
Monday, February 19, 2024

Not Dead Yet


Friends, it's part of the human condition, alas, that we'll all die eventually -- especially you -- but the "No Labels" movement is at pains to prove to us that, despite Joe Manchin's decision not to run for president, they still have options and may yet find someone to loft their banner in 2024.  I hope they do, because my philosophy of American democracy is: "The more, the merrier!"  Who knows -- it's conceivable that a third party or independent candidate could win.  It's far more conceivable that electoral confusion will pave the way for a second term for Trump, and/or it may delay our country's seemingly inevitable slide into leftist dictatorship.  Who will No Labels seize upon as their presidential candidate?  I'd like to suggest Liz Cheney.  She's ever so "moderate", she loves loves loves our Constitution, and no one could accuse her of carrying water for Donald Trump (except back when that's all she did).  Sure, her presence in the race would make it even easier for Trump to win, but luckily she's delusional and probably won't notice.  Cheney-Kristol '24, that's the ticket!!!


In other news, the tone of this MSNBC article about Biden's extraordinary oldness is most interesting.  It repeats the soothing refrains from many Democratic insiders, to the effect that Biden is ever so sharp -- why, he probably holds the world's record for all-time sharpest knife in the drawer -- and accusations to the contrary are all Russian misinformation.  On the other hand, the authors are surprisingly realistic and even acidic when it comes to Biden's limitations, even entertaining the idea that pure "ego" is keeping him in the race.  This suggests to me that some Dems and lifelong leftists are nearing the end of their tether...but to what effect??? 



    I'm wagering on Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Does the illustration depict a scene from the bubonic plague onslaught ? Considering the fundamental transformation it may have wrought on the civilization of the later High Middle Ages in Europe, perhaps there is some plausible symbolism for today to be had in it. By the end of this year our civilization may have experienced political catastrophe strongly
    boding "fundamental tranformation" at the hands of a relieved and enlivened antiamerican left. That the medieval plague was spread by rats offers another comparison to today.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think any rino would make a plausible No Labels" candidate. "Now let us not be 'judgemental' . It may be yes and it may be no; it may be up and it may be down; 2 +2 MAY equal 4 but we'll pause, who are we to say? Why ,let us sit down and break bread with our erstwhile political opponents who, when they see our willingness to consider their views, will certainly reciprocate!" No "labels", no stands .

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: We'll see now; is Nikki Haley convinced and will she get with the program? So Biden seeks to "force" Israel to relent on the doorstep of extremely hard won victory. That senile factotum of the antiamerican and Jew hating far left has not the slightest comprehension of what it is to live under the threat of annihilation as is Israel's daily fare. One could hope that PM Netanyahu would publicly express the volcanic contempt this deserves but for the greater good he will have to endure and coddle this fool.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Israel is exemplary of the decisiveness necessary to defeat fundamental evil. Would that we had comparable backbone in confronting the evil of crime and antiamerican far left destructiveness .

  6. Harris-Winfrey-Obama-Willis would be an all-black-female ticket that, let's face it, ANYONE could get behind!

    Jack, that's a scene from Monty Python's "Holy Grail". Have you seen it? Great movie.

    Frankly, I'm not sure what, if anything, No Labels, stands for, although the desire to dispense with the rancor and get things done is understandable...

    Israel has "backbone", yes, but I think a lot of is paid for with American tax dollars. Without their American friends to support them, the Israelis would be awfully lonely in the world. Ergo, they have to mete out their backbone judiciously.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think: Israel, alone in the world , has been the exemplar of hard nosed realism and that includes self effacing countenance of personally obnoxious benefactors like our current Pres. Two personal historical examples of such courageous and principled wisdom are Generals Washington and Eisenhower. I rejoice that we have played a major role in Israel's world redeeming survival.
