
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Democracy Deficit


Friends, the lengths to which the Democrats will go to game the system and ensure that "democracy" provides American voters with as few genuine choices as humanly possible are astounding.  As we know, the Dems would like the likely presidential nominee of the Republican Party disqualified on highly specious grounds.  But that's not all!  They would also like any and all third party candidates stricken from the ballot on procedural grounds.  Heck, if that doesn't work, why not classify West, Manchin, Stein, and Kennedy as "insurrectionists" too?  I mean, it's so obvious that they're enemies of "democracy".  After all, they're trying to participate in democracy, which is a blatant indicator of anti-democratic tendencies!  My point, in any case, is that the Dems have thoroughly exposed their crusade to save "democracy" as both intellectually and morally corrupt.  Shame on them for their duplicity and their impudence!


In other news, Hunter Biden has made a big U-turn!  That is, he will now agree to sit before the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives in closed sessions, whereas before he insisted on open sessions, or none at all.  Why?  At a guess, I would say that Papa Joe leaned on his son and demanded that he stop stalling, or his lawyers pointed out to him that Congressional subpoenas might actually be enforceable, at some stage.  Then again, this may be a Pyrrhic victory, as Hunter may show up and plead the Fifth to every question asked.  That's probably what I would do.  In any case, anything that brings more attention to the influence-peddling operations of various Bidens, and the role played in this grift by Joe Biden, is ultimately helpful to Team Red and harmful to Team I say: bring it on!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah well, its yet more proof that the dems, once a loyal American party, has been captured by the antiamerican left. That left, neomarxists in fact, sees in the murderous marxists greatly empowered in the 20th century, inspiration and exemplary guidance. They do admit that their ideological predecessors, while being unquestionably just, sometimes used imperfect strategy. Anyway, some of those hellish countries included the term "Democratic" in their prolix national names . A similarly "expansive" view of the term democracy is embraced by the antiamerican left and in ever increasing frequency demonstrated by them, as you have noted. It is for them in no way counterintuitive; should they acquire total power democracy will become the hollow cipher it was in the USSR, Red China, Cambodia, East Germany etc etc ad nauseum. These poor dem dears are just practicing up for their promised millenium.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: What a foul business this Hunter Biden carnival is! Never, since the Clintons disgraced it beyond measure , has our White House been as violated as when this cynical and debauched scion of power soils it with his very presence. But if we are to be as expeditious and bare knuckled as we must be to counter our vicious and amoral opponent movement in this critical year, we must hasten to make as much use of this onerous situation as can be worked . Sorry dems, you set the rules, thank you!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The antiamerican left may have called Nemesis down upon itself in the form of an aroused America and this Hunter Biden inconvenience may be just part of the start. If you dems don't know what the term means, consult the Bullfinch Mythology to learn just what it portends for you and your quest to force totalitarianism on our country.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh my, this dem American Bridge group has no compunctions about threatening lawfare to third parties and, no doubt, any who insolently support them. They give not a tinker's damn what anyone thinks of it; its a reflex for them now isn't it.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That the dems are so reflexively opposed to NO Labels, a group assumed to have centrist views (although, we'll see about that; I laud Joe Manchin for the courage and high principle he has displayed in his weathering of Charles Schumer's reproaches but there are good reasons why he might well not have been reelected from W.Va.; he is still a dem and a rino running mate may be worse). Can it mean they will not run as centrists? Oh my broken dreams!

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Lets assume Manchin runs with a dishwater rino and not a Trump hater like Lynne Cheney, which side would benefit? Biden does not inspire the visceral hate that DJT does. Dem desertion of him would probably be indicative of a sad realization that his tenure in office must end. That may not have emotional appeal and some of that mind might simply recoil from voting. What about disaffected rinos?Their final exile from the GOP may be imminent; would they be attracted in decisive numbers to a probably temporary refuge with No Labels? If No Labels fluffs, as chances are, where will these poor spineless dears go to avoid all the iky political combat now joined in our very divided country? I can't surmise which side might garner the greater benefit.

  7. The misadventures of Hunter Biden are as comical as they are criminal, but, say what you will, they can be used to good effect politically and may well bring Sleepy Joe down in the end.

    Jack, the truth is that past Dem efforts to expunge third parties from the ballot in key states were crowned with success -- and they know that, with few exceptions, the media will never call them on their anti-democratic outrages.

    Jack, I don't think it matters if Manchin runs or not. With Kennedy, West, Stein, et al. in the mix, those disgusted with Trump and Biden will have plenty of options. What's more, if even 2-3% of the total electorate supports them, and I believe the real numbers will be much higher, the race becomes much, much harder for Biden to win.

    1. RAY TO NICHOLAS (Also known as Dr. Waddy and Nick)

      Does the old expression (if that is what it can be called?) "The Day Is Far Spent" mean that we are running out of time?

      Realistically speaking, Trump really is the only person who can begin to "set things straight again" as that old saying goes. Of course that's from a Right-wing position, whereas The Left believes it has already done so.

      With that said, even if Trump returns, he would have to have almost dictatorial powers to clean up three powerful causes of our national woes: Higher Education, The Media, and The Entertainment Industry, and The Left controls those institutions almost entirely. Suffice to say a dictatorship is not going to happen, nor should it, but the problems remain, like a chronic disease.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I am glad to see you predict that Hunter Biden's arrogantly unexpected reckoning with those laws which obligate us all may be Pino Biden's political downfall. I've seen much commentary that the border will be his worst disadvantage. Together, those two factors may ensure the relief of our country from the continued tenure of this sadly incompetent chief executive. I just hope it happens on Election Day and not before.

  9. Ray and Dr. Waddy et al from Jack: Remember David Stockman? President Reagan made him the hatchet man on his budget cutting campaign. But I think a reelected DJT would do a good job as his own; he would not need to worry about reelection. In one sense he may resemble Hillary in that he is probably filled with a terribly vindictive resolve to work on his opposition what they both see as their just deservings. Of course he is justified,and she is not but like her , I doubt he has paid the onerous personal price he has, at his advanced age, without some creditable expectation that he will acquire the executive power to make things right. Much depends on the composition of the next Congress but if its his, I anticipate he will run wild, within the lawful limits the law abiding Scotus he himself brought us would want And if he experiences personal vindication in doing so, hooray! The antiamerican left must be shown that its vicious onslaught on DJT and the America he exemplifies is utterly intolerable! We know that to countenance it is only to encourage them in their totalitarian intent.

  10. Dr. Waddy and Ray et al from Jack: I wonder if accrediting agencies for the American academy receive federal funding. If so, perhaps a reelected Pres. Trump could "encourage" them to crack down hard, even unto loss of accreditation, on "universities" and colleges which succor potentially murderous antisemitism on their campuses. Money talks as always and loss of accreditation would be catastrophic for any school as would the prospect of a long and humiliating process for reaccreditation. Just a thought: why go after individual schools when the accreditors already oversee almost all of them and can work unbearable sanctions on them for their disgraceful failure to anathematize antisemitism.That might be the best way he could confront the compromised, even now totalitarian american academic establishment and with it the presumptuously neo marxist polluted secondary education structure it trains


    What is antisemitism? It is, among other things, something that is usually hauled out to scold and scourge anyone who criticizes Israel's policies toward the Muslim Arab "Palestinians" living in Israel or territories thereof. Ironically, Arabs are also Semites. So, once again, what is antisemitism?

    Before the term was invented over 100 years ago, it was people who were against the religion of Judaism. Again, ironically, modern day Israelis, with the exception of The Orthodox, are anything but religious, in any sense of the term.

    So, Jack, with all due respect, what exactly are we talking about? Please define your terms. Can I be classified by some asshole as being antisemitic just for posting this comment?

  12. Ray from Jack: I use the term in the sense I believe it to be understood in common usage today: hostility toward Jews and Judaism because they are Jews and it is Judaism. In this sense it does not encompass comprehensive hostility to all of semitic ethnicity. Since this hostility has so often in history been demonstrated by intense antipathy and often violence toward Jews it carries with it a strong connotation of severity. I suppose someone who says "I just don't like Jews" or " I got jewed by that con artist salesman" could be termed antisemitic too. Of course, like all terms used to derogate an entire group it can be misused in reverse. If, for example I were to term a person who says "I don't like the way Hasidic Jews dress" antisemitic, I would be misusing the term I think.The recent , detestable injustice shown Jews and Israel on American "university "campuses and in Congressional testimony: in this usage 'antisemitism" is a much deserved charge. But I think your misgivings on the term are legitimate and, accordingly I will stop using it and use terms more specific ,eg. "intense hostility to all Jews." I am not Jewish but I grew up with many Jewish neighbors and learned some of Jewish culture. I revere Judaism because it manifests a very high civilization and courageous devotion to it. It has been very important to the world historically and I think that now in this time of great, shamefully reprised trial for it, that it is a vital test of world civilization whether or not the world stands with Judaism. One question Ray: since Judaism is the essential reason for the founding and the stalwart defense of Israel, are not nearly all nominally Jewish Israelis, Orthodox or not, essentially Jewish? Oh, if I may,I'd gladly defend you against a charge of antipathy toward Jews for raising these concerns

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Speaking of Orthodox Judaism, you might be interested in the writings of the late Orthodox Rabbi Meir Kahane (d. 1950), who had some specific things to say about those other Semites, the Palestinian Arab Muslims (keep in mind that all Arabs are NOT Muslim), during his time in The Knesset of Israel. And since the Arabs are also semites, could we classify Kahane's thinking as antisemitic? Not baiting you, or posing hypothetical trap questions, just inviting you to the critical thinking club. So delve into what Kahane believed about the situation of Israel during his times.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      And speaking of "Jews", who qualifies as one under Israeli Law, by way of the rights of return? What do Citizens of Israel think of the word antisemitic? In the U.S. it is apparently the Anti Defamation League that determines who is an antisemite or perceived to be one.

      Anyway, it is usually events like October 7, 2023 that bring out the antisemite cards even if anyone shows the slightest sympathy to the plight of Israelis or Palestinians. Seems this whole business in the so called Holy Land is a war between one type of semite and another. Just an opinion.

      Meanwhile, back at the ranch here in the U.S. it seems to me that we have some Americans who are antiAmerican, don't you think.

      While you are at it, catch a few movies on Israel, in drama form on Tubi, such as "A Rooftop in Gaza", and "Palestine", and there are more out there.

      Best to you.


    The word Jew(s), as I recall, is a late comer to the language used to describe a people. Meaning that when Israel was split into two king- doms, Israel already existed, and along came inhabitants of the new Kingdom of Judah, hence Jews. The word Israelis is more appropriate, in my opinion, in that the ancient peoples were Israelites, not Jews as such. Perhaps there should be only Israeli Americans. Just a thought.
    Read Devin Sper's articles at his site on various things to do with Israel. Maybe I need to study up on what Sper says about this and that, come to think of it.

    Take care. Good luck.

  14. Ray from Jack: I am sure there are many people of good will who have legitimate concerns about Israel's policy toward the Arab Palestinians and I do not think they are, thereby, displaying antipathy to Jews and/orJudaism. But I think that since the Holocaust Jews have resolved, forever so: "never again and we will do whatever, however necessary, to defend ourselves in our homeland". The decision to bomb Japan as we did cost hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese lives but it had to be done to avoid a ground invasion which would have cost far more lives, American and Japanese. Those ultimately responsible for this were the Japanese militarists who savaged East Asia. Those ultimately responsible for the deaths and displacement of innocent Gazans , which are lamented by all good people, are the inhuman leaders of Hamas . Israel is doing what it MUST and what it is set on doing, that is, defending its life to any extreme. Perhaps only those who live in an oasis of civilization surrounded by atavistic barbarians can understand what it is to make such choices. In the past Jews chose to suffer oppression but now? NEVER AGAIN!

  15. Ray from Jack: I had not read your three replies above when I posted just above . I'll read them again and get back to you.


    With regard to the word AntiSemitism, see Wilhelm Marr.

    At the end of the day, the biggest supporters of Israel, and the organization most likely to accuse anyone who makes the slightest criticism of anything Israel does as antisemitic, is "Christians United For Israel" headed up by John Hagee who is, I recall, still the head of that group. He is pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, and tends to be, in my opinion, somewhat theatrical, and at times silly.

    Speaking of terrorist groups, Hamas is certainly one. However, during the British Mandate of Palestine, Jewish settlers who wanted Britain out, formed groups like the Irgun, and the Stern Gang, which were at that time before 1948 characterized as terrorist groups, at least by the British.

    But I digress. So what really is antisemitism?

    You might want to read "Jews in Fighter Jets" by a very smart Baptist by the name of David Cloud. See his website "Way of Life Literature".

    Thanks. Later.

  17. Ray from Jack: I think by 1946 some Jewish hearts were understandably completely hardened. ANYTHING they saw as threatening Jewish interests was fair game. They had endured the unthinkable and, I think, didn't give a hoot about any moral compunctions any in the world who have not experienced it thought. Who can blame them?

    1. RAY TO JACK

      I don't think you ever grasped my point on the use of the word antisemitism. That was the original issue. In any event, the only person who posts on this site ("Waddy Is Right") is YOU, and you give the impression that your opinions are ALWAYS right (no pun intended). With that said, I'm off this site PERMANENTLY! No sense in offering my opinions anyway, since YOU ARE THE MAIN MAN. Dr. Waddy's site is excellent, but why is it that only YOU are making comments on it, and YOU ALONE! I wonder if it has anything to do with the 19th Century English you use to express yourself? In any event, I can't change anything here.

      Goodbye Dr. Waddy (Nick). Great site you have, but I can't deal with Jack's approach to issues. He posts and posts and posts, and then when I try to tell him to STUDY a bit more on something, he runs away by posting some dingbat opinions that have no foundations in many cases. VERY BEST OF LUCK TO YOU IN EVERYTHING. Apologies for any typos here)

  18. Ray: Yeah, we have a whole antiamerican movement in the US. But to be anti Israel in Israel? It seems counterintuitive to me . If you ain't with the program there why not just leave?

  19. Ray, I agree with you: four more years of Trump are unlikely to heal our most grievous cultural wounds, and certainly not our fiscal woes. Trump could conceivably slow down the rot, but, as you point out, he would need dictatorial powers to reverse our cultural and spiritual decline, and he's unlikely to get them, and would probably misuse them if he acquired them.

    Jack, I have my doubts about whether the border will be the Dems' Achilles heel. When has it ever slowed them down before? If a porous border were combined with a recession, Americans might focus more on the downsides of unchecked illegal migration, but otherwise I believe (sadly) it's a liability that the Left and the Dems can finesse.

    Does Trump desire some kind of vengeance? Probably. I expect he did during most of his first term as well...and he utterly failed to obtain it. Frankly, I'm not sure where he'd even begin. What agency or arm of government could be relied upon to do his (terrible) bidding? I can't think of one.

    Jack, it's a good thought to use the accrediting bodies to reform the toxic culture of higher ed, and it could be done, but my impression is that they're "independent", meaning unaccountable and Marxist, and the federal government would have a devil of a time bringing them to heel.

    Ray, you most definitely can be accused of anti-Semitism for posting the comment you posted...but that means little, because as you say the charge is just a cudgel that Jews and non-Jews of various stripes, mainly irreligious, use to delegitimize and silence their enemies. Now, the word does have, or could have, objective meaning, but when did dictionary definitions ever stop a leftist from mangling the language in the service of their ideology?

    Jack, I might take issue with your claim that Judaism is the prime reason for the foundation and further existence of Israel. Not exactly. Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, is the motive force for Israel -- and that doesn't require much (religious) Judaism at all. Indeed, many Jews seem to define their Jewishness as a category of victimization. Their devotion to the Jewish faith, by contrast, can be minimal or non-existent.

    Hmm. So terrorism is cool, at least when Jews do it? Or maybe I should say: when Zionists do it. Personally, I find the argument that, after the Holocaust, the Jews are entitled to do whatever they want, to whomever they want, rather thin.

    Ray, I hope you weren't serious about jumping ship. Your insights are essential! Your resignation from the blog is NOT accepted.

    I think, Ray, you have a solid point that both the ethnic backgrounds and the religions of Jews and (Muslim) Arabs are more similar than different, and both ethnicities/faiths are capable of so many diverse forms of expression that lauding one and castigating the other makes very little sense. We American are often perceived as partial to the Israelis, and prejudiced against Arabs and Muslims -- and it's hard not to see those charges as partially valid and justified.


    I am not mad at Jack. I don't know the man personally, but I read his comments and like most of what I see. I just got somewhat irritated that we could not come to some sort of agreements on what antisemitism means and does not means. Anyway, no hard feelings.


    I'm done with the antisemitism discussion anyway, so let us be at peace with each other. I got "cured" when I saw that even Elon Musk was accused of it, although his gesture of attempting to placate critics was not really resolved by going to Auschwitz. In any event, the word has been weaponized to the extent, that people would rather kiss the Cobra than be accused of it. Come to think of it, I know some Jewish people who were accused of antisemitism for various "reasons". WTF!

  21. I'm glad to hear that, Ray. Life is short! Can't we all just get along??? Okay, maybe not, but a few of us might manage not to kill each other. That's progress, of a sort.

    Yes, Elon is kidding himself if he thinks that groveling at the feel of the ADL crowd will buy him any good will. Their purpose is to stigmatize and destroy enemies of the leftist establishment -- and Musk is ENEMY NUMBER TWO (we also know who gets top billing)!
