
Friday, June 26, 2020

A Sneak Peek at the Left's Playbook

Friends, my latest article explores two leftist fixations: their love of violent and intimidating protests, and their love of vote-by-mail.  I suggest that there could be a connection here, and the Left could be laying the groundwork for permanent domination of our culture and our political system, based on coercion.  See what you think:

Is there a Connection Between the Left's Enthusiasm for Protest-Related Violence and for Voting By Mail?

Americans need to start asking: could the Left be looking to replicate its stranglehold on higher education — obtained through years of intimidation and persecution of moderates and conservatives — on the national level? Will the stifling orthodoxy of “wokeness” at Berkeley, Harvard, and Vassar become the norm everywhere? Will even our democracy succumb? 

There are signs that it could happen.

In recent years, leftists have enjoyed numerous successes in exerting power over academia. They have done so partly by dominating the ranks of administrators and professors, but also through the adoption of highly aggressive tactics: marches, sit-ins, boycotts, harassment on social media, disruption of speakers, attacks on statues, buildings, and other infrastructure, and occasionally direct physical violence against conservatives and free-thinkers. 

One might expect that such anti-social and anti-democratic methods would cause higher ed's leadership to bristle with outrage and to resist related calls for “reform”. One would be wrong. The trend instead has been to placate the forces of anarchy and extremism. Time and again, the bourgeois Bolsheviks on campus have been rewarded for their lawless agitation. Colleges and universities have altered curricula, created new majors, built new dormitories, invented new scholarships, segregated graduation ceremonies, hired and fired administrators and professors, renamed buildings, and removed time-honored statues and memorials — all to keep the left-wing mob at bay. 
These zealots aren't stupid: they howl and they smash precisely because they know that it works.

The violence and disorder that has washed over urban America in the last month is, among many other things, an exercise is transposing the aggressive tactics that the Left has employed to browbeat academia to the arena of mass politics and popular culture. Hurling rocks and setting stores on fire are only the bluntest instruments in the Left's arsenal, moreover. Not by accident, the mailed fist has been coupled with more intimate forms of coercion. The slightest deviation from the party line of cringing subservience to the agenda and rhetoric of Black Lives Matter has earned those foolish enough to voice it the white-hot animosity of the Left, in addition to swift punishment in the form of social media shaming, loss of employment, death threats, etc. 

If the current attitude of celebrities, corporate leaders, and politicians — Republican and Democratic — is any indication, the tactics of intimidation are working. Not only are most sensible people avoiding any criticism of BLM as a movement, and of the protesters and rioters more generally, but they are also making haste to show their support for the cause, lest the forces of righteous indignation swallow them whole.

While the successes of the Left in strong-arming the American people are undeniable, and while the resistance to and condemnation of such coercive tactics has been almost entirely absent, especially among Democrats, the most important thing now is to ask: where does all this go? What will liberals' next step be? 

Surely, the ultimate prize for the Left is the permanent and total conquest of political power. Could their well-orchestrated campaign of intimidation on campus, and now in the streets of our biggest cities, provide a model for how to achieve their most cherished goals of all: the silencing of dissent in toto, and the obliteration, once and for all, of the Republican Party?

Consider that liberals are, in addition to rioting in the streets, calling for the transformation of American and Western democracy. They claim (disingenuously) that “voter suppression” is taking place on a massive scale, and that minorities, who are actually voting at record levels, are routinely denied their democratic rights. 

Their preferred solution? Eliminate all I.D. requirements for voting, expand voting rights as widely as possible, and make voting easier, by allowing people to vote when they wish and by mail or online.

Consider also, however, that the secret ballot is the keystone of modern democracy. Ever since the 19th century, advocates for democracy have understood that merely giving ordinary people the right to vote changes very little, when an “ordinary Joe” can be browbeaten by agitators, by his employer, by his landlord, by clerical or political authorities, or even by the secret police, into supporting whomever the elite prefers.

The Left, however, wants to jettison the secret ballot and allow “ballot harvesting,” whereby activists visit people's homes, provide them with ballots, assist them in filling them out (“correctly”), and deliver them to the Board of Elections! And liberals actually scoff at the idea that any form of “fraud” could flourish in such a political environment. Ha!

Does anyone believe that Donald Trump would have won the 2016 election, if each voter had to announce his vote publicly? No, certainly not. The powers-that-be had made it very clear that only a “deplorable” would support Trump. And yet he won, in one of the greatest blows for government-by-the-people that has ever been struck.

My strong suspicion is that the Left intends to ensure, by blanketing America with intimidation and by demolishing the secret ballot, that similar surprise election results will never recur. They will do it by terrorizing and manipulating the voters, in the same way that they have already terrorized and manipulated university presidents, deans, and professors. Vote-by-mail is a means to that end.

Beware, America! So far the left-wing mob has merely frightened you. If you are not very careful, however, it will do far worse, and it will take far more.

Just as many institutions of higher education have been left with nothing but the tatters of liberal learning and free thought, so America might be left with only the husk of a democracy. Meanwhile, the thought police will reign supreme, while the real police — those alleged super-racists — will be as cowed and helpless as the rest of us.

Dr. Nicholas L. Waddy is an Associate Professor of History at SUNY Alfred and blogs at: He appears weekly on the Newsmaker Show on WLEA 1480/106.9.

Pretty compelling, huh?  I like to think so.  Here it is at Townhall:

Check out this article as well, which concerns the growing corporate boycott of Facebook over its refusal to crack down hard enough on "hate speech".  We all know what "hate" means to the Left: it means us!  Never them.  Oh, perish the though.


  1. Dr. Waddy: Yes! Kudos! A very creditable summation of the present political dynamic in our country it is.

    Of course the left is going for the jugular, going for keeps and of course it will IMPOSE its will on all of America if it can. This is so obvious!

    There are tactics developed over very much time and trial at work here. The real America faces a united and motivated force devoted to destroying our country and replacing it with a totalitarian leftist dictatorship. Observe their present behavior! It is as leftists always do when they think they have sway and in lands where they have triumphed? Well, human chaos is come again! The 20th century affords us more than ample evidence of this. Wake up real America. Actual warfare is being directed against YOU, now, right now! Our first step in defense of America? Reelect President Trump! He's human, just like all of us and he's a damn sight better than Biden/ whatever radical.

    1. Jack, I am sorry, but no one in recent memory has acted more like a dictator than Trump. When he loses in November, it will be for a number of reasons, including the fact that voters don't want a whiny, self-serving dictator but a president of the people.

    2. ROD

      And if Biden wins, all we will get is yet another self-serving dictator, in his case, a global socialist as opposed to an American Nationalist. You have a choice between the Trumpalistas and the Bidenistas. (Sounds like a bunch of deplorable Mexicans getting shafted by various revolutionary groups in 1910. Ha!)

      So, tell me, when was the last time this country actually had a "president of the people"? I have a feeling it was a very long time ago.

      No matter what, the American people are pawns in a power game between ruling elite groups on the left and right. In the long run, a bunch of power addicts pushing the fruits of capitalism for themselves and socialism for us poor slob deplorables in the masses.

      Does this political process we have remind you of a cartel or a mafia protection racket?

  2. Sorry folks, but I think Biden is going to win come November 2020. I really believe that the "Democrats" will engineer the elections in such a variety of crooked ways, that Biden will be our next President. This year is going to end on a very grim note, just in time for the "holidays".

  3. It goes without saying that a Biden win paves the way for the Obamas to get back in The White House through Michelle.

  4. Dr. Waddy. Wow! Your post today has all the aspects of kooky conspiracy theories out there.

    First, the evidence of the persecution and intimidation of moderates and conservatives is nothing like the persecution of liberals in the academy during the late 1940s through the 1950s.

    Second, there is NO EVIDENCE of successful voter fraud related to mail-in ballots. A recent example of attempted voter fraud with mail-in ballots in NJ was caught -- similar to the way previous attempts at such mail-in voter fraud have been stopped. The Trump administration and conservative media have put out all these speculative, imagined ways the system could be gamed, and, yet, they haven't happened.

    Instead, as the recent primary in KY shows, mail-in ballots increase voter participation -- by all parties. Thus, mail-in ballots promote democracy, not threaten the integrity of it.

    Mail-in balloting also overcomes the voter suppression taking place in red states who have dramatically reduced the number of polling places, and enacted voter ID laws at the same time making it difficult to obtain those IDs (severely curtailed hours to obtain those IDs in AL, etc.).

  5. ROD

    As you already know, I teach history in college, and I can tell you that history is "chock full" of conspiracies. It really doesn't make any difference what political system a country has. Also, any side in any given power struggle is always nasty enough to try something to prevent an opponent from winning. Sorry, but this is part of that thing called human nature, which tends to be somewhat imperfect. In this case the so called Democrats have already accused Trump of getting together with Russia to beat Hillary. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. No matter what, conspiracy is an historical reality.

  6. Dr. Waddy et al: I want to express this thought while I still have it: I think another major reason why the left wishes to destroy the secret ballot -I mean, aside from their essential, though not universal, totalitarianism excepting those among them yet possessed of good will,apparently like Rod- is this: the secret ballot in the 2008 and 2012 elections struck a decisive blow to the myth that the majority of Americans bear ill will toward minority Americans. In the privacy of the secret ballot booth they presented credible proof that they do not hold this animus, since in that sanctuary, they could have voted as they pleased, without fear of penalty or disdain. Too, this largely discredits the current effort to promote very forcefully enacted grievance caused by "microaggression" or "implied biases". Get over it already! Of course people of different races experience uneasiness at times in contact with people of other races; that's not going away anytime soon and if one thinks it can be summarily expunged, well it cannot; the most that can be done is to drive it underground to fester and eventually boil over. The secret ballot demonstrated that the majority does not purpose or desire the disadvantage of minorities. Barack Obama (disingenuously I think) assured enough Americans of his good intent that they reacted creditably. Want more than that? Dream on!

    Now the hard core left knows this; their intent, no more obvious than today, is to ride a tsunami of misinformation, of incipient takeover of vital cultural and governmental institutions and, once they can, raw POWER to complete, arbitrary totalitarian control of America.

    1. Dr. Waddy et al:And having achieved this,the leftist elite will be quick to turn upon the useful liberal idiots who enabled them in the first place with their obvious naivete and tragically misplaced good will. You cannot deny the 2oth century; its fact.

  7. Rod: The late '40's and '50's persecution of "liberals" was deserved and I consider it a redeeming example of the real America standing up for its essentials and I hope for its reprise today . Most of these "liberals" were apologists for Soviet communism and as such were directly comparable to Nazis. Yes, they had been shaken by the Nazi-Soviet pact but they were afforded a reprieve from its discreditation of their beliefs by the Nazi onslaught and Uncle Joe's as always cynical appeal to love of Mother Russia and international admiration for "his" courage. Gimme a break; he feared only for his own carcass; that is proven by his catatonically fearful trance after learning of the Boche invasion.

  8. Rod et al: These post war liberals were STALINISTS. David Horowitz thoroughly documents their foolish, detached evil in his many brilliantly argued and supported books. Nixon and Reagan saw them for what they were, took action in their spheres and eventually achieved the Presidency. I always react to liberal reference to McCarthyism with opposition because I know that time to be one of, yes, sometimes crude, but fundamentally sound reaction to an existential threat to our country.

    1. JACK

      Beware of Nixon. Mot because of the Watergate crap so much, because he resigned as a result of it. But it is Nixon who put us in bed with Communist China and all their b.s., which resulted in our greedy companies shipping most of our industrial base over there. Biden of course will start that chain rolling again, so he and his degenerate son can reap further personal profit from it. Also Reagan had the Iran-Contra Scandal no matter what. So in the end, both of our political parties produce people who put the screws to The American people!

  9. Rod: I would disagree that Trump has acted more like a dictator than any one else in recent times in our country. I think Andrew Cuomo takes the cake there. EG: he was told he should not require nursing homes to accept possible Covid 19 patients. But he did NOT listen and the result was thousands of deaths. Conservatives in NY already know that any expression contrary to his intentions or beliefs is summarily dismissed and that he openly celebrates his contempt for his critics (eg. "I am immune to NRA lawsuits"). I.E. Le etat ces't moi and I (the glory that I am) am above the mere law. Such lawlessness is a hallmark of dictators and Cuomo embodies it with great relish.

  10. I meant to say: "Such lawlessness and sneering dismissiveness is a hallmark of dictators and tinhorns . . .

  11. Dr. Waddy et al: Its way past time for the real America to take the offensive against the threat you describe in your post.

    One of the favorite "automatically condemned "accusations the American left casually levels is that of a "narrow mind". I willingly accept that evaluation. After decades of attention to public affairs and the relative wisdom which age can bring, yes, I have come to some conclusions and am blithe to express them as convictions, concerning these blighters.

    One of them is that the American left has consistently demonstrated its largely centrally dictated conviction that it is justified in pursuing "any means necessary" in order to establish the dictatorial predominance of any idea, policy or method it arrogates for the moment, due to its unassailable prescience and inherent justice!

  12. Dr. Waddy et al: "Why, spit on returning war vets? OK. Burn American flags? OK. Turn entire American cities into anarchic hell holes? Why sure, except that that damned Guiliani figured us out in NYC. Trash sexual and familial standards honored by centuries of approbation? No problem. Casually and coveniently kill untold multitudes of unborn humans? Right on! Reverse elections which do not meet our approval? Go to it!"

    But yet we are yet bade, "oh but you must keep an open mind!" Baloney, humbug, fiddlesticks, horseshit! We are being played by consummate players. Its time to break free of their cynical and sociopathic (directly analogous to the criminals with whom I spent 20 years of my professional life) sway. Put a thumb in their eyes(and if you know the history of boxing you know what excresence was on the thumb).Its far more than they deserve.

  13. Dr. Wddy et al: And that means that today we STAND UP and face these anarchists and incipient and consequent totalitarians. No, the police are NOT all possessed of ill intent toward all minorities but are understandably, humanly, wary when entering crime ridden minority settings (what, would you ask of them the superhumanity you would not embrace for yourselves?). Without the police, (though some babysitting duties could be relegated to "social workers" and the police would be glad of it), then "chaos is come again".

    And CHAOS is what the hard left which is coordinating this insurrection seeks because out of it they expect to derive dictatorial, murderous, totalitarian,absolute , RULE. The 20th century gives irrefutable example of this.

    Real America, you still have the strength to beat this if ONLY you choose to use it!

  14. Rod, can you clarify: what definition of "dictator" are you operating under? Trump is stymied by opposing forces CONSTANTLY. Doesn't that militate against the idea that he is a "dictator"?

    Rod, you say the persecution of moderates and conservatives in academia is nothing like the Red Scare of the 40s and 50s. An interesting standard to adopt. What are the key differences, in your eyes?

    Ray, I wouldn't give up on 2020 just yet. The media is generating a narrative -- one that relegates Biden and his inherent flaws to the background, and of course demonizes Trump hour-by hour, day-by-day. It didn't work in 2016. It COULD work in 2020, but we are a long way from knowing that it will.

    Rod, the bottom line is this: voting is EASY. Way easier than it was a generation ago. "Voter suppression" is a canard -- a useful mythology that feeds into the wider narrative that, anytime the Left doesn't get what it wants, "racism" is to blame.

    Is there proof of widespread irregularities vis-a-vis vote by mail? No, there isn't. But how would such proof ever be assembled? How would we know how many seats were tipped into Dem hands in California in 2018, for instance, by ballot harvesting? How would we know what the interactions were like between activists and voters? How would we know how many felt intimidated? How indeed would we know how many were illegal aliens and not eligible to vote? It seems simple to catch election fraudsters, but it isn't. In blue states, needless to say, no one is checking very diligently!

    Good point, Jack, that a fundamentally racist America would never have elected Barack Obama (twice). But the industry devoted to finding evidence of racism grinds on.

    Ray is right that political corruption thrives in both parties, and probably always will. The ideological gulf between the party elites is also not as great as we might imagine, although the party faithful are a different matter. There really are "two Americas," but the GOP leadership, I fear, has a foot in both camps.

  15. Rod, it's ok to take the red pill, honest, it doesn't hurt. Are you taking the President is a dictator? Hmm, interesting. I would point out the many fallacies in your thoughts, however, I just don't think you are ready to hear it. Again, take the red pill. Thanks for the laughter over the "Conspiracy thoughts".

    Right on, Ray. Totally agree, Jack, IF only one chooses too. Time for the blue pill taking Republicans to stand up, way to many of them. It's ok folks, take the red pill.

  16. *** SAYING not TAKING...sorry, Rod.

  17. Linda is right -- DRUGS ARE THE ANSWER! Ha ha. Just say YES!
