
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Public Enemy Number One


Friends, it's an article of faith on the Left that Donald J. Trump is an existential threat to democracy because, well, he's Trump.  Enough said.  Lefties' eyes have been blinded, by contrast, to the anti-democratic actions of their own beloved President Biden.  RFK, Jr., much to his credit, is holding Biden to account, and he's pointing out that a man who weaponizes federal agencies to silence his enemies is NOT a democrat.  A Democrat, sure, but a believer in democracy?  Heck, no!  Once again, RFK, Jr. makes excellent sense, and he's directing his political firepower at the sitting (progressive) President of the United States, which is quite extraordinary, considering that Kennedy was himself a Democrat and a liberal-in-good-standing just a short time ago.  How different might this campaign have gone, I'm tempted to ask, if the Dems had shown RFK, Jr. just a little bit of respect, instead of trampling him underfoot?  Sometimes the critical variable in politics is pure personal animus.  You might think that it would be the left-leaning establishment's animus towards Trump that would define this election, but instead it may be...the Dems' animus towards heterodox progressives, and RFK, Jr.'s animus towards Biden and the establishment of his own party.  How ironic!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: RFK and the Dems: a plague on both their houses. To claim that Biden is the first President to attempt to use Federal power to censor criticism strikes me as shooting from the hip. Surely the Pentagon Papers were tasked so and I cannot but believe that history presents other examples. A question: would a Pres.RFK be a threat to democracy? He is said to be an environmental extremist and that movement is arguably very totalitarian in its intent. I cannot picture RFK Senior engaging in kumbayaa moments with his staff. He was a vindictive hombre.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Biden himself is a pathetic and not entirely comprehending factotum of the antiamerican left, probably in the main, Obama. The "fundamental transformer" in chief is by that definition certainly a worse threat to democracy than he was in office and of a wholly different and ominous water from foggy '65 nostalgic Joe. Then he was burdened by tiresome ceremony and disingenuous affectation of loyalty to America. Too, he did not wish to do anything to interfere with his delight in the perks of office. Now he is free to dissemble at will.He's still young and may well yet have "Dear Leader" ambitions.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In considering the history of the Soviet and Chinese communist regimes we see a pattern of cooperation with "comrades" who, once the country was duly enslaved, were eventually denounced as apostates. The Red Guards did it , with Mao's indispensable and sociopathic encouragement, in their mass oppression of any deemed to have shown a hint of apostasy (eg. Teng Hsiao Ping, who survived his physical excoriation to redeem China from Maoist insanity). Stalin's subhuman purges speak for themselves. It is a telling measure of the antiamerican left's hyperbolic antipathy for dissent that they direct so much excoriation RFK's way. These people are consumed by a blinding hatred with which they would bless us all should they prevail.My, my, why not affect a united front with him and turn on him after victory. Why indeed? Is our far left not up to the standards set by Marxist monsters in the 20th century? Their totalitarian objectives are certainly the same.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps though, the dems' thinking is that "if we don't sharply differentiate ourselves from RFK Jr. our voters may think they can avoid voting for a pathetic Joe and still get what amounts to a dem this time with this atavistic and presumptuous Kennedy flake. That would divide our vote!" So after their characteristic fashion they excoriate him to show how very unacceptable he should be to all "progressives".

  5. Jack, the Pentagon Papers were secret, and I'd say it behooved any administration to try to keep them secret. In kinder, gentler times, the Washington Post never would have dreamed of publishing them -- but maybe you're right that the attempt to apply legal pressure to the paper itself, rather than to the leaker(s) of the Papers, was a mistake.

    Hmm. Is RFK, Jr. a threat to democracy? Well, honestly, who isn't these days? Any ideology, taken too far, threatens the rule of law. Anyway, his net impact on "democracy" will be to make it far more likely that Dear Leader Biden is a one-term president. Does that fact "threaten democracy"? You be the judge...

    I agree: the contempt shown RFK, Jr. by the Left defies rational explanation. It would have been far more sensible to conciliate him. Heck, give him a job at the EPA! Anything to shut the man up. Instead, the Dems have made a powerful enemy of him. That's just plain dumb. But yes, in for a penny, in for a pound. Now the Left has no choice but to burn poor Bobby to the ground.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: My own "judgement" is that the banishment of this lawless, incipiently totalitarian administration could help save American democracy. If I remember right, Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsburg was subjected to intense legal hazard for his act.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But your notation that the Pentagon Papers were secret is well taken. Their revelation may well have given aid and comfort to commie subhumans .

  8. If you ask me, Daniel Ellsberg got off way too easy! The leaking of secret or privileged information would be an excellent case in point where leftists can violate the law with impunity, and in fact are celebrated for doing so, but conservatives must tread very carefully.
