
Monday, January 22, 2024

Close But No Cigar


Friends, we here at WaddyIsRight bid a fond farewell to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis -- or rather to his damp squib of a presidential campaign.  I personally had high hopes for DeSantis, who seemed like the perfect combination of shrewdness and discipline combined with Trumpian conservative-nationalist values.  In other words, he was a real Republican who won elections and translated those wins into policy successes and, in the process, turned a purple state into a deep red one.  Well, it turns out that those star qualities were not as apparent to the Republican base as they were to me.  DeSantis, from the start of his campaign, took fire from two directions: from Trump and Trumpers, for obvious reasons, and from the Left and the media, because his strong stands on issues like DEI, the trans agenda, critical race theory, wokeness, and illegal immigration rubbed them the wrong way.  Nonetheless, for a while DeSantis looked like he could compete head-to-head with Trump.  DeSantis, though, never established a visceral connection with the Republican base that could rival Trump's.  His lack of charisma emerged as a serious liability, which was driven home to me by his defensive performance in the high stakes debate with California Governor Gavin Newsom.  What breathed new life into the Trump campaign, of course, was the 91 felony indictments that the lefties engineered against him.  That caused conservatives to close ranks in defense of a man they had always liked, and who now seemed to be the victim of shameless "lawfare".  And, in truth, perhaps that's what the indictments were designed to achieve in the first place: the dastardly Dems like to choose their opponents, and many of them look forward to a race against Trump, because Trump is broadly unpopular and has a seemingly inexhaustible capacity for self-destructive behavior and rhetoric.  Of course, that gamble may backfire on the Left, but we won't know that for ten more months or so.  In the meantime, DeSantis's exit, and Haley's probable losses in New Hampshire and South Carolina, will, in all likelihood, end the drama on the Republican side and ensure that DJT is, once again, the nominee.  Biden too seems like a shoo-in, although we can't discount the possibility that he'll be given his walking papers even after he wins the nomination in terms of delegates.  For now, Ron heads back to Florida, where he'll serve out his term -- unless Trump decides to elevate him to the Vice-Presidency or the Cabinet, which is within the realm of possibility.  I'd like to think that we haven't heard the last from Ron DeSantis, in one form or another.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I also like DeSantis very much. Perhaps he was ill served by his campaign or perhaps he does not present himself in an engaging manner. I"m very glad he endorsed DJT. I'd like to see DJT's VP as a legitimate prospect for 2028. Has this failure ended his chances in that regard? I'd like to see him appointed DJT's MInister without Portfolio for the purpose of leading an all out assault on wokeism. But he might serve best by continuing to make Florida an exemplary convert to dominant common sense.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In two years we are going to need a new DJT. Probably not much telling yet who might step up or be stepped up. Maybe DeSantis can remake himself as Pres. Nixon did after '62.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      So how did Nixon serve the needs of The American People? All he did was recognize the biggest and most ruthless Communist dictatorship in the world (PCR), and then involve himself in a scandal perpetrated by a bunch of his toady assholes (Watergate), and was then forced to resign. So once again, how did Nixon serve The American People? Would appreciate the courtesy of a reply to my comments on this. Thanks. Respectfully, Ray

  3. Ray from Jack: Nixon kept Hubert Horatio Wind (with gusts of up to 500 words a minute according to Goldwater ) and McGovern (who would have mothballed all but six of our carriers) out of our White House. I know; the picture of Nixon shaking hands with subhuman Mao was bizarre beyond measure but he and Kissinger did what they had to do to play China and Russia off against each other , which promoted detente. Nixon was caught in a very early version of lawfare; a picture of a scraggly granny glassed low life ( could have been me) gleefully whooping it up outside our White House on the night Nixon resigned said it all. Nixon exemplified unfashionable middle America and was savaged for it by the then ascendent antiamerican far left and its MSM and radical boomer shills.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Brilliant response Jack. Good job. And most importantly, if you believe it, everything you have said must be absolutely true.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      Nothing personal towards you, in my departure from posting comments on the site. You are a good guy, I'm sure. It's just that when I challenge you on some issues, instead of debating it, you come across with a reply that gives me negative vibes. Kind of gives me the feeling you don't want to debate anything much.

      Take the issue of antisemitism on the previous post. It just led to a sort of dead end, with you stating that the Jews finally just got tired of everything after The Holocaust. I can understand that, because The Holocaust was my primary area of study in graduate school.

      At the end of the day, who cares. No one comments on "Waddy Is Right" site anyway, although it is an excellent site. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU. GOD BLESS. RAY

    3. RAY TO JACK

      One final comment from me. The Holocaust lectures in my graduate school were presented by a Holocaust survivor, now deceased. With that said, most people don't know anything about The Holocaust
      so they really don't know what the fuck they are saying when they use the word "Anti-Semitism to attack someone they think fits into that category.

  4. Jack, I know I've said before that the antipathy between DJT and DeSantis was something that would forestall any possibility of DeSantis as V.P. -- but now I'm not so sure. Trump pivoted more or less instantly after DeSantis conceded to a more conciliatory line. The problem is that DeSantis would have little to offer politically to Trump to enhance the ticket's appeal in 2024. Two white men from Florida -- that would not achieve much of a balance. DeSantis might make an excellent president, true, but the performance of his presidential campaign leaves room for doubt...

    I don't want to rehash the debate on the virtues and vices of Richard Nixon, but I agree with Jack that Nixon held some of the worst manifestations of leftism at bay (and practiced others rather more than I would have liked). He created a formula for victory in Vietnam that came to naught after his fall, and he created a formula for victory in the Cold War (by setting China and Russia against each other) that ultimately worked.

    Ray, believe it or not, few comment on this site, but many more read it, and quite a few of them read what you and Jack have to say as well. You're not talking into a void. You're right, of course, that many people don't know Jack (I made a pun!) about what they're talking about, especially when they call their bĂȘte noires various hurtful names, but my advice would be not to take this simple-mindedness to heart. It's the human condition and is almost never meant to be malicious. I'm quite certain that, when Jack falls short of omniscience (which is seldom), or when he misspeaks (which is almost as seldom), he has only the best of intentions, so try to give the man a break.


    I'm getting past this misunderstanding stuff, so, sorry for being assholic. Ready to carry on.


    Many apologies for getting testy about stuff like the meaning of words, and in fact my comments on that had nothing to do with the general comments of the previous posting anyway. Would be pleased if you would accept my apology. I'm going to back off on making any comments for a while, but will continue to read what you and Dr. Waddy have to say about this and that. Take care and good luck.

  7. Thanks for being a good sport, Ray. it takes a real man to say "I'm sorry". I respect both of you and would be very chagrined if either of you were to jump ship...but by all means take a rhetorical holiday if you need to catch your breath. :)
