
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Silver Bullet?


Friends, I highly recommend to you this article by Nate Silver, who is an election guru highly respected by leftists.  He studies polls and election trends like the nerd he is, and his evolving view of the 2024 presidential contest is most interesting.  Basically, what he's claiming is that Joe Biden is losing, and he's very likely to lose in November unless he can dramatically improve Americans' perceptions of his energy level, dynamism, and competence.  As Silver points out, he's avoiding unscripted public appearances like the plague, which doesn't suggest that Silver's challenge is likely to be met.  Ergo, what Silver is really saying is that...Biden has got to go, and leading Dems need to approach him and convince him to pack it up.  The question, of course, is whether any "leading Dems" have the courage to tell Biden this to his face.  So far, they have not.


New York State, once known as the "Empire State", and now known as the state that was formerly an empire, but is now a smoking ruin, has lost another business.  No, I'm not talking about Trump, Inc.  I'm talking about gun manufacturer Remington.  Do the people of New York care?  Well, no doubt some of them do, but the truth is that the majority of voters in deep blue cities and states will gladly watch whole industries go down the tubes, along with their demographic standing, as long as Republicans and conservatives in general, and Donald Trump specifically, are screwed in the process.  It's asinine, yes, and, increasingly, it's the American way. 

Nikki Haley, in case you haven't noticed, is growing more and more critical in her comments about Donald Trump, and she's growing more and more defiant when asked why she isn't dropping out of the race.  It looks like Haley is determined to "go the distance", and it's somewhat baffling why.  My guess is that Haley thinks the GOP will totally reinvent itself once the bad dream that is the Trump era, from her perspective, ends.  In the meantime, she's enjoying the plaudits of the GOP establishment and the media, so why not carry on?


Finally, did you know that there's one acre of sacred ground in the U.K. that actually belongs to the United States of America?  Consider it a beachhead of sorts if we ever decide to conquer our erstwhile "mother country"...  The story behind it is most intriguing. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think Haley is betting on several things: Maga will not survive the departure of DJT no later than 2028 and the GOP will return to lukewarm "nonjudgemental" and "stable" resurgent neorinoism. She would then call in her IOUs from her gallant stand against American primitivism this year. She may think Maga a bizarre interlude of spasmodic ire (much as Obama dismissed middle America's "desperate resort "to gun ownership and traditions). But Maga is out of the bag for good, I think. We "know from" apologetic "conservatives" now and we know we can win. DJTs fast becoming epic stature ,enduring unprecedented calumny like a champ, for America,(plainly so; I'm his age , his detractors should try hacking what he is when you could be comfortably retired) may be unreachable for anyone else and she may see future advantage for herself in that.She might think she would be in the driver's seat should DJT be absented in some manner this year but she has taken to expressing entitlement and that smacks of Hillary. Its no way to endear oneself to Maga. It may also be that she thinks that DJT is a disaster and that principle compels her opposition, no matter the consequences for her.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well. we did have the means to take Perfidious Albion in the '40s when American forces were there, though the very thought is infamous. It was what Henry II did to the Irish, albeit almost 1000 years ago.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: A commentator today opined that Haley is laying the groundwork for an independent or 3rd party run. If she is absolutely and unselfishly determined to prevent DJT 's return , that could do it by siphoning off some DJT opposed GOP voters (although many of them might anyway decide not to vote at all; same - same). But she would not win and she would be finished with the GOP. That makes me think it unlikely. Unless rinoism is shown to be hopeless, she has a ways to go yet in her career.

  4. Jack, you may well have gotten yourself inside Nikki Haley's head there, and, on behalf of all your friends, I hope you won't tarry. She may be right that the GOP will return to somnolence post Trump, but, even if it does, surely the man or woman who seizes dominion in the party will have to break bread with a lot of former Trumpers. Is her current behavior endearing her to...anyone, other than Democrats? I doubt it.

    An independent or No Labels run for Haley isn't out of the question, but I find it very hard to imagine it would damage Trump more than it would damage Biden. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is: what does Haley, in her supreme isolation from reality, think an independent bid would accomplish?

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Haley appears to have two goals: to become President and to end DJT's baleful career. Presumably, anything she does is in pursuance of one or both of those goals. Perhaps she thinks the time is ripe to start a third party, with her as its champion, which can eventually gain decisive power by fighting the good fight today.

  6. Hmm. The problem is that Haley isn't making noticeable progress towards either of her goals. A third party? Does she really have that much gumption? She may think it's the only way to stop Trump from winning in '24, although, in my opinion, she would likely end up helping him instead. I guess one critical variable is: how severe is her case of TDS, especially the derangement part?

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Once again, DJT reminds me of John L. Lewis (of whom my pipe fitter father once exclaimed "he was the only good one; the rest were pukes!"); Lewis said "they smote me hip and thigh and right merrily did I return their blows!". DJT is a happy warrior , the best since Pres. Reagan and the feckless rinos just don't know what to do. He's crude, yes, just like so many of us are when we think it called for. Besides, one can just imagine the vicious thoughts about DJT bandied
    about by dems and rinos in their conclaves! Nikki's being proven to be out of touch; Maga knows on which side its bread is buttered! Here's hoping she relents and gets with the program;she could do much good.

  8. Trump is indeed a "happy warrior" in many respects, but the truth is that the majority of the public doesn't see him that way -- and, gee, I wonder why?
