
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Painting the Night Sky Red


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show with me and Brian O'Neil includes a somber reflection on the historical significance of the Sovet Union's firsts in space, including Sputnik, as well as an analysis of how World War I came to an end.  In addition, we naturally cover all the most newsworthy recent developments, including the possibility of British troop deployments in Ukraine, the ouster of Kevin McCarthy and the search for his replacement as Speaker of the House, the (not yet confirmed) independent candidacy of RFK, Jr. for the presidency, the ongoing persecution of DJT in NYS courts, the politics of illegal immigration, the Congressional "fire alarm" controversy, the potential for a collision between Trump and the leftist judges who may try to "gag" him, and the abominable choice that Gavin Newsom made when selecting California's latest U.S. Senator.


We've got all our bases covered this week, folks!


In other news, El Presidente Biden of Las Americas has decided a wall on our border with Mexico!  Actually, his administration has waived a number of permitting requirements to allow the Department of Homeland Security to build about 20 miles of new barriers, but this still represents a very important political retreat for a president who promised that he wouldn't build "another foot" of Trump's border wall.  Clearly, Biden is reading the polls that say that the border crisis is growing acute, and he's sensitive to the complaints from deep blue governors and mayors, who are complaining about the influx of migrants.  Biden's calculation, one assumes, is that showering these Democratic areas with federal dollars, and making a few empty gestures towards immigration enforcement, will be enough to give him political cover.  We shall see. 

Public support for the war in Ukraine is slowly falling, even among Democrats.  Meanwhile, news coverage of the war is also diminishing.  This seemingly undercuts the political viability of the pro-Ukraine, anti-Russia cause, but, then again, hawkish establishment types might reason that "no news is good news", and, as long as the public isn't thinking about Ukraine, the deep state can get away with defying public opinion and supporting the Zelensky regime come what may.  This logic may be sound as well, sad to say. 

Is a recession a-comin'?  That's hard to say, but high interest rates are really starting to weigh on the housing market, although, as yet, not enough to cause prices to fall in any serious way.  Eventually, though, since most of our economy is based on debt, the high cost of borrowing money ought to be, well, crippling.  And there's no end in sight.


Finally, there's big news in the race for the presidency today: Cornel West is definitely running, but NOT as the Green Party candidate.  He'll run instead as an independent.  Is this good news or bad, for DJT and the GOP?  Well, without the resources of the Greens, West might find it harder to get on the ballot in key states.  That's bad.  On the other hand, in some of those key states, voters might be choosing between Trump and Biden and RFK, Jr. and West and a separate Green Party candidate, whomever that may be.  That's very good!  We want lefties to have as many choices besides Biden as possible.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: This epiphany on a border wall is a feint only unless, unless the dems think they have accomplished the disorder they seek. The illegals are of course here to stay (and vote). Should rthey wish though ,the dems can get the "slows" about bureaucratic approval and construction of this monumental 20 MILE fortress. If they really wanted to enforce our immigration laws (they do not), well, we do have a very mobile military - just sayin'. If they win in '24, look for the second phase to commence. That is, the complete enfranchisement of the illegals, replete with comprehensive "protected class" status making
    them "more equal" than the law abiding. All this of course in return for their indenture as antiamerican left worker ants.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: NY state maintains its position in the lead of the march to totalitarianism. America take heed! Our state Attorney General blithely devotes state taxpayers' funds and facilities to her obviously partisan personal "legal" onslaught on President Trump for his insolence in denying the views of the antiamerican left of which she is an enthusiastic soldier. Her actions are inimical to the interests and convictions of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers; they are as insects to her. Isn't this how totalitarians rule? But gee, this is the US(well, in NY, nominally; witness its casual failure to comply with the 2nd Amendment). This stuff doesn't happen in America now does it?

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I like the way McCarthy used the majority he had to stick it to the dems. Of course I fully support the convictions of the hard liners - they fully realize the critical importance of the antiamerican left's harrowing threat to our civilization and the need to confront it now! - I wish them well of this move. Jordan and Trump; that's the stuff of dem nightmares and Maalox years. Anyone who doubts the absolute necessity of giving them greater Congressional power for Jan.'25 need only consider the sickening prospect of Hakeem Jeffries two steps from the Presidency. 'Nuff said.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Is it possible for a Nato country to fight another without involving Nato? We did in Vietnam. It would be most unwise of the Brits to take the field in Ukraine against the Rus and very bad if we were thus drawn in.Yeah, Russia's proximity to all of Europe is of understandably great concern to the UK..But perhaps the Brits ought to imagine how they would regard a Russian army in Ireland, a land with which they have a close relationship perhaps analogous to that which Russia has with Ukraine.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I completely agree with your prediction of West and Bobby 2 candidacies harming Biden's reelection efforts. Instead of a 3rd party, looks like we may have a merry old "election party" this year.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In addition to the offense caused by Newsom's reflexive identity politics motivated Senate appointment , lets hope he's brought in a loose cannon, another AOC if you will, to remind us of just how far the once American dem party has slid. They are dead serious about "FUNDAMENTAL (forced)TRANSFORMATION of our grievously erring country. Her inaugural pronunciamento on the floor might be a doozy.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah I remember Sputnik. I was in 5th grade and I was a kid astronomer and even by then most kids my age knew about Russian evil in their onslaught on Hungary so I was disappointed when we didn't do a satellite before them. Then our first attempt fluffed on the pad and that was worse. But in Jan.'58 things got better for a little while when we put up Explorer. But then the Rus put a dog in orbit, fur the luvva pete! Now I do think the Russian space effort was heroic: took alot of guts to be anywhere near one of those unstable Rus contraptions and especially to ride one.It was an astonishing achievement for a country so terribly ravaged in then recent WWII. Of course they slighted Russia's economy to pay for the megaboosters they originally built to terrify the unsoviet world by launching vacuum tube warheads into the heavens (sic).

  8. I agree: Biden's wall gambit is a "feint", and one that even he doesn't seem to take seriously. I do believe, however, that the Dems are starting to sweat about the political fallout from the migrant influx, and so they may try to close off the spigot somewhat (temporarily).

    So is that a full-throated endorsement of Jim Jordan from you, Jacko? I have no dog in this fight, personally. I don't believe a Republican House can accomplish much of anything no matter who runs it, except, as I have said, by confirming Biden as the Dem standard-bearer by attacking him via impeachment.

    No, I don't think an attack on British forces outside of Britain would necessitate NATO intervention. It never has before. It's part of a process of escalation, though, that's still very dangerous.

    Jack, AOC and her ilk are an embarrassment to the Dems, yes, but note that, for this very reason, the mainstream media has stopped paying attention to her. And she accepts her relegation to the backbenches, just as Bernie Sanders accepted that he would never be the Dem presidential nominee. These lefties know their place! Maybe they're not such egalitarians, after all?

    True: the Soviets blew billions of rubles on their space exploits, and their nuclear missiles, which could therefore not be spent on refrigerators or washing machines. I think the Dems call that an "investment", and it is, of a sort: those billions of rubles bought the USSR more prestige, arguably, than they ever possessed before or since.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I've read that many of the illegals are Venezuelans. My comment on "indentured worker ants"cannot apply to them, SURELY! I'll bet they have suffered all the marxist oppression it takes to make them loath and fear it. Cubans in America got permanently "learned" by Castro and good ol' "Che".

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps AOC and Sanders are the most honest dems. After Shakespeare's Macbeth murdered the King he told his wife he could not bear to look on the scene. There are probably plenty of dems who get the shakes when they contemplate the death of their party and its replacement with a shameful, counterintuitive ,atavistic neomarxist rump of a once American party. They enable it but they can't stomach it yet. No problem that, for AOC, Sanders and the rest of the true America haters.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You are right about the Russian space effort earning Russia much prestige. Probably much marxist evil was inspired in the world by the apparent legitimacy Soviet communism garnered from such spectacular feats.

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack:Fully agree :this cringeworthy "admission" of imperfection on the part of the dems is a disingenuous play. Their cadre need a break from the relentless conflict their immigration perversion is causing. A little rest and recreation, a little "fence" repair if you will, is in order. Soon enough, if they are able, their "fundamental transformation" of America will resume with totalitarian resolve.

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think Jordan would get in the dems' faces and stay there.McCarthy did them alot of hob but with Jordan as Speaker I think we will have partial gov't shutdown soon and perhaps repeatedly. The time and the chance for comprehensive confrontation with the neomarxists, which is inevitable, may be now. The left always overreaches when it achieves even a modicum of power; lets catch their exposed jaw with a real haymaker. Lets get on with it and convince the electorate of who bears the real blame for shutdowns; antiamerican leftist nickle and diming of our democracy to its death must be met head on!

  14. Jack, I wouldn't necessarily make any assumptions about the ideological orientation of the Venezuelans arriving at the southern border. I would suspect economic desperation is more than enough to get most of them fleeing north...

    Hmm. Are there many Dems who secretly cringe at the radicalism of their own party? I wonder. Our whole media/social media complex is designed to reinforce our prejudices and stroke our egos. All I can say for sure is that I haven't met many Dems who second guess, well, anything. They positively ooze moral certitude, in my experience.

    Jack, I doubt that the numbers at the border will do anything but escalate, although theoretically the Mexicans could adjust the throttles a bit in 2024 to give Biden some cover. The main thing is that the Dems need to be able to say that they did their best at the border, and, after all, those refugees are SO CUTE -- how could we possibly turn them away???

    Gee, I dunno if courting shutdowns is a good idea. I don't see any real evidence that Americans care about our spendthrift ways, except insofar as they want more money flowing to them, personally. Shutdowns are easy for the media to spin as GOP heartlessness. I suspect that might be playing right into the enemy's hands -- depending, of course, on the timing and duration of the shutdowns. Anyway, I doubt Jim Jordan can get to 218, but I've been wrong before!
