
Sunday, April 21, 2024

Biting Off More Than He Can Chew?


Friends, Sleepy Joe did it again!  He exaggerated elements of his personal biography, or rather that of his uncle, to ingratiate himself with voters.  Specifically, he suggested that his uncle, whose plane ditched near New Guinea in 1944, was likely eaten by cannibals.  There's no evidence to support this claim.  It does raise an important question about Biden's judgement, though.  You know where I'm going with this...  In this age of cultural sensitivity, is it really appropriate to scapegoat cannibals?  In fact, even calling them "cannibals" is potentially triggering.  Why not label them as the "differently hungry"?  That respects their personhood and their lifestyle choices much more, if you ask me.  But you didn't ask me, so I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions about our perennially confused, self-aggrandizing, and deeply untrustworthy Commander-in-Chief...



    Did I ever tell you that towards the end of WW 2, that my grandfather, who was a bomber pilot was shot down over Germany, bailed out, and was subsequently eaten by starving German villagers before The Luftwaffe could get to him, and take him as a POW.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Take heart! Should your present academic discipline be subsumed by political correctness, you could become a Prof. of Politically Correct Language. The American academy increasingly reprises past cultures in which elites spoke forms of language incomprehensible to the unwashed. No doubt this privilege was firmly enforced. Just like its very purposeful doctrinal substitution of unlimitable "equity" for measurable "equality", the antiamerican left's policing of discourse , in those settings it dominates with increasingly totalitarian intolerance, affords it reinforcement of its exalted status and its vitality in their unrelenting campaign for untrammeled rule.

  3. I can't say that I've read the biography but it is kind of a weird thing to just make up.

    It's more rational IMO to assume that someone's uncle in a similar situation either died in the crash, succumbed to the wilds, or perished in the act of seeking help. Cannibals makes it sound more like a work of fiction than a biography though.


      Always nice to see someone else besides myself and Jack posting on Dr. Waddy's site/blog. Thanks. Please stick around.

      After President Biden came out with this story, my understanding is that the U.S. Air Force came out with an official announcement about this WW 2 incident. I'm only assuming that the AF did this, but it sounds like they certainly could have since the historical archives on WW 2 in huge and immense, and that is a fact.

      The New Guinea campaign against Japan (headed by General
      MacArthur) was fighting on one of the largest and most primitive islands in the world back in the 1940s. And yes, there were cannibalistic tribes there deep in the interior.

      However, the AF (then the Army Air Forces) report said that his (Biden's uncle's plane) crashed offshore and was not recovered, apparently the plane or his body.

      Regardless of an AF report or not, why does the chief executive of the U.S. have to be talking about what happened to some relative in WW 2 in the first. What was the context of the event that he needed to do this during his campaign? Millions of people perished in WW 2 all over the world, so how important is Biden's uncle during all of that.

      In any event, I pray God that November sees the last of him in The White House (until January 2025 at least) and that when he leave the WH he can take all of his "folktales" (real and imagines) with him back to Delaware.

      Apologies for any typos.

    2. Thanks for the warm welcome Ray and Dr. Waddy.

      I stop by and read a few articles here and there, this might be my first comment but it likely won't be my last. Dr. Waddy already knows (I had a bit of an email conversation with him a few weeks ago), but I work at Alfred State as well (IT for the Wellsville and Northland campuses mostly).

      If I were a guessing man I'd say it's likely an appeal to voters. But as Dr. Waddy has said, with his egomania, he's like "I might as well make it HUGEA!" (queue Fucillo Chevrolet commercial impersonation). Sometimes I wish either party could put up someone more appealing than DJT or Biden, though personally, I think DJT is the lesser of two evils. He only talked of arresting opponents, Biden is actually having it done.

      Joking aside I'm also sorry to hear about your grandfather. I had a grandfather who served (survived to come back home and have kids, hence my existence), another of my ancestors didn't make it though (great or great great uncle if I recall correctly), was a gunner on one of the bombers and from what was told down the family line was that he climbed in and had to be shoveled out.

      Which I feel that Biden is trying to harness the fact that many Americans have similar stories involving predecessors serving in a war and just wanted to one-up all of us. Who knows?


      You are most welcome. Looking forward to your comments in the future. Thanks again.

  4. Ray, I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, although I would like the recipe that those villagers used -- purely to satisfy my personal curiosity, you understand.

    Welcome, Dilan! I too rejoice in the addition of new voices to our little conclave. Yes, Biden's comment smacks of (self-aggrandizing) fiction. You would think an uncle who dies in service to his country would be honorable and glorious enough, but no -- Sleepy Joe has to embellish the record. He's done this so many times that by now we expect it. It is, of course, an extension of his egomania, which, ironically, may be equal to or greater than that of DJT. Trump is just a little more upfront about it.

    1. As someone who writes a little fiction here and there, I don't think I could write fiction as weird and intriguing. Maybe I should go practice after this.

      Like my dad has told me, you'd be hard pressed to get a veteran to tell about their heroic endeavors, because most of the time they don't view them as heroic so they're likely afraid to tell. He said with my grandfather it was the little things he remembered, more like scars from his service. For instance the man didn't like to be around the pit at a chicken barbecue. When asked why, "one of my squad members had a flamethrower" was all the information they could get out of the man.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree, its good to have more commentators on your site. Biden strikes me as perhaps a diffident man who is uncomfortable in a position even he knows is beyond his capabilities. Like an outsider at a gathering of kindred souls he makes lame and labored conversation in an attempt to fit in. Sometimes when he begins a comment, he has no clear idea how he will end it. Maybe its unlikely to think lesser thoughts about oneself when one has been elected President. But in those introspective moments we all have. . . . This may be indicated in his pathetic suggestion of moral equality between the Columbia demonstrators and beleaguered Jews and in his obsequious subordination to the far left (eg sharing a platform with AOC).

  6. Dilan, your contributions are always welcome here, and we hope you keep the comments coming! I agree: Joe Biden wanted, consciously or unconsciously, to bathe himself in the reflective glory of his uncle's military martyrdom, so he exaggerated the circumstances of his death and set up a contrast with DJT, who (allegedly) thinks war heroes are "suckers". Well, I say anyone who believes a single thing that comes out of Joe Biden's mouth is a sucker. He's always been a self-important windbag, and he's not improving with age. But I agree with you that Trump is no prize pig either, and this country should be able to do better. Alas, we're almost certainly stuck with one or the other.

    Dilan, it's interesting how some veterans won't say a word about their experiences, others are mildly reticent, and others (like my maternal grandfather) won't shut up about the glory days. People have such different experiences in war, and such different reactions to those experiences. I think it always bears remembering that modern war, especially since 1945, only involves killing for a small minority of "combatants". For the rest it involves heightened risks, perhaps, but mostly drudgery.

    Jack, it's an interesting question whether, in his quieter moments, Biden entertains even a flicker of self-doubt. The life of a politico is basically one long stream of self-aggrandizement, BUT we all know that great boasting can conceal great self-loathing. I dunno. I tend to view Biden as a simple-minded fellow who hates his enemies and loves a fault, as it were.
