
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Never Say DEI


Friends, tonight I share with you a wonderful essay about the pernicious influence of DEI thinking, and "disparate impact" analysis specifically, on America and Western Civilization as a whole.  The Left sees racism and discrimination everywhere, and thus they are insisting that traditional metrics of merit be discarded so that equitable outcomes, based on whatever standards of equity they devise in the moment, will ensue.  The article below is on the long side, yes, but please hang in there and read it.  You won't be disappointed.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Thanx for posting this; Heather MacDonald continues as a frank and principled critic of the antiamerican left much in the same way as the heroic David Horowitz. I'm sure she is anathema to the American academy; far too objective and insolently dependent on empirical evidence she is. Due to my 20 years in daily close contact with convicts I am especially interested in the role of "disparate impact" on justice for crime victims (potentially of course all of us). That experience, the well documented assertions of Heather Macdonald, the authoritative work of criminologists Stanton Samenow and Louis Yochelsen in the book Inside the Criminal Mind and the monumental redemption of crime ridden NYC by Mayor Guiliani all convince me that the assertion of the injustice of disparate impact is simply a cynical power play. The percentage of incarcerated members of any ethnic group is a direct manifestation of the percentage of actual commission of crime by members. I'm sure this is well known to the DIE crowd but since they consider criminals to be victims rather than victimizers (that is, until they themselves have been gratuitously victimized) they see justification in the use of any effective counterintuitive tactic to draw attention away from persistent and onerous reality. Criminals glory in it as is all too obvious in this day of some presumptuous and unlawful prosecutors and epidemic mayhem. Any country which countenances the danger the innocent, especially the senior citizens and children which are any responsible civilization's special charge, is shamefully and pusillanimously remiss! We are the object of withering contempt in this regard from nations like Singapore which long ago resolved on utter intolerance of crime.

  2. " . . . the danger faced in this compromised land by . . . " Jack

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In the play, Hamlet urges his mother to abandon self deception: "it will but skin over the ulcerous place whiles rank corruption, mining all within, infects unseen. . . ". The metaphor can be plausibly applied to describe the ever more potent contagion generated purposefully by the antiamerican left's haughty , vindictive and counterintuitive dismissal of all factors other than "rank" injustice to explain widespread, rampant social dysfunction in America. That faction is well aware of how their insistence on enacting such sham flies in the face of verities readily obvious to most reasonable people. They seek to bring it to a point at which our mortally wounded civilization implodes, clearing the way for their redeeming imposition of totalitarian "order".

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The number of Christians in the US is estimated around 200 million. Surely anything which might make them or even one of them, "uncomfortable" should be condemned by those in the DIE crowd who regularly express such decisive concern over "microaggression". Why, one would think "macroaggression" somewhat more offensive than its diminutive analogue, yes? Also, a good point made on Fox tonight is that Easter is, after all, an objectively older celebration, deference to which might be consequently justified and appreciated but which was curiously not forthcoming from our "President".

  5. Yes, Jack -- "disparate impact" theory and law and order are, without a doubt, TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE. You can have one or the other, but you cannot have both.

    Jack, if the Left actually cared about "diversity" and "inclusion", it would certainly not require Christians, who are, as you point out, so numerous, to shelve their Christian identities and assume a secular mien in all public forums. The assumption seems to be that any mention of Christ is offensive to non-Christians...but for some reason any mention of Allah need not be offensive to non-Muslims, and certainly no mention of Blackness could be offensive to anyone! What a house of cards this DEI claptrap is...

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Sorry I meant to append my last comment above to your previous post. I appreciate your commenting on it here. Yeah DIE seems to have certain standards for inclusion. BUT . . . that is "discrimination"!!! We are enjoined of course by the unimpeachably righteous, to presume that the term "discrimination" deserves only their always pejorative definition. The term is a long honored feature of their handy lexicon of words which automatically condemn upon accusation.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh but I must disagree: in the totalitarian state antiamerica fully intends there WOULD be law and order . And history confirms it would be productive of very disparate impact, since entire groups would be declared universally condemned and outside the purview of any but coercive "law". But then, adversarial claims of "rights" would be impossible for all; no nasty disparate impact there.

  8. Good point: "disparate impact" is both the current enemy for leftists and the cherished objective to which all their efforts point.
