
Thursday, April 25, 2024

If At First You Don't Succeed...


Friends, in case you haven't heard, the great state of Arizona, or rather it's not-so-great Democratic Attorney General, has decided to breathe some more life into the January 6th narrative by indicting numerous Republicans, including Rudy Giuliani, for trying to overturn Joe Biden's victory in the state in 2020.  Notably absent from the list of indictees is Donald J. Trump, but of course he already has plenty of legal problems of his own.  I fully expected something along these lines, and I think we should be alert for more Trump prosecutions as well at the state level, perhaps especially if he wins the presidential election.  My guess is that the Left will never stop pursuing DJT.  If and when he dies, don't be stupefied if they dig up his bones and prop them up in a witness box somewhere...  Lefty notions of "justice", as we all know by now, are eccentric, to say the least!


In more thoroughly expected news, the U.S. fertility rate continues its downward spiral, but don't worry -- immigrants, in all their wonderful diversity, will take the place of babies and children.  How comforting.


Finally, there's mixed news about the state of the economy, but it looks like it's slowing heading into 2024.  While our near-term prospects don't seem apocalyptic by any means, we should bear in mind that anything whatsoever that accentuates Americans' economic (and non-economic) anxieties will make it marginally harder for Sleepy Joe to seal the deal.  Ergo, in a perverse way, Republicans and conservatives have to hope for bad news between now and November, because it will definitely help our cause. 



    Digging up Trump's body and placing it on trial in a Lefty Court is totally doable.

    Why not? After all, in 897 A.D. The corpse of Pope Formosus was dug up and placed on trial by his successor, Pope Stephen VI, and Formosus was found guilty of usurping the papacy.

    Actually, Trump should be placed on trial NOW for "usurping" the presidency from Hillary Clinton. Then Alcatraz could be reopened and Trump can spend the rest of his days there with his toadies.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah, "justice" is paramount to the antiamerican left but it manifests in the unquestioned triumph and permanent totalitarian imposition of their Marxist and therefore unimpeachable principles. Freedom is to them is "freedom from . . ." rather than "freedom to do. . . ". Freedom from wrong guaranteed by subjection to a deservedly omnipotent elite is what they bring. "Any means necessary "to establish this is excused from doubt and may be asserted forcefully, as it was by the low life's carrying signs with that wording at Columbia. "So you don't like that ehh?! "Well you sir are a PIG; you are not only comprehensively mistaken but you are bereft of humanity and you deserve ANY and all sanction and that is just what Trump and Guiliani and their ilk are getting now!" My apology to all pigs for quoting this scurrilous characterization.

  3. . . . not what "they bring" but what they promise. . . Jack


    I'm currently undergoing an almost total transformation of that part of my brain which tells me to vote for Donald Trump. Why? Because even if he makes president again, it will be four (4) more years of The Left attacking him any way it can. Trump and his team will then spend more time dealing with these attacks then concentrating on the economy, foreign policy, and so on. Maybe it's time for Trump to step down and hand the baton to someone else. Perhaps DeSantis? If he does that, there might be a dramatic decrease in the efforts to destroy him.


    Another part of my brain is telling me to NOT vote at all, and hope that the current administration stays in power, so The American people can continue to learn just how bad things can become when a political party attempts to run The U.S. with a dictatorship, with out of course calling it a dictatorship. Let's see how bad things can get before the system either explodes or implodes.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Real Clear Politics today offers an article describing the impassioned current expectoration of juvenile antipathy as "ostensibly antiwar. . ." Yeah, that's the same disingenuous cover advanced by those "peaceniks" who gave aid and comfort to the WAR effort of our murderous Marxist enemy during the Vietnam conflict. North Vietnamese General Giap gloated after the war that it was that which kept them going; of course the North Vietnamese would have made short work of such domestic dissent but that was of no moment to the "tin soldiers and Nixon coming, we're finally on our own " brats. Terrorist subhumans know they cannot defeat Israel in straight up combat. But oh what smashing success they have enjoyed since Oct. 7! Why, dismember, violate, burn, reprise the worst of medieval depravity! Why not? You'll earn the reflexive support of multitudinous youthful Marxist automatons for whom America, Israel's detested friend, seems to lack the resolve to prevent their anarchic savagery. General Giap would cheer you on! The article also makes a plausible argument that campus antisemitism is a consequence of the DIE syndrome. The instantaneous, very well organized mass response to any measure of defense insolently practiced by Israel strongly suggests to me that virulent , murderously intended Jew hatred is integral to the antiamerican far left, with its totalitarian DIE doctrine which has so shamefully reduced the American academy to cringing servitude.

  7. Ray, an about-face by the Dems and a decision to contest the 2016 election in retrospect would be totally in character!!! I like the idea. Possibly, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett could be shoved back in their respective mothers' wombs too? That would be poetic justice for judges who dare to countenance the "rights" of the unborn, or at least the right of states to protect them. Being a leftist is all about stretching norms to their breaking point. No limits!!!

    Jack, thank you for clarifying that ACTUAL pigs are very fine people, at least compared to leftists.

    Ray, I think there's a precisely zero chance that Trump will step aside willingly, but I too view the prospect of a second Trump presidential term with considerable dismay. The efforts to hamstring him the first time were largely successful, and the efforts the second time around would be a thousand times more frenetic AND devious.

    And, yes, maybe we DO deserve four more years of Joe Biden. It's a thought worth entertaining.

    Jack, DEI/DIE can cut any number of different ways. The irony with the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli protests is that the high priests of DEI/DIE don't have a ready answer to who is right and who is despicable... It's rare that they're caught unawares like this.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It MAY be arguable that the first Civil War was necessitated in order that the U.S. experience a ,yes as it turned out, world redeeming "new birth of freedom". Consider how the 20th century might have transpired sans a united U.S. Perhaps no matter what manner of totalitarian onslaught is directed the way of essential America in this CRITICAL time, it is indispensable that we stand against whatever they throw at us and our exemplars: eg., vitally, DJT. If he loses we stand to forfeit ALL as the antiamerican left, propelled by indescribable relief at having survived Trump, makes haste to ensure that they are never again so insolently challenged. Sure, a restored DJT would face myriad assaults from a desperate antiamerican left which knows him for their worst nightmare. If at his advanced age he is willing to endure this let us abandon him. He volunteered for this and he and his family are paying an incalculable price. Let us do no less than back him through this guaranteed travail this year and beyond and believe that together we can make inevitable the defeat of the America hating, inhuman marxist infection of our country. Without such resolution, we are lost and history would record the consequent surrender of the world itself to far leftist murderous tyranny.

  9. ". . . let us NOT abandon him. . . Jack

  10. Oh, I think Trump may win, and probably will win, but I don't think that victory will signal the steely resolve and transcendent wisdom in the American people that you suggest. It will signal that they rejected, by a hair, perhaps the most flawed and unappealing major party candidate in history. Better than nothing, but not a turning point, in my view.
