
Monday, October 2, 2023

Silence, Infidel!


Friends, there's a rising hue and cry on the Left in favor of a "gag order" to silence Trump in '24, and better yet, from their perspective, would be a decision by a judge to jail him because he (inevitably) defies said order.  To the dastardly Dems, it's clear that any and all efforts to jail Trump are justified, and, if they can skip the silly "trial by jury" business and jump ahead to the jailing part, so much the better!  And don't be shocked if it happens.  The key question is whether the federal courts, and ultimately the Supreme Court, would intervene on Trump's behalf...or let him moulder behind bars.  That could easily go either way.


If the gag order gambit fails, then why not remove Trump from the ballot?  SCOTUS doesn't look like it wants to evict Trump from the ballot itself, but all it would need to do is stand aside and let a few states and localities exercise their discretion and "find" Trump ineligible, and his goose is cooked! 

In other news, a Democratic Congressman pulled a fire alarm to prevent a vote in the House of Representatives.  He says it was an innocent mistake, and his office says all Republicans are Nazis anyway, so we should get our own house in order before we come after poor, hapless Dem Congressmen who don't even know how doors work.  Amazingly, though, the Congressman is walking back claims that Republicans are "Nazis".  Wow!  Since when do lefties exercise ANY restraint when it comes to denigrating their enemies?  Seems to me that we right-wing fanatics are ultra-Nazis, and no level of contempt for us could ever be too much.  The pity is that we can't be jailed for a thousand lifetimes, but who knows -- maybe they'll come up with a way...


We have our first polling evidence on the all-important question of whether an independent RFK, Jr. bid for the presidency would help or hurt Trump and Biden.  The answer is fairly obvious: it helps Trump and hurts Biden, although not by a lot.  Of course, what we need is a poll that throws West into the mix as well.  That would be enlightening. 

Speaking of which, Bill Maher, prolific windbag, says that Biden should bow out and if he doesn't he could become the equivalent of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on a presidential scale.  I agree!  Timing is everything in life, and Biden simply is not the Dems' best bet to win in 2024.  By refusing to acknolwedge his own limitations, Biden could doom his party to defeat.  Now, none of this may matter if Biden has no intention of leaving office regardless of the outcome of the election...but wouldn't it be better, from the Dem perspective, to win outright?  You'd think so.


Finally, the great state of California has a new Senator.  True to his word, Gavin Newsom appointed a black woman.  Amazing!  Identity politics are out of control, if you ask me.  That a Democrat can declare openly that they intend to make major decisions on the basis of racism and sexism, and that they can get away with it totally, tells you everything you need to know about the state this country is in.  I suppose Newsom, for his part, is playing a very dicey game: he's trying to be centrist enough to be electable nationally, but he's trying to ingratiate himself with all the right Dem constituencies at the same time.  He's smart and smarmy enough that he might just pull it off. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well now who are the "nazis" here? Not that poor frustrated dear who pulled the fire alarm to prevent a vote he knew would offend him.Sheesh! The real nazis went and burned the whole danged Reichstag while they were at it. But they are a pitiful and powerless tiny faction now. But not the cadre to which the alarm puller belongs: the antiamerican left, I mean at least to judge by his staff's reflexive use of the tired old "nazi" epithet the left presumes when it can't think of anything.That's the "major malfunction isn't it? When you elect a kook he brings all manner of unelectable crazies into government with him or her.We will of course see that with that piece of work "moderate" Kalifornia Gov. Hirsute just allowed into the Senate. Besides, ya just can't get good help anymore!

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Nah, that alarm puller doesn't need nazi cachet to push his totalitarian views. The modern day antiamerican left does just fine. And by the way: to any of that ilk who presumes to call us nazi because of our American views; I'll ,ehh, remind them of my father's survival of 11 North Atlantic convoys with 5/8 inch of steel between him and true nazi torpedoes.And to think he and his fellows in doing that CONSERVED the right even accruing to cynical ingrates to say whatever their sour countenances move them to spew.

  3. Dr. Waddyfrom Jack:Yeah! "West and Bobby 2" Might as well throw in a shmoo or two, too. You have been right on this all along.What a maelstrom this is becoming; I hope the electoral process can survive.After the 2000 election, during Gore's abortive attempt to steal it, a friend forwarded to me an Email ostensibly from Queen Elizabeth to our leaders summarily revoking our independence, dissolving Congress and promising the immediate arrival of a Governor General. The reason stated was our by then proven inability to rule properly. Would King Charles be moved to such a remedy once we have burned ourselves out with a process as prolix and irrational as this? Our Presidential elections court insanity anyway but this. . . ?

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Probably the antiamerican left hasn't yet come up with a way to jail all conservatives because if they had they would have used it! Then again, there are lots of spaces now available in NY. Due to the recent humane reform in NY criminal law administration, with an emphasis on sweet forgiveness, especially for lifers over the terribly advanced age of 55 ,lots of cells, yay entire prisons, now lay empty in the "Empire State". Of course they must be refurbished they are tar too liveable; they bear no resemblance to the Lubyanka, the Gulag etc. which are the intention of the antiamerican left for counterrevolutionaries. Luckily NY is experiencing a sharp rise in new residents strangely eager to work.

  5. Dr. Waddy fromJack: If the dems are smart, they will take their time removing DJT from ballots. Given time for organization and mobilization, I think a well managed write in campaign for DJT could succeed. So dems, step off, step off now and time it so that such a campaign might be too late and necessarily ad hoc. Then again, Trump nation could start organizing for this now. We have to believe it could work. DJT and his supporters have been pioneers already in having an insolently "outsider" elected. We can do it again!

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Biden would seem to be unsuitable for wielding the kind of raw power necessary to negate a Presidential election. If the will was there, of what use would a cream puff like him be to the hombres then in charge? Oh he might actually try to stay in office but, his utility exhausted, he would quickly be put out to pasture. Look for a sign of this intention should Gov. Hirsute become the VP nominee.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: For the antiamerican left, the idea of lawfully favoring members of minority or perceived oppressed groups is justified in" righting historical wrongs" . It is of no moment to them if they create new wrongs in doing this; even some well intended people of good will make this onerous choice, thinking it just.One is reminded of 1917; up to then civilized people could discuss plausible merits in marxism. But once it was enacted, its radical evil was proven; its supporters now can only ignore this . "Affirmative action" as we understand the term after 50 years of it is also proven unjust in practice because it tasks those not responsible for undoubted past wrongs with paying for those wrongs.And like communism in the latter days of its 20th century power, it has degenerated into an amoral power play only.

  8. Hey now! You can't PROVE that the Nazis burned down the Reichstag, Jack. Watch out, or the ghost of Hitler might sue you for defamation... I hear he's got Hunter's lawyer on retainer.

    Jack, we can laugh or cry at the ridiculous contortions of which our "democracy" is capable, but the truth is that the more cynical people become, the easier it gets to sweep it all away and substitute the raw exercise of power for the rigors of constitutionalism. Someday soon the Speaker of the House may be chosen by Cromwellian or Napoleonic methods, i.e. jackbooted thugs will invade the chamber and expel everyone who dissents from their personnel preferences. And then it could be Hitler's "new and improved" Reichstag all over again!

    Jack, all the legal and law enforcement architecture needed to justify and execute the mass incarceration of conservatives is already in place. All that would be needed is a leader with the necessary will to power, shamelessness, and ruthlessness. I rather doubt it's Biden, but maybe the old coot will surprise me?

    True: if Trump were removed from some ballots, voters could write him in -- and then those votes could be discarded as "invalid". The truth is that those who make the rules by which elections are run can engineer the results very easily -- again, IF they have the will, and the public lets them get away with it.

    You say Biden would be useless as a dictatorial figurehead, but I say: if Chernenko can do it, then why not Sleepy Joe?

    The sad part re: affirmative action is that the substance of the policy is about as unpopular as ever, but by continuous creative rebranding the Left has managed to keep race and sex preferences alive -- and, in fact, more pervasive than ever.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I read a quote today I had to pass on to you; it is hilarious! Biden lamented to a DNC audience "can you believe how many working class people are voting Republican now!? " earler this year. Gee Joe, you're just catching on ? " But me and Hillary an' them always been good 'ol beer an a shot at quittin' time guys .What, pray, counterintuitive blasphemy can have convinced them of such inordinate ,ehh,contretemps, cest pas?! Oooops!

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: "Invalid" write in ballots: I see your point! For certain the antiamericans would try to throw out enough of them to do the trick. Nominating petitions already have state and probably Federal laws defining accreditation. Would they apply in this unprecedented instance? No doubt state and Federal courts would be involved. Write in might not be nationally necessary if DJT were denied a place only in some states and of course, some wilderness states like NY and CA wouldn't be worth the effort.Campaign pros on both sides would bustle. I still think it could succeed if its well planned and managed. "Are we going to let them dictate even our choice? Never! Vote for Trump!" could be our rallying cry and might appeal to independents. If it succeeded it could change our election regime for good.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Churchill said it best I think: "democracy is the worst form of government until you consider all the rest".

  12. Dr.Waddy from Jack: I loved the part in the movie Cromwell where Charles l actually entered the Parliamentary chamber ( Alec Guiness bore the King a striking resemblance); the incredulousness and uncertainty of the members was well depicted. Those Brits and their traditions; we are better off for them.The movie did erroneously place Cromwell in the chamber. Oh well, he had gotten while the getting was good.

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Chernenko? Oh gads! He was a very tired old apparatchik, the definition of a cipher. So yeah, comparable to Joe he was.

  14. Jack, it always baffles our progressive "betters" when anyone belonging to the demographic categories they OWN (which is to say all of them, except super-rich cisgender white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males) dares to stray from the Dem reservation. "Misinformation" they cry! Must be. Why else would anyone doubt the wisdom and virtue of Sleepy Joe?

    The Dems' failing grip on the working class, though, is extremely consequential. I personally believe that leftist elitism, which is rampant, is a theme we right-wingers should hit A LOT harder.

    No doubt! If the Dems succeed in purging ANY ballots of Trump, they will have created a precedent which could easily render all future elections trivial. My fear is that SCOTUS will punt on the issue, which will empower the Never Trumpers on the local and state level. Absent a definitive ruling by the Supremes that Trump ISN'T an "insurrectionist", this election could be over before it starts. Indeed, all these Trump trials may have as their PRIMARY purpose the vindication of efforts to remove Trump from the "democratic" process.

    Hmm. I dunno if I agree with Churchill. I'd say democracy's virtues are contingent -- on the aptitudes of the people. I'm not at all confident that we continue to possess the requisite aptitudes.

    Chernenko at least had the decency to croak. Joe Biden, by contrast, has a death grip on our system of government that he may be able to maintain for much longer -- indeed, long enough to bring it to its knees.
