
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Speak to the Hand!


Friends, the dastardly Dems and their allies in the media are beside themselves with worry because our august House of Representatives has ground to a halt.  "Democracy" is on the brink, don't you know!  My latest article reveals the hollowness of the Left's talking points re: the battle for the Speakership.


In other news, one of the many judges in one of the many trials that DJT is now undergoing has threatened him with imprisonment, a couple of times in one day!  And this, I think, is where American politics is headed: Trump will be jailed, initially for "contempt", and probably later on because he's been convicted of any number of bogus crimes, thus preventing him from campaigning effectively for the presidency; and, moreover, the legal action(s) against him will be used to justify efforts to exclude him from the ballot, or to throw out the votes that are cast for him.  All this will seem transparently political, opportunistic, ruthless, and anti-democratic to Republicans and conservatives, but equally reasonable and fair-minded to Trump haters.  The key question is: how will middle-of-the-road independents and swing voters react?  So far they've been filled with ennui regarding the melodrama of The United States vs. Donald J. Trump, but later on who can say how they will actually vote.  And, even if they did vote for Trump, would it matter if enough jurisdictions and/or states discounted their ballots?  That could render the whole election a moot point.


Finally, the fiscal health of our nation continues to deteriorate, and all the while we're told how Bidenomics has uplifted us to undreamed of economic heights.  Still, perceptions of economic adversity are all relative, and it's not clear that the American people are anxious enough about the economy to propel DJT, or any Republican, to victory. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your comments on the House situation: well said. I would add: the dems are hoping for an impasse leading to the seating of a spineless "oh really now, lets all just get along shall we?" Vichy Republican instead of an hombre who knows them for the grim incipient totalitarians they are.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The disgrace of jail for DJT is the apparent nuclear option for the antiamerican left in extinguishing the existential threat they think he embodies. How would independents react with the election still a year away? How would we persuade them that this grapeshot misuse of our legal system is profoundly undemocratic and clearly predictive of how that left would rule? With the MSM stacked against us how do we reveal to Americans of good will how the left, in disguising this onslaught with the color of the rule of law, of which they made a mockery in protecting the Clintons, thumbs its nose at America?How would Trump nation react?A reckoning may be at hand!

  3. Jack, there's no doubt that a weak Republican House leadership suits the Dems to a tee. Now, they may harbor some hope that a small number of Republicans may form a coalition with the Dem caucus to rule the chamber. That might even work, IF the Speaker was one of those Vichy Republicans you mentioned.

    Yes, how the country would react to the imprisonment of DJT is the $64,000 question. The apoplectic rage of Trumpers can be assumed, but the Dems seem less and less to care whether we, as conservatives, are reconciled to their version of "democracy" or not. They intend, pretty clearly, to beat us, marginalize us, and be done with us for all time. The truth is, though, that they might be helping Trump, politically, by jailing him. They would turn him into a martyr, AND they would prevent him, tangentially, from constantly shooting himself in the foot on the campaign trail. I am beginning to think that putting Orange Man Bad into an orange jumpsuit might not be nearly enough to pull the Dems' chestnuts out of the fire. As long as Biden is their man, they're running on empty, it seems to me.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well, naturally the dems would join such a coalition only with the intent of wringing concessions.Their goal remains totalitarian left. I think Freedom Caucus people would be the most hostile group in the GOP against a Vichy speaker. But dem intentions are absolute anathema to them. Who in the GOP would be willing to cooperate with Hakeem Jeffries? Probably only Vichys but they would be loathe to do so unless they brought the Vichy Speaker with them to such a shameful surrender.Is the GOP on the verge of schism? Those GOP reps who are completely fed up with accomodation of the disdainful dems are going to stick with it this time I think: zero tolerance, no retreat.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yesterday Drudge reported " Six Chinese warships deploying to an unknown destination in the 'Middle East' " from Oman. That in itself is nothing new; the Chinese have been in the Indian Ocean and the West African littoral to guard their pro!ific commerce with Africa for awhile now and Oman is in the Middle East. The ships include at least two support vessels and the combatants are medium size destroyer types. They are probably advancing to show the flag; they are not strong enough to fight the Israeli or US navies. Their destination might suggest their mission: if they move up the Persian Gulf that may be to show support for Iran, with which they have a close relationship. They are capable of lending early warning and antiaircraft aid to Iran. If they go to the Red Sea, their proximity to Israel would be a thumb in US and Israeli eyes.If they enter the Mediterranean. . . ?

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack:Ditto on DJT.

  7. "East African littoral" that is.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Isn't that "Tippeler" Oneill, once House Speaker , in the picture? Even he would be a choice far more palateable than Hakkim Jeffries. The dems have cursed our national legislature with a counterintuitive, harrowing depth of openly anti American conviction and grim intent.

  9. Jack, it was never very likely that the Dems would cobble together a majority in coalition with RINOs...but I'm glad we dodged that bullet, all the same.

    Jack, I would want to know if there's anything unusual about small numbers of Chinese ships taking a pleasure cruise into the Gulf. I doubt there is, or that their presence signals much of anything, except a cry for attention.

    Yup, that's Tip O'Neill, all right! Boy, have the Dems fallen far since the 80s. Tip and Reagan worked well together, as I'm sure you know.
