
Monday, October 14, 2024

Calling the Hail Mary


Friends, what do you do when you're six points down, the clock is about to run out, and you've got the ball at midfield?  Duh!  You throw one last desperate pass towards the end zone and...hope for the best!  This is increasingly the situation that Democrats find themselves in, as Kamala Harris's poll numbers gradually deteriorate, with DJT already in a winning position in the battleground states.  My latest article is about the angst Democrats and progressives are now feeling, and the expedients they might consider to rescue themselves from what, from their perspective, would be a fate worse than death: a second term for Trump.  See if you agree with my reasoning...

Along the same lines, check out the wild, inflammatory, alarmist rhetoric oozing out of James Carville.  Does he believe this nonsense?  He may, and if he does, and if other pillars of the establishment feel the same way, then what further tricks might they have up their sleeves to prevent Trump from becoming president again?  My advice: don't take a victory lap until Trump takes the oath of office, and maybe not even then!

Finally, an agent of the East German Stasi (secret police) was just sentenced to ten years in prison for shooting a man who was attempting to extort his way out of the country by pretending to be a terrorist.  Wild!  As always, I take the side of law enforcement.  Give that man a gold watch, I say!  In all seriousness, the East Germans were very good at wall-building and border enforcement.  Maybe we should hire this guy as a consultant?

Sunday, October 13, 2024

At the Cliff's Edge


Friends, our hearts go out to leftists on this Sunday just three and a half weeks before the election.  To say that they've been gripped by angst would be a distinct understatement.  Even their own polls, like the NBC poll just out today, show the race between Trump and Harris a dead heat.  Not surprisingly, they can't wrap their prodigious brains around this information, since Harris is joyful and wonderful and competent and accomplished and loves "democracy" ever so much, and Trump, by contrast, is...Trump.  How can the American people be on the fence between these two candidates, different as night and day?  Conservatives are baffled too, but a lot less so, because they fully expect that half the country will be listening to the siren's song of the mainstream media.  For progressives, as Kamala's honeymoon evaporates -- and we can't deny it was nice, from a leftist perspective, while it lasted -- the reality is setting in that all the lawfare, all the hyperbolic invective, all the years of stewing in TDS, haven't fundamentally changed the country's perspective on Trump.  In fact, perceptions of Trump and Trump's first term have improved recently, suggesting that efforts to undermine him may even be backfiring.  Heck, even bullets bounce off the guy!!!  As a Democrat or a progressive, you can understand why you'd be close to losing your mind at this stage -- assuming, of course, that you ever had a firm grip on reality to begin with.  It's worth remembering, along these lines, that a cornered animal, which is what leftists have become, is a very dangerous one.  Staring into the abyss of fathomless "fascism", the children of light may be tempted to turn to the darkness.  In other words, they might grasp at any straw that promises them deliverance from imminent calamity, which means that Republicans, conservatives, Trumpers, and patriots, while they may be tantalizingly close to ending the Biden-Harris train wreck, are also flirting with potential disaster themselves.  When the Democrats play their last card, in a desperate effort to ward off Trumpery, who can say that they wouldn't be willing to destroy democracy in order to "save" it?  You've been warned!


Here you'll find Mika Brzezinski, an MSNBC drone, fretting about Trump's viability.  One of the best things about this moment, if you ask me, is that Dems and progressives are starting to play the identity politics card on one another, i.e. arguing over whether it's white men, or white women, or black men, or black women, or Hispanic men, or Hispanic women, who are to blame for Kamala's weak poll numbers.  All I can say is: ha!  You reap what you sow, lefties.  Please, form up into a circular firing squad and...let 'er rip!


And here is the aforementioned NBC poll, which admittedly shows a slightly better overall picture than the ABC or CBS polls, also released today: 

It's significant that SNL considers Kamala Harris eligible for mockery, because they've tended not to lay a glove on the Democratic presidential candidate at key moments.  I suspect the writers and producers must have argued long and hard over whether to subject Kamala to their subtle arts.


Finally, the Left is trying to suggest that Elon Musk has gone "all in" for Trump, and I'm happy to see that he's providing some financial support to Trump and Republicans, but the numbers discussed in this article are, frankly, chump change in electoral terms, and are totally derisory when you consider how rich Musk is and how much jeopardy he says he will be in if Trump loses.  Come on, Elon!  Step it up!  Time is short.  No conservative billionaire can afford to be stingy in this critical moment. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Dum Spiro Spero


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show includes a reflection on the fate of Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon's Vice-President, who, like Nixon, won reelection in an unprecedented landslide, but was then ruined by a craftily executed campaign of what amounted to a 70s version of lawfare.  The lesson: when the Deep State wants you "out", you're out!  Possibly that was truer in the 70s than it is now, though?  The survival of DJT suggests as much.  Brian and I also consider France's exit from Vietnam in 1954, and the bombing of St. Paul's Cathedral in October 1940.


When we turn to current events, Brian and I ponder the turnaround in the betting markets, with Trump regaining the advantage over Kamala Harris, Harris's massive spending edge over Trump and what it portends, the prospect that Google could be broken up as part of the government's anti-trust case against it, Trump's latest Butler rally, Liz Cheney's nothingburger endorsement of Kamala Harris, as well as the political fallout from Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Bottom line: this week's show is bearing down on you like the Category 5 radio hurricane that it is!!!  Batten down the hatches and enjoy.



In other news, the latest polls, and the updated betting market odds, show continued movement towards Trump, and you're starting to see glimmers of panic on the Left.  I'm not saying Trump has anything in the bag, but, if you're a Trumper, hope springs eternal, and you're decidedly NOT grasping at straws!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Harris Machine


Friends, on one point Kamala Harris has every reason to smile, and maybe even guffaw: money.  She's raised more, and she's spending more.  Billions upon billions will be expended by the party representing the political, social, and economic establishment to ensure that it is protected from the ravages of Donald Trump and his legions of bloodthirsty, insane, fascistic Trumpers.  Will it work?  Money matters in politics, to be sure, but Trump was outspent in 2016 and 2020 as well, and it didn't stop him from exceeding expectations in both cases.  Note that Trump, a billionaire, has never invested much of his own money in his political (mis)adventures.  One might reasonably ask: why not?  That's especially true this year, when it's fairly clear that, if Trump loses, he stands a very good chance of ending his life in prison.  In any case, neither Trump nor any other deep-pocketed Republican or conservative seems motivated to spend the money necessary to close the gap with Kamala and her wealthy supporters.  Will Trump and Trumpers ultimately regret this lapse?  We'll see.

In a hopeful sign for Trump, he's retaken a small lead in the betting markets, and you're beginning to see faint indications of panic on the Left.  Of course, everything remains closer than close!

Finally, the DOJ is keeping the pressure on Google, and there is even talk of breaking up the company.  I say: DO IT!!!  Google is an anti-competitive behemoth and its dismemberment would make this country, and this world, a better place.  I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that the DOJ isn't serious.  Lawsuits like these may just be shots across Google's bow, i.e. a gentle reminder not to the bite the hand that feeds them, and is in turn fed by them.  Ultimately, the government and Google are in a symbiotic relationship.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Dark Shade of MAGA


Friends, the transition of Elon Musk, from conventional techie progressive to ebullient Trump supporter and free speech activist, has been remarkable to witness.  He completed his journey today by appearing onstage with Trump in Butler, PA, as both men recalled the failed assassination attempt against Trump in July, and as they exhorted Trump backers, and the undecided, to vote en masse for DJT as though the future of American democracy depended on it, which it very well might.  Say what you want about the phenomenon of Trumpism, but it sure has produced some monumental realignments in our country's political life.  And Musk's, lest we forget, is a voice that many young people and highly educated types listen to.  Let's hope they listen intently. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Papal Infallibility


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show with me and Brian O'Neil reaches way, way back to the 1990s as we recall Sinead O'Connor's imprudent critique of Pope John Paul II on a little program known as Saturday Night Live.  People didn't react well to that, for you see John Paul II was a man commonly regarded as almost as holy as me!  Brian and I also tackle the reunification of Germany in 1991, and the strong American support for the IRA back in the 1980s.

Of course, we spend most of the show analyzing current events, including a deep dive into the nature and likely impact of the big Vice-Presidential debate.  We also consider the hostility between Israel, Iran, and Iran's proxies in Lebanon.  We ponder Elon Musk's argument that this election might be our last, Ukrainian President Zelensky's effort to mend fences with DJT, and the closure of Britain's last coal-fired power plant.


Not to put too much pressure on you, but my understanding is that anyone who listens to this week's show gets an automatic pass into heaven, might want to check it out.




In other news, Rep. Byron Donalds makes an argument here that I believe more Republicans ought to be making: he's tying our problem with inflation directly to Kamala Harris.  Indeed, you can argue that, on the vast majority of Biden-Harris policy initiatives, Harris played a minor role.  In the Senate, though, she personally cast the tie-breaking votes that massively expanded government spending at a critical juncture for our economy.  Without Kamala, in other words, inflation might not have been so extreme.  Food for thought (assuming you can afford food). 

Finally, this is a brilliant political argument by Republicans: they're claiming that the federal government doesn't have enough resources to help the victims of Hurricane Helene because of...illegal immigration.  In fact, this line of attack is rather questionable, but in an election year it sure could move some voters in a red-ward direction!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024



Friends, I invite your comments on tonight's debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, but my initial reaction is that Vance lived up to his billing as an intellectually robust, articulate, and extremely affable Trumper.  He did, in my estimation, a much better job of selling the Trump record, and trashing the Biden-Harris record, than Trump did himself.  I doubt that any Vice-Presidential debate will ever prove decisive, but Vance reminded the American people that Kamala Harris has had three and a half years to solve all our problems, and instead she has only made them worse.  Enough said???

Monday, September 30, 2024

Democracy at Death's Door?


Friends, Elon Musk recently tweeted at length about the stakes in this election, and he makes a persuasive case.  Basically, he asserts that Democrats are using mass immigration to alter the nation's demographics and turn it into California -- a deep blue one-party state.  I believe he's right about Democrats' intentions, but he may be mistaken about the ultimate outcome.  Florida has become extremely diverse in much the same way that California has, and it is moving from purple to red.  Likewise, DJT is earning record levels of support from Hispanics and Asians, which suggests that Democratic one-party rule may not be inevitable as whites recede into minority status.  Musk's argument may be speculative, therefore, but he's basically correct that Democrats are seeking to negate the competitiveness of American politics by changing the nature of the voters themselves.  And you have to hand it to them: their strategy has borne fruit in places like Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina.  Who's to say it won't work nationally, in the final analysis?

Meanwhile, there's a lot of hubbub this cycle about how masculine Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff are, and the implication is that men ought to be flocking to the Dems' colors, because it's the macho thing to do.  Of course, the Democrats have ignored men and their problems for decades, so it's interesting that they're choosing this moment to play catchup.  Will it work?  Will all those stupid men fall for it?  Well, we are stupid, and violent, and smelly, and "weird", so maybe...  Anyway, if one asks the question: which gender has it worse in America, the answer is not necessarily clear.

In Europe, the "far right" is celebrating a big election win in Austria, while in France Marine Le Pen and other nationalist, anti-immigration leaders are on trial based on what may be a European version of lawfare.  I wouldn't be shocked if Europe gradually took a more authoritarian approach to the suppression of the populist right, would you?

Finally, the U.K. has passed a singular milestone: it's closing its very last coal-fired power plant.  Now, if you know anything about the industrial revolution, you would be aware that it started in Britain and it relied overwhelmingly on coal.  Thus, the abandonment of coal is both a signal of Britain's commitment to fighting climate change, and a reflection of Britain's deindustrialization, as increasingly the hard, dirty work of "making stuff" is outsourced to countries like China -- which most certainly burn coal, and lots of it!  Anyway, it's a remarkable shift for Britain, and it comes with one major caveat: "sustainable" energy is proving a heck of a lot more expensive!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Courting Trump


Friends, many conservatives were disappointed with the performance of Donald Trump as president in his first term.  Specifically, he seemed unable to master the Deep State or to reverse the political fortunes of Democrats.  Quite the contrary, the Deep State and the Democratic Party are stronger now than when Trump took office.  Be all this as it may, few conservatives would argue that Trump did a poor job of selecting federal judges and Supreme Court Justices.  The leftist campaign to discredit the courts, and especially SCOTUS, is a testament to Trump's success in this regard.  This article, however, points out that not all Trump appointees have been in agreement on critical issues, and Trump might, in his second term, take over the selection process himself rather than farming it out to the Federalist Society.  Purely from a "progressive" standpoint, this prospect is more than a little terrifying, because it could yield a judicial branch that doesn't just lean right, but leans Trumpy!

Meanwhile, note that, anytime Trump supporters break the law or use violence, the media has a collective freakout, and they don't stop harping on the issue for years.  Note also that when leftists or Trump haters violate the law or start shooting up the neighborhood, the Left and the Democrats mouth the standard platitudes and then quickly memory-hole the incident.  Hey, nobody ever said life was fair!

Friday, September 27, 2024



Friends, apparently efforts are underway to bring Trump and Zelensky together to deescalate tensions between the fellow who may soon be president again and "our man in Kyiv".  How nice.  Wouldn't want that flow of arms to be interrupted even for a millisecond!  Meanwhile, an extraordinary tete-a-tete occurred last night between Trump and the leftist U.K. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer.  Starmer and his associates have demonized Trump, but now they want to butter him up, just in case he becomes leader of the free world again.  Can't say I blame them.  Prudence before progressivism is a wise approach.


Here's a very perceptive analysis of what is, from a leftist perspective, an extremely puzzling and troubling trend: growing non-white support for Trump.  I mean, Trump is a Nazi, right?  Why would blacks, Hispanics, and Asians lend him their votes?  You have to give the people at Vox credit -- they put their invective aside for five minutes to examine the question... 

Finally, the failures of the Secret Service in Butler, PA are quite extraordinary, and the Feds' reticence to share information with the public even more so.  I'm not a conspiracy theorist myself, but I do question how high a priority it can be for a Trump-hating government agency (and let's be honest: all our government agencies are stacked with Trump haters) to protect Donald J. Trump from those who wish to harm him...