has not proved to be the solution to the problem – it has become the problem. This is a fact which men like Mr. Potter seem incapable of grasping.

The good news, however, is that, with both houses of Congress now in Republican hands, and with Donald J. Trump returning to the White House, the Left's and the establishment's long-cherished dream of socialized medicine in the USA is and will remain just that: a dream. In fact, single-payer health insurance and “Medicare-for-All” are arguably more distant prospects now that at any time in recent memory. Thank heavens for that!

At the end of the day, America's mostly private health care system still works, in many ways better than any other system in the world. What works even better, historically speaking, are capitalism and competition, and here's hoping that, under Trump, we will get more, not less, of both!

Dr. Nicholas L. Waddy is an Associate Professor of History at SUNY Alfred and blogs at: He appears on the Newsmakers show on WLEA/WYSL.


And here it is at World Net Daily:  


P.S. Here's a great article about what Javier Milei has been able to accomplish in Argentina.  This is one of the few examples in modern history of a government getting smaller, so we ought to sit up and take notice!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Boy From South Africa


Friends, some people really don't like Elon Musk.  These days, most of the Musk haters are lefties who -- let's face it -- hate anyone who gums up the works of the coming socialist utopia.  Others, however, are conservatives who view Elon as insufficiently conservative.  Witness the recent "MAGA Civil War" over the issue of H1-B visas for highly skilled immigrants.  I try to settle the matter once and for all in my latest article.

Musk is Right: We Can't Make America Great Again Without the Best and Brightest Immigrants

Recently, the Left has delighted in pointing out the internal contradictions and tensions within the MAGA movement, of which, admittedly, there are many. No doubt this Schadenfreude brings progressives some minimal comfort as conservatives, Republicans, and Trumpers – not to mention Trump himself – solidify their control over both houses of Congress and the presidency.

The fact that there are debates and sometimes even heated disagreements on the right, however, does not mean that the incoming administration, and the movement it represents, will be ineffectual. Quite the contrary! As leftists seem long ago to have forgotten, dissent is healthy, and from these pointed discussions will emerge a set of Trump policies that have been purified of the kind of self-congratulatory idiocy that the closed system of progressivism so often produces.

A case in point is the current debate over H1-B visas, which are praised by many tech sector conservatives, like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, and roundly condemned by nationalist conservatives like Steve Bannon.

H1-B visas have existed since 1990. They give foreigners in “specialty occupations” the ability to come to the U.S. to work for sponsoring employers for a defined period, usually between three and six years. Every H1-B recipient must have at least a Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualifications, and he or she must receive a salary of at least $60,000/year. Hundreds of thousands of H1-B visa holders currently work in a range of occupations, especially in I.T.

From the Muskian perspective, the brain drain from developing countries to the United States, which brings us legions of the world's greatest inventors, innovators, and experts, provides enormous net benefits to the American economy and to the American way of life. From the nationalist perspective, U.S. companies should always employ Americans first, and they should never employ cheaper foreign labor at the expense of American workers.

While these views may seem incompatible, the fact is that they are not. When programs like the H1-B visa scheme bring to America computer whizzes and other professionals who are unobtainable locally, they can add enormous strength to our most dynamic industries. When, however, U.S. companies fire or layoff their domestic employees (as was allegedly the case at Musk's own Tesla) to replace them with cheaper foreign H1-B worker drones, then the purpose of the scheme itself has been subverted, along with the standard of living of some of the most highly educated and skilled Americans.

While it may be tempting to slam the door shut against legal and illegal immigration simultaneously, given the flood of humanity that has poured across our borders in the last four years, that would not be right, and it would not be wise. What is needed is a thoughtful, balanced approach that emphasizes and perhaps even increases those types of immigration that strengthen America, and that curbs, or even completely ends, those types of immigration that disrespect our laws, undercut our wages, and ultimately serve no one's interests except those of the immigrants themselves.

For example, if we wish only to receive the world's “best and brightest” through the H1-B program, then why not increase the educational requirements to a Master's degree or better, or why not boost the minimum salary requirement to $100,000/year or more? Donald Trump himself has voiced support for this approach, which would hardly inconvenience the vast majority of existing H1-B visa holders or employers, since average salaries are already far in excess of this. No U.S. companies would be tempted to replace an American with a “cheap” foreigner, needless to say, if the foreigners who received H1-B visas were no longer cheap!

Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and other conservatives in the tech sector and corporate America are not fools. They realize that the H1-B visa system needs reform, and they support laws and policies that aim to protect American economic interests and American workers, first and foremost. What they don't support – and none of us should – is a narrow-minded xenophobia that views all foreign talent, no matter how stellar, as suspect.

As some doors at our borders rightly slam shut, therefore, let's ensure that others remain open, and, in some cases, that new doors and pathways are created, always keeping in mind that a country of lawful and responsible immigration is what the United States of America was meant to be.

Dr. Nicholas L. Waddy is an Associate Professor of History at SUNY Alfred and blogs at: He appears on the Newsmakers show on WLEA/WYSL.




In other news, some Europeans are talking tough in response to Donald Trump's refusal to rule out the use of force to ensure U.S. control over Greenland and the Panama Canal.  Could the massive EU navy be deployed to the Arctic Ocean?  Do you need to start building a bunker in your backyard in case of EU airstrikes?  No, one presumes that the future of Greenland is almost entirely up to Trump himself.  How pushy is the man prepared to get?  Hmmmmm. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Star Is Aborted?


Friends, in a sign that the leftist elite really has lost its collective mind, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson recently appeared in a broadway show, "& Juliet", an LGBTQ+++++++++ extravaganza!  Wow.  Since there's no danger that KBJ will make a great impression as a jurist, perhaps this is, on balance, the best use of her time?  To me, it's a reminder about how out of touch with reality these people are, and how obsessed the progressive leadership class is with gay and transgender ideology, for whatever reason.  With role models like these, I feel confident that lefties will be losing elections for years and indeed decades to come...  So, in other words, don't let this stunning performance be your last, KBJ!!!  America wants more, more, more!


In other news, Meta/Facebook has doubled down on its endorsement of free speech rights, and Mark Zuckerberg is putting his own credibility on the line.  I'm impressed!  The move from CA to TX is particularly telling.  Google, are you listening?  It's time to get on the bandwagon!


McDonald's is tweaking its DEI policies in ways that should enhance REAL equality rather than phony neo-Marxist "equity".  Good for them!  Corporate America may not be instinctively noble, but it knows a threat to the bottom line when it sees it, and wokeness has become such a threat.


Finally, Don Jr. is paying Greenland a visit, as Trump once again invites Canada to join the United States!  Who would have guessed that territorial expansion would be one of the major themes of the Biden-Trump interregnum?  Golly!  Trump hasn't ruled out the use of force to achieve some of these ambitious goals, but it's still hard to imagine that he would be willing to go to war to annex...Greenland?  Manitoba?  Maybe he's hoping that, if he overloads the TDS hate machine before he even takes office, it will choke on its own bile and sputter to a halt...  Brilliant! 

Monday, January 6, 2025

That Was Awkward...


Friends, in a bizarre, uniquely American, ritual, Vice-President Kamala Harris, the loser in the 2024 presidential election, was today forced to preside over the Congressional certification of her nemesis, Donald J. Trump, as the winner of the same election.  Ouch!  It was Kamala's "Mike Pence moment", you might say, except that no one was trying to bash in the door at the time.  Who, quite frankly, on January 6th, 2021, would have predicted that we'd be in this situation four years later?  Redemption for DJT was always a possibility, I suppose, but what a long, strange trip it's been!  The Dems are delighting in reminding us of the abominable crimes of four years ago, of course, as they exhult in their exemplary behavior in the wake of their recent election drubbing.  Well, fine.  Let them pat themselves on the back about something.  No one, and I mean no one, would question even for a second that leftists are intellectually and morally superior to all other beings, mortal or divine, after all.  We conservatives are pygmies by comparison.  Ergo, we'll just have to take the presidency and both houses of Congress as a consolation prize...  It's our cross to bear.  (Ha!)


To make the day extra special, we also learned that Justin Trudeau, iron-fisted tyrant of Canada, is resigning, giving our neighbors to the north some potential relief from progressive misrule.  Hooray for Canada, and hooray for common sense! 

How much can DOGE accomplish in the next four years?  Ordinarily, you wouldn't think a small group of efficiency nerds would scare the Deep State very much, but, when you put Elon Musk at the head of those nerds, the stakes get a whole lot higher...  This article ably summarizes the challenges that DOGE will face.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Zuck Doesn't Suck?


Friends, remember how elated we were when Elon Musk took over Twitter and turned it into a platform where conservatives wouldn't be treated like pariahs and psycho killers?  We saw it as a mighty victory over the censorship complex that the Left and its fellow travelers had built, and we were right.  Well, the ongoing transformation of Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., into a company that respects free speech and treats Donald Trump like the global statesman he is, rather than a carnival huckster/insurrectionist, is equally significant and, in its own way, even more remarkable.  A few years ago, Facebook banned Trump indefinitely.  Now Mark Zuckerberg is dining with Trump, donating to his inauguration, and appointing a Republican (!) to head his global policy team.  Wow!  What a difference a few years makes.  Is all of this a response to Trump's big election victory?  Yes and no.  It's also, I would argue, a response to the growing popularity of conservative ideas, as well as the escalating alienation of leftists from popular opinion, simple decency and open-mindedness, and objective reality.  In any case, whatever improves conservatives' access to these critical online forums and to public discourse in general is a very good thing. 

Listen in to this week's Newsmakers show and you'll learn my thoughts on the recent terrorist incidents in New Orleans and Las Vegas, the reelection of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House, Liz Cheney's latest honor from the leftist establishment, the upcoming MAGA rally before the official presidential inauguration, the ramifications of Chinese hacking, the debate over H1B visas, Sleepy Joe's commutations of most federal death sentences, the prospects for U.S. territorial expansion, the impact of Jimmy Carter on American political life, the challenges involved in "making America healthy again", and the degree to which some MAGA goals may or may not be a "lost" cause.  Wow!

When we get to This Day in History, Brian and I also consider LBJ's "Great Society" programs and the proper role of government in our lives.


That's about half an hour of pure, unadulterated Waddy!!!  Man, oh man!  Can you have too much of a good thing?  We're about to find out...

Friday, January 3, 2025

On Thin Ice


Friends, let us all congratulate and commiserate with Mike Johnson, who has been reelected Speaker of the House, with Donald Trump's fulsome support, and will now have to battle (vainly?) to shove Trump's agenda through a recalcitrant legislative body.  Will he get America where it needs to go?  Will he even survive as Speaker for two full years?  Who can say.  What we know for sure is that Republicans have averted disaster for at least a few days, and that's better than...the obvious alternative!


Meta's transformation from woke, Trump-bashing digital megaphone to even-handed, Trump-friendly online marketplace of ideas has been, in grand historical terms, remarkably speedy.  The same platform that banned Trump four years ago is now embracing him, and conservatism, rather brazenly.  One assumes that the Left will gird itself to punish and boycott Meta, which is okay by me, because that will only confirm Zuckerberg and friends in the assumption that the progressives have gone off the deep end. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Best of Times?



Friends, 2025 promises to be a wondrous experience for Trump supporters, and a deeply disspirting one for Trump haters.  Of course, Trump isn't the ONLY person or thing that will define the year ahead.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on what the top stories of 2025 are likely to be...

In the meantime, if you're a typical denizen of the internets, you're probably dealing with a lot of anger and self-loathing.  Not to worry!  WaddyIsRight has your back.  Here are some tips on how to make 2025 your happiest year yet...  I recommend buying (or renting) a puppy.


China is getting increasingly bold in its hacking of Western companies, governments, and opinion leaders.  What does this mean?  If we retaliate, which presumably we will, could this digital cold war escalate into a hot one? 

The recent airplane crash in South Korea is a real puzzlement.  Some aspects of it just don't seem to add up.  Hopefully in the days ahead we'll have more to go on.


Lastly, feel free to reflect on the passing of Jimmy Carter.  In my humble opinion, he was a mediocre president, at best, but it's certainly conceivable that he could have won reelection and thus forestalled the Reagan Revolution.  Indeed, that's what almost all insiders and experts expected.  Democracy can really throw us a curveball now and then, no?

Friday, December 27, 2024

Catching Some Rays


Friends, make no mistake -- I am pro-sun.  Where would we be without the sun?  In the dark, for sure, and very, very cold.  That's why it's a good thing that scientists are studying the sun more intensely, and more intimately, than ever before.  No sign yet, though, that President Trump has any intention of annexing the sun, although I suspect it's only a matter of time...


In other news, Germany's government has collapsed and new elections are coming in February.  The "far-right" AfD looks likely to finish a strong second to the establishment conservatives.  Will a coalition government arise between the two parties, therefore?  One assumes not, because all the mainstream parties in Germany seem obsessed with giving the cold shoulder to the "far-right".  The more things change, the more they stay the same? 

In a sign of CNN's abject humiliation and growing irrelevance, the rising star of conservative journalism, Newsmax, frequently beats it in the ratings.  Wow!  Imagine that!  CNN used to have a monopoly on cable news.  Now it barely has an audience at all.


Finally, a tempest is brewing in the MAGA-verse regarding the desirability of importing highly skilled immigrants to fill some of America's most desirable jobs, particularly in the tech sector.  Musk and Ramasawamy argue that America needs the world's best and brightest, whereas some conservatives feel that we should always hire Americans first and foremost.  The two views are not necessarily incompatible, but finding the right balance in our legal immigration policy won't be easy. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Are Leftists The New Shakers?


Friends, as my Christmas gift to you, I bring you this somewhat tongue-in-cheek article about how thankful we should we to crazy leftists for deciding to become celibate in reaction to the election victory of one Donald J. Trump.  This author is having a little fun at the progressives' expense, which is always tempting, but he raises a valid point.  Leftists believe that human beings, or rather human society, is inherently evil, oppressive, and environmentally destructive.  They look forward to a world with fewer people rather than more.  They often believe it is a sin against wokeness to have children yourself -- those little racist, sexist carbon machines that, after all, spoil our plans to get high all day and watch reruns of Barack Obama speeches.  The upshot is that people who think cutting off your genitals is morally superior to using them to make babies are not terribly likely to be fruitful and multiply, and thus, in the final analysis, conservatism, of a sort, might win a resounding demographic victory over leftism, in its current, horribly disfigured manifestation.  A comforting thought?  Perhaps!


Another sweet morsel for your Christmas stocking: Trump's favorability numbers are at an all-time high.  What's more, we know many of these pollsters are underrating Trump's popularity, even now.  Bodes well, I'd say!