
Friday, June 12, 2020

Good Bye, Charlotte -- Hello, Jacksonville!

Friends, Roy Cooper's grumbling and obstructionism has led the Republican National Convention to be moved from Charlotte to Jacksonville.  Congrats to the great city of Jacksonville!  It's one of the few big cities in America to have a Republican mayor.  It's also one of the few big cities in America that doesn't regularly burst into flames courtesy of a mob.  Good choice, GOP!

Next, read this article about the current vogue for forcing anyone who doesn't tow the leftists' party line -- including misguided liberals -- to issue groveling apologies.  Free speech AND self-respect are both incompatible with leftism, or so it appears.

Finally, as a historian I deplore the recent vandalism directed at historic monuments.  It's happening worldwide, and many in the media apparently consider it a campaign of purification.  It's not.  It's a campaign of childishness, intolerance, and spite.  Mark my words: if we let the Left have a field day with Confederates and slave owners now, they'll be after pretty much everyone born before the year 2000 before we know it.  The Left's "standard of decency", as Biden phrased it, sets the bar incredibly high.  In a nutshell, you can either bow before the Marxist demon-gods 100% of the time, or you can face the consequences...


  1. Dr. Waddy: Oh the Confederates are just the latest step; it appears that the left sees everything on the table in their current rampage. It is undoubtably committed to destroying everything in our country which excites its antipathy, especially any expression of doubt as to their unassailable justice. Timing and opportunity are the only uncertainties and the real possibility of Marxist hell in America must be seriously faced. That they intend it is unmistakeable.

  2. Dr. Waddy: So glad that the article made several references to the Chinese Communist custom of "struggle sessions". These auto da fes, made under EXTREME duress, were a customary reaction to even the most slightly perceived doubt of Communist dogma. In his book Fan Shen, William Hinton (alas, a joyfully admitted Marxist; I heard him say it)describes these rituals in detail.

  3. Dr. Waddy: The American left does not YET have the fearful corporal sanctions at hand as did Mao's cadres. Surely, if they did (and surely they will if they acquire them) they would reprise them. So far their power derives from their firm base in the American MSM, which seconds their every presumptive hint of perfidy and from the bureaucratic spinelessness of government and business decision makers who willingly abandon their subordinates to politically correct self abasement in order to preserve their careers. EG. Drew Brees, a gutsy guy as are all NFL QBs.

  4. Dr. Waddy: I meant Brees as an example of the subordinates. Hooray for those with the sand to tell the totalitarians and their pitiful apologists to stuff it,to step off! No Gulag beckons yet in Arctic outposts but it WILL if we don't face the threat now, especially in November. By supporting our insolent President we do our best this year to set things right!

  5. Dr. Waddy: It is clear by now that the left looks on the restrictions enacted ostensibly by concern for the spread of Covid 19 to be of great value to their crusade to prevail in November. For one thing,they generate volcanic frustration, which the left is riding to great advantage in its current onslaught on the police and American justice in general. (Now why would they do this? To destroy America by eradicating its fundamental institutions of course!) Second, the restrictions savage the economy, a consummation devoutly to be wished for by the anti free enterprise, anti capitalist, anti FREEDOM, American left. Also, they provide totalitarian pretenders like Cuomo bully pulpits from which to start by mandating "heroic" responses to the pandemic and, once esconsed, to branch into myriad leftist diatribes.

    I do not know what motivated the NC Governor to suggest roadblocks to the GOP convention (but wait, he's a Dem isn't he? If so, c'mon NC, can't you see what has happened in VA? Don't let it happen to you!). But I rejoice at our President's decisive reaction to it. We have yet to know what action (on balance, a concept foreign to the dictatorial left)is best pursued for the country's overall benefit in the pandemic. The left clearly favors restrictions and to hell with the economic consequences. The President bids us acknowledge that economic and financial strain can generate full as many ruined lives as can the virus. And his denial to wavering NC and his support for Jacksonville is characteristically exemplary of him!

  6. Excellent comments, Jack! (Hey, where's Ray?){{{grin}}}

    The only "motivation" that the NC Governor had was the very fact that he is a democrat, does he truly need any other motivation for roadblocks, Jack? Good riddance to NC and Hello Jacksonville! I am all for the friendly state of Florida. Well, truth be told, not being very friendly to New Yorkers at the moment, sigh.

    Speaking of, have you noticed the narrative all of sudden? Covid 19 spikes in Republican states. I find that really suspect. In the meantime, our king here repealed the 200 year law decriminalizing wearing masks. So, I take it is now criminal if you don't wear it? Gosh, I am going to live such a lonely solitude life in prison then.

    I do believe the dems have overplayed their hand; Russia, Russia, Impeachment, Flynn, Covid, Protests and Riots etc. What's next?

  7. Linda: I think what's next is whatever they can get away with. They see themselves as being on a tear right now and when the left thinks it has the upper hand it always overreaches. Biden promises some real whoppers before November.

    Can't fault other states for disdaining ours. Against the will of the real Americans in this state, our state has earned the status of pariah. Most of the rest of the country understandably wonders what can possibly explain our empowerment of a ridiculous preening leftist dictator. As the country becomes ever more polarized the common sense majority may find it necessary to quarantine NY to prevent the further spread of its contagion (just look at the degradation NYers have brought to VA).

    Yeah, I've also wondered why we we've heard nothing from Ray lately.

    1. Indeed, Jack. I agree.

      I think as the weather warms up, most of the folks will be forgoing the masks, well, truth be told, I already have. I am afraid my asthma and the anxiety of having to wear the mask is really just troublesome. When I have to go into the store(s) I'll wear it then take it off. I am just done, considering all the lies and 1/2 truths by the CDC and NY State in regards to guidelines and such.

      My husband said we might just have to "suck it up" and just quarantine in order to get a job (for me). We shall see.

  8. Linda: Good luck in your job search. I'm lucky enough to be free of the work world now. But I was reminded of it today:

    I was watching the NYS legislative channel and heard on a law which would appear to mandate criminal investigation of anyone who makes a tipoff to law enforcement on any member of a "protected group". I remember that term from when I worked for the State as it referred to regulations mandating (i.e.)the hiring of members of "protected groups" in competition with others lacking this asset. Well gee, if there are "protected groups" there must be unprotected groups too, yes?And now this concept is being extended from employment and education to law enforcement. What's next, immunity from arrest and prosecution for "protected groups"?

    One thing is for sure, the police are not one of those protected groups. Despite the incalculable good the police do every day, a very vocal and assertive minority of Americans (devoted leftists, criminals and mostly young fools who need to get a life)choose to see only the misdeeds of a few police. And this misapprehension guides them in their consummate castigation of the police and their effort, now insanely obvious, to destroy the police.

  9. Linda: Well I shall be as insolent as to take the opposite tack: I say the good the police do is their essence. They protect us from those who would harm us. And yet they themselves are subjected to ever proliferating legal measures, fully and enthusiastically endorsed by Dem lawmakers and their dottering Presidential pretender, to strip them of their professional protections and make them personally and criminally liable for all politically incorrect actions they take in their ehh, sometimes very objective duties. And these offenses are for the left to define at its pleasure. Something wrong there , something very wrong. Our protectors are losing their deserved protections. Something is very much askew! If we do not make haste to support them, openly and demonstrably, then we may deserve their possible loss of confidence in our regard for them. And they are only human. . . .

  10. Linda:By the way, the wording of the proposed legislation was "protected classes". Gee where have we heard "classes" exalted or condemned in their entireties before?

  11. I have said this many times before, but I will say it again anyway. If there is not a major turn to the right in the very near future, by 2050 this country will be in the first stages of a Marxist dictatorship, in a diluted American form of course, by a Left only regime that will no doubt be renamed The United Socialist States of America.

    Even more scary, because this is coming very soon, is the fact that the Left will do everything to prevent Trump from being re-elected. So get ready for rigging the elections and all the crooked things that come with that, because you can count on this. Sorry, but the Left will not tolerate another four years of a Constitutional Republic.

    You can also be sure that if the Left wins in November (steals the elections and takes over would be a better description), we will be "back in bed with Communist China again.

    Finally, expect to see The Obamas go for the White House with Michelle. They are addicted to power, and they are major contenders to make another grab for it, ably supported (aided and abetted) by the dregs in the film racket, the media mob, and the academic cartel. Watch them closely as they go for it.

    1. {{{{RAY!!!!}}}} Nice seeing you.

      Jack, I agree.

  12. Dr.Waddy et al: Affirmative action in penal law and criminal procedure; some "classes" more equal than others. Despite the passionate denial urged by its sponsors, provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights act led inevitably to the setting of quotas, which in the zero sum reality of many hiring situations, means that members of i.e. unprotected classes are automatically SOL.I witnessed this wrong many times in state service. This promise is obvious and inherent in some of the measures seriously pursued now and is no doubt fully intended by its champions, while the getting seems to be good. Consideration of the harm sure to be done therein to multitudes is, as are demands for the disempowerment of the police,
    beneath the "dignity" of "progressives" to deign to think of in any
    way other than vindication of their biases.

  13. Jack, as you point out, the Left can't execute or horse-whip dissenters (yet), but they can fire them or agitate for their firing. For most people, that kind of "sanction" is more than enough to foster cringing obedience.

    Jack, I'll admit that, in present circumstances, reasonable people can disagree about what kind of political convention, if any, the GOP and the Dems ought to hold. It will be fascinating to see what Trump rallies look like from now on, and what the Republican National Convention will look like. One thing is for sure: we know exactly what the coverage will look like. The media will pour contempt on the GOP as super-spreaders of the dreaded virus, as the modern reincarnation of the KKK, and (when they're feeling most charitable) as rubes and dolts. We're used to this sort of condescension.

    Linda, you're right that the media is pushing the narrative of a "spike" in infections. The problem is that, nationally, there is no spike. Where there ARE spikes, there's also no clear correlation with reopenings and Republican rule. California is one of the places seeing a spike. Is California red? Not since the 80s!!!

    Linda, why would you need to quarantine to get a job? You mean, as a New Yorker, you'd be expected to do so if you left the state? Is that still true?

    Jack, any law that made it harder to report a crime, or a concern, to the police would make law enforcement infinitely more problematic. Maybe that's the point. Maybe people should refrain from calling the police if the "perpetrator" is a member of a minority group. After all, the police, once they've been reeducated, will probably refrain from arresting any such suspect, so why bother calling them?

    Jack, I'm waiting for the first murder or rape to occur in Seattle's "autonomous zone". What will the Left and the media say? Perhaps: "Where were the police? Under-policing is discrimination too!" Don't put it past them.

    Welcome back, Ray!!! I'm glad Google has decided to let you speak again. We missed you.

    Ray, your dark forebodings might have seemed excessive to me a few weeks ago, but now I'm not so sure. For one thing, we're seeing a real turn towards violence on the Left, and the media is doing its best to ignore and/or legitimize it. Is there a crowd throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the police? No news there. But do the police respond with tear gas? Oh, heavens no!!! What an abuse of power! How racist! Time to burn another Wendy's, surely. If this nonsense keeps up, frankly many conservatives and Republicans may be AFRAID to vote. That could be the last nail in the coffin of America.

    Jack, you're right: all "sexes" are equal (except men), all races are equal (except whites), all religions are equal (except Christianity). The "law" is "clear". Yikes!

  14. Ray: Present events lend very much more credibility to your predictions. It is time for the real America to stand up. President Trump must be reelected and we can ensure that with our turnout.

    It is obvious why the real America has not YET taken to the streets to support the police; we are too busy living productive and positive lives. This is in stark contrast to the "community organizers", sociopathic revolutionaries, race hate mongers, criminals, shiftless adventurers, students (the irony of that status has always escaped them; students should be learning, as a principled prerequisite to such impassioned involvement in our national life), badly aged hippies, dishonest "journalists" and some sadly compliant middle brows from the 'burbs, now so very regretably assertive in our polity with their airy DEMANDS. We may not remain so and our sources of strength were amply demonstrated in 1968 and '72.

  15. Dr. Waddy: I suggested a comparison to the Paris Commune in these Seattle fools but Haight-Ashbury '67 is better. Their idealistic community collapsed into a welter of petty crime ("we ripped off this food, man") and rapid infiltration of the real drug bad asses. Surprise, surprise!

  16. Dr. Waddy:In my opinion: Of course the left purposes a spike in crime by its present actions. The pitiable dimbulbs in their ranks see this as justice but the sociopathic leftist pros expect the resulting "contradictions" and MSM urged perceptions of anarchy to be prerequisites to a general collapse of our society and a consequent takeover by. . . THEM of course!

  17. Jack, you are right to remind us of the self-destructive and anarchic tendencies on the Left. They have unleashed forces in 2020 that, in all likelihood, they can't control, although they can manipulate how those forces are perceived.

  18. Yes, Dr. Waddy. One would be quarantined if one leaves the state. Cuomo has not lifted the E.O. yet. NY is still under the Covid Emergency. I had a Zoom interview with a company in TN. that is what was told to me. I looked it up and sure enough, it is true.

    Ray, I am playing catch up. I believe your predictions are ringing true. Keep up the 'truth'.

  19. Boy, Linda -- that makes accepting a job in another state extra complicated! I wouldn't think these reciprocal/retaliatory quarantines will last much longer, though...unless the "second wave" snow job really takes hold, which it might!
