
Monday, May 30, 2022

Heading for the Exits


Friends, sometimes people vote in a voting booth, and sometimes they vote by mail, and sometimes they vote with their feet.  Dems and lefties would have us believe that big government and progressive leadership always makes life better.  Well, a simple head count tells us otherwise.  People have been moving from the moribund, statist hellscapes of the Northeast for decades now, and they invariably move to the much redder zones of the Sun Belt.  It's pretty simple, really: in red states, people enjoy more freedom and opportunity.  That seems to be a popular combo.  Go figure.  So why would we want to replicate the mistakes of Blue America, including our major metropolitan areas and our most Marxist of states, like California, New York, and Taxachussetts, on a national scale?  That's easy!  We don't.  Case closed.


You know, I think many Americans, like me, can just about wrap their heads around the concept that a man might prefer to be a woman, or a woman might prefer to be a man, but I can't for the life of me comprehend the idea that there are an unlimited number of genders, and we should all be able to redefine our gender identity minute to minute, if we feel like it, and anyone who doesn't humor us in the attempt to do so should be pilloried, at best, and blasted into atoms, at worst.  I mean, the new gender orthodoxy of the Left is just nuts, and you know that's the case because even leftists themselves can't keep up with the evolving insanity of it all.  It's time to say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! 

Finally, polls differ, but almost all of them agree on one point: "President" Biden is unpopular and Americans have very little confidence in his ability to solve our nation's problems.  And, for those Dems who thought that Ukraine, or Roe v. Wade, or Uvalde, were going to rescue their despised party from its plight, there's simply no polling evidence that you've turned any kind of corner whatsoever.  I'm not saying it can't happen.  I'm saying it hasn't occurred yet, and historical trends suggest it ain't going to.


  1. That's why the American pioneers of the 19th Century, many from New England, moved out to the Oregon country, to get away from that Eastern seaboard bullshit. Now the states they founded on the Western Seaboard, are a different brand of bullshit.

    1. LOL! So how is it that those that didn't quite make the complete trip maintained better bullshit meters?

    2. Answer your own question. Have a nice day, butt chunk.

    3. Whoa my guy! I think you miss my meaning. So, I'll take "butt chunk" as a compliment. BTW... Isn't it "butt chunks" (plural)?

      OK, I'll take a stab at answering my own question.

      The states that constitute home for those who "didn't quite make the complete trip" to the left coast are by and large agrarian. We're talking farmers.

      Those guys (and gals) tend to know bullshit when they see it. And... they only spread the stuff that's real.

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack: I recently read the obsequious present Olean NY Schools policy toward apparent "gender identification" and I gave up trying to comprehend the esoteric terms therein expressed!Two years ago I conversed at the Cattaraugus Co. country fair with a German couple who sought in NYC, guidance to a typical American summer fair. They said they were guided to our very fair.! Yes, to us, the real America, but within Chris Jacobs' prospective Congressional district! He MUST be made FULLY,yes FULLY aware of our consummate dedication to similar conservative resolve in this , utterly counterintuitive gun control position on his part! We want to like him but this could make it very hard indeed, for us!

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Olean is the major city, about 20,000 in our Cattaraugus Co.

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Virginia, perhaps Georgia and certainly the Mountain West bear bitter witness to the incursion of NY and NYC, Mass. and of course those fleeing California's leftist, hellholes! But some of the immigrants bring their thereby compromised principles and habits wth them! And that has provoked decisive political reaction in many of the presumptuously invaded settings! If one seeks to settle in a real America setting, then kindly refraine from trying to "reform" us! If you can't live as we do, or at least without intererence, then please go elsewhere. Yes!!??


  5. Dr.Waddyfrom Jack: dems are incapable of honestly embracing positions

  6. Dr. Waddy fromJack: . . outside their convictions. Their minds are utterly closed. They readily and disingenuously express views for which they must hold their gorge (eg. loyalty to America and its abiding principles) and eagerly embrace happenstances such as mass shootings to advance their goal of eliminating gun owners and their pesky organizations from the overall American political process!

  7. Richie fromJack: I think California's problem is that there is too much "TOO MUCH" there! And when they understandably bail out, they often bring too much of it with them.

  8. Hmm. I'll abstain from the debate over who is, and who isn't, a "butt chunk", but the issue of how the Northeast and the West became politically leftist, while the South and Midwest veer more to the right, is a fascinating one. Demographics is part of the answer, but only part. I've never understood, for instance, how Washington and Oregon became so reliably blue. Demographically, they shouldn't be.

    Jack, I wholeheartedly agree that Chris Jacobs, if he is to be the GOP standard-bearer in the 23rd district, needs to reflect on how out-of-sync his gun control views are with those of his constituents. I think we can all understand that not every Republican will be 100% conservative, but in the 23rd district the Republican candidate better be in the 99% range, or else!

    Jack: the closed-mindedness of the Left is its most repugnant feature, in my view. I mean, many Marxist ideas have superficial merit. I have no problem engaging, therefore, in an open, honest debate about our collective future. It's the Left's firm intent, though, to forestall any such debate from occurring -- and to ensure that people like you and me never say a peep, because we'll be so thoroughly demonized and intimidated that we silence ourselves. That's just un-American.
