
Thursday, July 6, 2023

No One Ever Said Life Was Fair


Friends, would you like to know what ails America?  I'll tell you, in very simple terms.  What happens, I ask you, when the Left decides it truly hates a figure on the right?  Well, that's easy: he gets hounded out of office, excoriated, and indicted dozens of times for no good reason and never knows a moment's peace ever again.  What's more, even his kids are hunted like prey.  Now, what happens when us right-wingers really hate someone on the Left?  That's easy, too: they can pontificate and prevaricate all they like, they can break the law and enrich themselves as corruptly as their heart desires, and, if we even try to fight back, they'll wear our futile gestures of disapproval as a badge of honor, and use our accusations and insults as leverage to raise themselves into positions of even greater influence, wealth, and power.  Exhibit One: Adam Schiff, whose campaign for U.S. Senate got a big shot in the arm from (feeble) efforts by House Republicans to "censure" him.  Note that no news story about Schiff's campaign, or the censure vote, even bothers to address the substance of Republicans' charges against him, or the truth or falsehood of his many claims about Trump's "collusion" with Russia.  That's because no one in the media cares about the misdeeds of leftists, because, from the perspective of their fellow leftists, only actions that hurt "the cause" are morally questionable, and Schiff has been, whatever else you might say about him, a loyal foot soldier in the progressives' war on Trump.  And so, not suprisingly, he will receive his earthly reward: a Senate seat, and -- who knows -- perhaps a cabinet post or more, in the fullness of time.  The bottom line is this: what leftist has ever, in recent memory, been held accountable, genuinely accountable, for anything?  Well?  I'm waiting...


  1. OK... here's a big stretch!
    I couldn't remember his name, so I had to look em up:
    "Beam me up Scotty" Jim Traficant.
    He was the only Democrat who supported (beloved) Republican Bob Dornan in his House seat loss in 1996 due to allegations of voting by undocumented immigrants.
    That may have been his undoing as he defended himself against Federal corruption charges brought during the Bush 43 administration.
    Granted, this was over two decades ago, but a colorful character(s) the House may not ever see again.
    Compared to Schiff, Mr. Traficant is literally a Catholic altar boy.


    Good point. Thanks. I'm sure you recall when Democrats and Republicans worked together for the country. The last time that happened was during the early part of The Clintonista Regime, or before Bill and Hilarious displayed their true colors and intent. My opinion is that LBJ (with all of his flaws) was probably our last true Democrat president. He's probably turning over in his grave now, continuously.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Recent memory? Well maybe the Rosenbergs.They deserved the hot seat for succoring Stalin. But recently? I'd say the closest to getting their deservings were the Clintons. Conservative activist Speaker Gingrich through a big wrench into his administration.

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: 'Course good 'ol Slick just segued over to preemption ( "ah've allus bin a small govmint man") to get reelected and stay close to them interns.

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack: But Hillary really took it on the chin. She had painfully endured life in miasmic (to her) Arkansas , her caddish "husband's" imposition on her of endless disgrace and Obama cutting in line ahead of her .She was sustained by a credible expectation that she would eventually achieve ultimate executive power. (After all "she almost had it all") And then? "Watch out America, you've had it coming for a long time and now you're going to get it - from day one". Why mere restraint from uttering the most hilariously intemperate statement in campaign history - "basket of deplorables " - might have brought her her glass showered coronation!

  6. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Alas, she lost in large part because of the electoral college, a device conceived by American primitives, "dead white men"! And by Donald Trump ,of all insolent and unimagined spoilers, she was denied her "right". That had to sting, though for her obvious patronizing disdain for America she richly deserved it. And we deserved to be delivered from her certain incipiently totalitarian sway.

  7. Correction from Jack: "Threw" not "through".

  8. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: Johnson was a crude dude whenhe wanted to be ( "Aar yu f ing with me boy? Ahm the President of the US" - He really said that according to one source). But he had seen and been touched by grinding poverty as a teacher in ruralTexas. In his way he did his best to alleviate it. I think he would have seen today's cultural marxists as piss ants and he mightnw

  9. Dr.Waddy et al fromJack: . . . he might have followed fellow Texan John Connally into theGOP. I agree with Ray: he was the last Dem;today's gaggle are dems.

  10. Jim Traficant and Bob Dornan! Boy, Richie, you are reaching back into the Long, Long Ago. Back then, California was a politically competitive state! Ancient times, indeed.

    Ray, correction: Democrats and Republicans often work together "for the country", if you count helping themselves to the country's wealth...

    The Clintons were "held to account"? Hmm. I guess you're right that Hillary was denied her alleged birthright: the American throne. That's something, and there's no question that the loss truly smarted, but losing an election does not, in itself, pierce the thick armor of ego that protects most Democrats (and certainly not the Clintons), and nor does it prevent them, and their allies, from bouncing back in the next election cycle. To be "held accountable", in my view, you would have to be LASTINGLY beaten and humbled, or actually punished for your misdeeds. Other than Michael Avennati, I can't think of any lefty who has been brought sufficently low for it to MATTER.

    I'm intrigued by the distinction between old Dems and new dems. What defines it?

  11. Dr.Waddy from Jack: The old Dems were loyal Americans. The new dems seek to transform America into its antithesis.

  12. That may be an accurate summary, but it's a difficult criterion to operationalize... The "new dems" certainly don't see it that way.

  13. Dr.Waddy from Jack:My take: Obama's openly expressed inspiration was the "fundamental transformation" of America. Our country's so changed form would not be America. So the characteristic devotion of so very many on the left to goals congruent with those of Obama are disloyal to America - antiAmerican. Naturally, many Americans of good will who support the antiAmerican left do not see themselves as disloyal.But their convictions tragically amount to the same thing in effect.

  14. Jack, I'm starting to think that only "fundamental transformation" of America could save us from neo-Marxist oblivion! I respectfully submit that America has already, to a shocking extent, been "transformed", and not in a good way.
