
Monday, October 30, 2023

How DARE You???


Friends, a Minnesota Congressman named Dean Phillips (who the heck is he?) has decided to throw caution to the wind and challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024.  Dem insiders and party hacks are contemptuous, naturally, which is exactly what you'd expect them to be as long as Phillips is behind in the polls.  But -- and it's a big "but" -- the hunger among Democrats and progressives for an alternative to old man Biden is so great that Phillips might just have a chance, or he could cause Biden to stumble and more people to enter the race.  Truth be told, Biden isn't written in stone until the Democratic National Convention chooses him as the presidential nominee, and even then there are some neat tricks that could flip the script.  Remember, it's the electoral college that chooses the president, meaning the electors themselves.  Assuming they're loyal Democrats, they'll vote for whomever the party establishment wants them to.  For now, that's Joe Biden.  A month from now, or a year from now, it could be someone different.  Anyway, the story of how Phillips got to this place is an interesting one, and you can bet your bottom dollar that, from this point on, the Dem hate machine will be working feverishly to discredit and vilify him.  He's a brave man -- and, one suspects, one destined someday soon to work in the private sector, once the ossified Democratic ruling class spits him up and crushes all his hopes and dreams.

In other news, the U.S. and the U.K. are both working hard to set limits on the advance of A.I. technology, which of course many people will support, although to me a lot of the "initiatives" recently announced by the Biden Administration sound like pure fluff.  The main threat that A.I. poses, for now, is that it will make it far easier to mislead the public, and that's an agenda that Joe Biden and most establishment figures wholeheartedly support, although they would never admit it.  My guess is that government won't be the solution to our concerns about A.I. -- it will, instead, be at the very heart of the problem.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think your prediction of government misuse of AI (at least by this administration) is highly plausible. Oh Biden probably means well, in his faltering way, but just as the far left used that pore 'ol thing simply to defeat DJT in 2020, that it is doing him dirt on this issue is hardly to be doubted. Of course they will make haste to preempt this Promethean technology to their constant purpose of imposing their totalitarian "fundamental transformation" of America. Actually, given their emphasis on emotional motivation and justification, intellect IS artifice to them!

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The ruthlessness of the Clintons would be directed at this heretic should Biden be sidelined. Slick Willy yearns for renewed daily access to White House interns and just as Hillary hitched her wagon to his sleaze in order to achieve an ultimate vindictive power she still "feels" certain will belatedly be hers, he is constrained to use her so.Many unexpected phenomena, including a "comeback kid" return of Hillary, would become possible should Biden not be nominated. This newcomer would be quite swept away by it all!

  3. Oh, I'm pretty sure that A.I. is already having a big impact on our national discourse. The vast censorship enterprise in 2020, for instance, was A.I.-powered, and huge numbers of Americans were silenced only because supercomputers were programmed to identify and contain them. It's a brave new world!

    Hmm. Hillary in '24, huh? Hey, if the Crypt Keeper can be president, why not a woman who identifies as a witch? In fact, why not the ghost of Socks, while we're at it?
