
Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Geezer Protocol


Friends, the Left is mighty indignant about Special Counsel Robert Hur's recent report -- you know the one!  It cited the president's poor memory and creeping senility as reasons why he shouldn't be indicted for crimes that no one really denies that he committed.  The potential liberal/Democratic responses are legion.  Why, Hur was "politically motivated", according to Kamala Harris.  If that doesn't fly, they'll say that criticisms of President Biden amount to "ageism".  Good luck with that!  If that doesn't work, they'll say that being an octogenarian isn't a liability -- it's an asset.  I mean, Sleepy Joe is so experienced and crafty!  If that doesn't work, they'll say that, yes, Biden's mind might be going, but take a look at Trump, who was crazy to begin with and is just getting crazier.  If that doesn't work, they'll just change the subject, which is naturally what they've been trying to do all along.  I agree with J.D. Vance's assessment: the root problem here is ego -- Biden's very robust ego.  He is unwilling to admit that he may be "past it", as the Brits say, and he's prepared to risk losing an election to Beelzebub to prove his point -- America be damned!  He reminds me a lot of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in that respect, and we all know how that turned out.  But I also agree with the New York Times, which has leavened its usual pro-Biden propaganda with a rare bit of honesty: it points out that Biden has been less accessible to journalists and ordinary Americans than any other president in modern times.  That suggests that Biden's own handlers don't regard him as particularly capable, and that they believe he needs to be shielded from the public (and vice versa) and spared the full rigors of the presidency.  If that's the conclusion that his own aides and Democratic Party insiders have reached, then why on Earth would Americans reelect him?  "Because he's been so great for America," the lefties will say, "and because Trump would be a million times worse."  That's been their line from the beginning, and I doubt very much that it will change.  I know a lot of conservatives expect the Dems to dump Biden.  I don't think they can, and I don't think they will -- and I don't think, if they did, that it would be remotely helpful to Republicans.  Sleepy Joe remains the best friend that candidate Trump ever had, and, on the strength of his weaknesses, the future of the GOP and conservatism look very bright indeed. 

Finally, I applaud the decision of Meta to stop its obnoxious habit of promoting selected (i.e. woke) political and news content.  It would seem that some social media companies are retreating from political activism and attempting to be less offensive to conservatives.  Hooray!  Let Americans decide for themselves where to get their news, and what is "news", I say.  Facebook and Zuckerberg should mind their own business.



    I understand that you can subscribe to Tucker Carlson's blog for $72 a year. Believe the site is TCN. Also Bill O'Reilly has his own "no spin news" site for around $60 a year or thereabouts. In my opinion, both are more trustworthy than the mainline news sites.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: As the Watergate situation was coming to a head , a Congressman Wiggins on the House Judiciary Committee notably stuck by the President resolutely until one day, after a disastrous revelation was made, even he had to relent. A delegation of highly respected GOP colleagues told the President that he then had no chance of avoiding impeachment and conviction. One of them reportedly sank to the floor weeping. My gut tells me such a moment for Biden is imminent. The 25th Amendment could be invoked should he refuse to resign but what a byzantine mess that would provoke. It would be an adversarial process and depending on the degree of his mental and perhaps emotional regression might manifest some lamentably necessary scenes. All the while the MSM would be doing its best to work it to the advantage of the antiamerican left. His ego may be telling him that though his mind really has deteriorated, anything which can be seen as a win for Maga must be resolutely opposed.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh I do hope the dems bleat the "ageism" charge. It is one of their cherished, endlessly coined simply by using the suffix
    "ism",accusations triggering summary automatic condemnation and assured social and political auto da fe and immolation (Dr. Waddy, I know you know this but perhaps some readers are unfamiliar with it: Auto da fe was the process "encouraged"of heretics by the Inquisition, in which they abjectly acknowledged their deep sin and were sometimes mercifully afforded strangulation rather than burning). It would afford us all a definitive example of the incipient totalitarians' customary presumptuous misuse of intimidation to "strangle "argument which disturbs their self righteous reverie.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Pres. Kamalafornia seated by the departure of Biden would probably experience a brief political honeymoon which might necessitate her nomination. In office her mediocrity would stand in sharp contrast to DJT's moxie and much hard won experience. They could always team her up with a real far left hassler.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That new enthusiastically far left President of the American Library Association ( which is the major "professional" organization for the knee jerk leftist shamed library profession - now who could dislike a librarian? - Why even Mao was one )would be a good running mate for Kamalafornia. She celebrates her radicalism!

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps we are experiencing an increase in grudging deference to the views of common sense America by people and organizations "awakened" to its surging and assertive recognition of the destruction intended by the antiamerican left. Perhaps the understandably self defensive deference afforded that left for fear of its displeasure is being afforded now to Maga and conservative concerns.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Clinton supporter extraordinary James Carville was quoted in the last couple days " We are in 'Hail Mary' country now". Perhaps the dems think they are at a point where they have no choice but to brazen it out with a living El Cid.

  8. Ray, good to know, but, since you can watch all (or most) of Tucker's content on "X" for free, why would anyone subscribe?

    Jack, that raises the question: who would have to come before Biden and argue that it was past time for him to hang up his hat for him to truly get the message and relent? I dunno. I would think Jill might have to be in on it.

    Oh, the Dems would love to stifle all commentary on Biden's senility via the "ageist" ploy, but I'd say that ship has sailed and even the Times is now admitting that the issue is a real and legitimate one to raise.

    I agree that Kamala cannot be automatically dismissed and MIGHT be a stronger candidate than Biden. She, at least, has life left in her.

    Jack, some Dems are getting desperate, yes, but I don't see the party luminaries jumping ship just yet. I'm thinking of Obama, the Clintons, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi...

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I caught just a glimpse of MSNBC last night (it was all I could endure) and they were chortling about how Maga has stepped right into their "ageism" trap. I wish them well of that , "even unto roaring!" Let it be their electoral undoing as this customary casual accusation of an infamous" ism "redounds to their disfavor as the absurdity of their haughty dismissal of his obvious malfunction is manifested. I think Obama would be the one to bid Biden repair unto dreamy retirement.Most of those thankfully aged america haters would probably go down with the ship. But, a young man still, Obama might have dreams of eventual "Dear Leader" rank and might create a new vehicle to enable it. The Progressive Party . . . ?

  10. Boy, you think Obama wants to make a comeback and crush us all under his ill-fitting combat boots? If so, his wife would be the obvious vehicle to achieve those ambitions. And yet she sure isn't doing much to make the fantasy into reality...
