
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tipping Their Hands

Friends, the great thing about leftists is that, no matter how far left they go, they always think they can go further.  It's a factor of the bubble that most of them live in.  They have no concept of when they've stepped over the line.  For all too many of them, there is no line.  C'est la vie.

On this week's Newsmaker Show, Brian and I talk about some of the Left's latest excesses, including the ever-widening circle of statues they want to haul down -- by force and against the law, needless to say.  We talk about President Trump's Tulsa rally, and how he rightly stood with law enforcement and against anarchists and troublemakers.  We discuss the irony that it's now the media criticizing the Trump campaign for not filling the arena in Tulsa with enough people, and it's now the Biden camp ducking debates.  I compliment the Dems for their mental agility, however.  They can criticize us for one thing today, and then for the exact opposite thing tomorrow.  Alternatively, they can criticize us for one thing today, and then do that same thing themselves tomorrow, but even more shamelessly.  Remarkable!

In historical terms, Brian and I analyze the Soviet blockade of West Berlin and how it motivated the Western alliance against communism; the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, its repeal, and the "loss of innocence" in American politics under Nixon; labor unrest and strikes in Britain, leading up to Margaret Thatcher's victory in 1979; and so much more!

Tune in and enjoy!

In other (and related) news, check out this outrageous story about the desecration of a bust of George George Washington University!

And it looks like General Flynn might finally be free and clear, more than three years after the Obama administration decided to take him down:


  1. Historically speaking, although I doubt many of the morons in Antifa or BLM even know of this event, their actions are almost the same as The Paris Commune of 1871. What is happening in our cities now is almost a duplicate of the Paris Commune uprisings, but of course our version has added some issues, and is an Americanized event. Nevertheless it is the same radical left b******t as the Paris Commune attempt to seize power in France in 1871. Well, at least the Paris Commune failed, with lots of dead communards piled in the streets of Paris and elsewhere.

  2. You can be sure that the "Democrats" (a cover name for a political party that has been taken over by the radical left) will use these demonstrators to attack polling places in November 2020. What is happening now is just the "tip of the Leftist iceberg" to make sure the Trump ship sinks this Fall. The worst is yet to come. The Demolistas will also do everything to ensure that this Corona Virus shutdown continues as much as possible, with able assistance from the pimps in the left media.

  3. Dr.Waddy and Ray: Good points, well taken. A leftist physical attack on the November polls is virtually guaranteed by their current totalitarian stance. Our answer? Be physically ready for it! Esta blishment of physical protection for poll sites threatened by leftist brownshirts is imperative. It must be organized now because, for sure, they are forming now. Count on it!

  4. Dr. Waddy et al: Aside from that, last things first: Gulf of Tonkin incident. Did it happen? I'm sure it did but de nada; we were looking for a reason to resist totalitarian N. Vietnam's takeover of not perfect (but not TOTALITARIAN) S.Vietnam. Our leadership had been schooled by the tortuous 1930's experience of tyrannical and sociopathic nickle and diming. ("After Austria, the Sudetenland... and all of the rump Czech miscreation, why all of my territorial demands are satisfied". Why sure!

    But our 1960's leadership were disabused of this notion. Just imagine them, with their experience, saying "Oh you want all of S.E. Asia with its gate to the Indian Ocean and Middle east oil? why sure, go ahead. Who are we to deny you?" That may well have been the very post war response of a "new generation" untempered by existential war, but it was not that of those WWII vets.

  5. Dr. Waddy: Thanx for your emphasis on the explosive pre Covid Trump economy which was fostered not by government fiat but the release of our economy from presumptuous and very often purposefully leftist restraint. It is very much believable that strength supported our economy's strong rally from attacks, both incidental to the virus and celebrated by a predominant far left ever vigilant for weaknesses vulnerable to its totalitarian intent.

  6. Dr. Waddy: Thanx for your observation that President Trump's personal foibles are by him left out for all to see. I think this endears him to so much of the real America!

    I won't yet hazard a comparison to Lincoln but I will propose one for President Trump to General and President Grant. They were each unpossessed of experience of the blood sport of Capitol and national politics. Yet both prospered. Don't believe me; read Ron Chernow's exhaustively documented biography of Presidential Grant to see what I mean. Grant need never have stood for national office; his well being and fame were assured by 1865. But he answered to a higher call. So did Donald Trump, similarly guaranteed personal prosperity otherwise.

  7. Dr. Waddy:I very much value your observation that the Dems purpose minimal exposure of their ehh, "vulnerable" candidate to general scrutiny. He was, of course, empowered by a process as "democratic" as to be condemned in your totalitarian leftist ranks. I expect you will conduct a campaign emphasizing the "consummate evil of Trump" no matter who your candidate is.

  8. Ray, I suspect the great urban uprising of 2020 will meet the same fate as the Paris Commune, though much less spectacularly, and less bloodily. The Dems will eventually grow weary of the troublemakers in the streets and decide that they have overplayed their hands. At that point, the police will be empowered to do their jobs -- discreetly, of course. BLM is already becoming an embarrassment to the Dems.

    Ray, the Left/media seems to be ginning up coronavirus hysteria again quite nicely. Yes, there is some bad news about confirmed case counts, but when you set that in the context of expanded testing and lower death counts -- as well as the pressing need to rejuvenate the economy and the job market -- there's no reason for panic. The media, needless to say, won't accept that.

    Will leftist protesters try to intimidate the voters? To some degree they already are. The question is how direct and naked such intimidation will become... One wonders whether, in the face of anti-democratic coercion, the Dems would still insist that the police are the problem, not the solution?

    Quite right, Jack. Tonkin was a pretext. The real question is whether U.S. intervention promoted our national security or didn't. Sound arguments can be advanced on either side of that question, but it's fairly obvious that if we hadn't taken a stand in S. Vietnam we would have had to fight elsewhere...maybe somewhere far more strategically important, where the stakes would have been even higher, and perhaps the casualties too.

    Jack, have you seen the recent mini-series about Grant? I hear it's excellent.

  9. Dr. Waddy: I saw part of one episode; I was a bit disappointed with it but for mostly trivial reasons. There was something unconvincing about the Confederate "uniforms";they all looked the same (Reb garb was very often not standard) and the hats didn't look right to me. Maybe it was filmed partially in another country. Also, the actor didn't look much like or (perhaps)display Grant's idiosyncratic demeanor. THAT SAID: the technical advisor was Ron Chernow and that virtually guarantees realism about the person of Grant if he was heeded. By the way, we have a guy in our reenactment brigade who portrayed Grant at our reenactment of the Wilderness with uncanny physical resemblance,cigar and all.It was one of those "moments of authenticity" which we experience momentarily in all big reenactments and which we cherish.

  10. Dr. Waddy: It was the "nickle and dime" aspect, I think which initially motivated both Truman in Korea and Kennedy and Johnson in Vietnam. But larger strategic factors obtained: Japan for Truman and the Straits of Malacca for Kennedy and Johnson. We cannot have expected the eventual implosion of world Communism at that time. It was entirely reasonable to see it as a fundamental, existential, aggressive threat to world peace and freedom.And as the world's exemplar of political civilization and possessed of overwhelming power, it was just of the U.S. to confront this metastisizing growth of, surely, the most inhuman, savage and purely sociopathic political movement of ALL TIME!

  11. Dr. Waddy: Margaret Thatcher: a heroine for freedom! The Red unions in the UK thought their ultimate triumph at hand and that Westminster was their oyster. But she smacked them down, God bless her. She was defending, merely, the world's seminal democracy from the progenitors of history's most inhuman ideology. They had throughly captured the British unions and she knew it and was unafraid to affirm it!

  12. Dr. Waddy: It is clear the American Taliban thinks it meet to attack ANY memorial it "feels" is objectionable. Next it will be Mr. Rogers. How stupid it was of any faction which asserts that "Black Lives Matter" to desecrate a memorial to U.S. Grant who, at great physical risk insisted (and backed it with the great power he had) on the protection of Blacks from post Civil War violence. Frederick Douglass praised him for it but then he too may well be as politically incorrect as to be purposed denunciation by their Inquisition some of these days. Yet again, their totalitarian essence is manifest.

  13. Dr. Waddy: General Flynn has been subjected to a prolix and harrowing personal ordeal of the most grievously unjust nature. The determination of the left to utterly ruin this (not,for them, coincidentally)this exemplar of military devotion yet, yet again affirms their essential sociopathy. Their detestable persistence in this is the veritable definition of VICIOUSNESS! Take heed of this, real America; it could and would happen to any of us if this lawless movement takes over. Stop them in November!

  14. Jack, you understand the stakes of the Cold War perfectly. Sitting on our hands was never an option. Well, it was an option only if one secretly wanted the Marxists to succeed, and perhaps more than a few of our pressmen did.

    Jack, you raise an interesting question -- will black Americans of yore ever be subjected to the same process of ritual purification that is taking place across the country vis-a-vis our (white) Forefathers? If they were, one assumes that even someone like Frederick Douglass must have said a thing or two that would make leftists' blood boil... No one who lived in the 19th century could possibly have been PC in the modern sense. But then again the essence of Leftism is the exaltation of double standards. That will never change.

  15. Well said, Jack. I am afraid though, there is this underbelly to have the current thugs nee Marxists to succeed. I would include the MSM in that thought too. All for the hate of one man, so sad.

    Can not really add much to this conversation as it already has been said.
