
Friday, February 16, 2024



Friends, the frequency with which House Democrats impeached Donald Trump, and the fact that House Republicans have now impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on somewhat speculative grounds, increases the danger that impeachment will be wielded casually in the future as a political cudgel -- and that the process and status of impeachment will become cheapened as a result.  In fact, I would say it's not just a "danger".  It's an inevitability.  And I do say it, and so much more, on this week's Newsmaker Show.  I also converse with Brian about the likely fate of the Ukraine aid bill percolating in Congress, the troubling antics of Travis Kelce, the sensation of RFK, Jr's Superbowl ad, the chances that Joe Biden will make it as the Democratic presidential candidate as far as November, the dynamics that produced Mazi Pilip's loss in the House special election, the necessity of Republican efforts to promote mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, and SCOTUS's final word on whether Donald Trump can and will appear on the presidential ballot in 2024.


It's a scorcher, folks!  Scorchingly insightful, that is. 




And, in a move that will surprise no one, the special counsel in charge of nailing Hunter Biden to the wall has decided instead to go after the whistleblower who alleged that the Bidens accepted bribes from a Ukrainian businessman when Biden was Vice-President.  After all, the purpose of the "justice system", as Democrats understand it, is to punish and silence their enemies.  They're moving down that "enemies list" systematically, I must say! 



    As they used to say in the late, great USSR back in Comrade Stalin's time: Have all my enemies been liquidated yet, and the rest sent to The Gulag? So where is the report, Comrade Beria?

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I am appalled by the plausibility of your thought that the immigration issue will not win the election for the GOP. As always, you support it well. The antiamerican left's illegal, glaringly obvious effort, redolent of determination to destabilize America to prepare it for totalitarian takeover ,is their flagship strategy now. If America cannot rise to disable this unmistakeable offense in , as you have maintained , the ONLY way it can be defeated, by driving the openly radical captured dem party to the back benches; if we pusillanimously and ungratefully fail, we lose our country and our civilization. Upon the moment this profoundly disloyal dem administration realizes electoral victory, it would seize the moment and open the "floodgates" at the border. How could anyone possibly think them capable of any less, given their record of deceit in this? Their cynical ploy :"why we proposed a bill that would solve the border problem and you Magas can but sneer at it!" is but the latest
    manifestation of their three year onslaught on our country's integrity. We must face up foresquare to the onerous fact that our country harbors a very powerful faction determined to destroy it . If we don't, they will.That's flat! If this cannot mobilize us, we may well be viscerally incapable of preventing traitorous "american" totalitarians from reducing us to serfdom.

    1. FROM RAY

      We have already been reduced to serfdom, some more than others.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your prediction that Biden will remain the dem candidate has a good chance of being realized. His submission to antiamerican far left control has been evident throughout his tenure (eg. his empowerment of AOC's ignorantly advanced 'green new deal") since his inauguration day. He has been their factotum; can they be sure of capturing another one as obsequious as he is? They may well have decided to brazen it out with him by exercising all the "guidance" necessary to front him until the day,which they may see as close at hand, when they would no longer be obliged to practice such uncomfortable subterfuge. "Dear Leader" is already among us, champing at the bit.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The coupling of prospective aid to Israel with aid to Ukraine and to our, in this setting irrelevant ,border situation, even if not intended so serves the purposes of those who wish Israel nothing but ill. Support for Israel is support for high civilization under savage attack from atavistic barbarians.Support for Ukraine simply compounds the tragic wrong we have done by encouraging Ukraine to seek a membership in Nato the possibility of which incenses Russia beyond its endurance, for reasons the historic vitality of which our policy makers do not understand.

    1. FROM RAY

      "Atavistic barbarians"? Seriously?

    2. FROM RAY

      Let's make that the Atavistic Arab Assholes (AAA). Not to be confused with the American Automobile Association. Okay? As it stands now, the greatest enemy of these Triple A, shit for brains (secret shower masturbators) is the Israel Defense Force all women rapid reaction tanker task force, also known by the acronym of TWAT (Tactical Women's Attack Teams).

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your comment about the "special counsel" dealing with Hunter Biden is utterly lacking in irony or sarcasm. It is the truth, plain and simple. "Special counsel" eh? I wonder what euphemistic title was fronted by Stalin's obsequious and probably terrified factotum 'judge" , Vishinsky, in the '30s show "trials? The antiamerican left is insouciantly open and demonstrative with its totalitarian intent and this is yet another example.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Any assertion of need or intent to enact "significant change" at the border, cynically sponsored by the dems, is thoroughly counterintuitive. Their bad faith on this critical issue over the last three years cannot but be carried on, as usual, in a disdainfully lawless manner.The House GOP is fully cognizant of this. Any
    step in the direction of such reform by the dems now is only a feint for
    stealing the election. Should they win, their main onslaught would resume with perhaps decisive resolve.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The use of ballot harvesting, early and mail in voting by the dems : they are willing to employ nominally lawful methods , though their demonstrated amoral and lawless mien strongly suggests misconduct on their part even in these tactics. We must be real with these people ; they strive to destroy us politically and we must abandon spinelass reservations which only excite their contempt and belief in the inevitable victory of their cause. If these relatively new electoral tactics work, we must use them.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: We must let the loss of that downstate Congressional district be a warning. If intimidated rinos enabled it with their misgivings about causing offense, Maga must gear up to overwhelm them. I remember how Rockefeller was shouted down at the '64 convention for his ridiculous effort to show that he truly represented GOP convictions. Led by DJT, we must do the same to the already defeated rino rump in the GOP, from now to and through the convention. It would the ideal setting to demonstrate to them their futile "accomodation" of a dem party which sees this only as cringeworthy.


    I'm willing to bet that neither Trump or Biden will make president again come November 2024. As to who will, I haven't the slightest idea.


      I'm placing my bets on Oprah Winfrey. A two term presidency with this paragon of wisdom should finish us off nicely, followed by The Battle of Armageddon.

  10. Ray, they haven't liquidated ME yet, so there's that...

    Quite so, Jack: if the steady disintegration of our territorial integrity can't get the voters' attention, then what hope is there? Of course, one could argue that the abandonment of our sovereignty has been an incremental process, in which many a Republican politician has participated, so maybe the Dems are just taking the next local step -- and eliciting a collective yawn from the public?

    Right, Jack -- the Dems may question Biden's political viability, but they have very few issues with how he's governed. The money is flowing, the migrants are flowing, the forever wars are brewing, the identity politics is so thick you can cut it with a knife, so what's to worry about?

    Ray, you have a talent for acronyms! Ha ha. By the way, I hear you're on the AAA's enemies list, near the top -- by which I mean the American Automobile Association, of course. Expect a close, possibly intimate, encounter with a large family sedan very soon.

    Hmm. Jack, you point out a delicious irony: if the GOP helps the Dems (temporarily) quiet the border crisis, they will be helping Biden win, and thus may bring about the border's TOTAL collapse thereafter.

    Some good news, Jack: when we pick a candidate to represent the GOP in the in 3rd district in November, there will be a PRIMARY, and the people will actually get a say. Imagine that!

    Oh, man! Ray is betting on "none of the above", or rather a dark horse candidate (and, no, that isn't a reference to Oprah). That's a bold prediction, Ray. It's already been a crazy year, though, and it has the potential to get far crazier. You may be right.
