
Saturday, February 13, 2021

57 Angry Men (Some of Whom Were Women)


Friends, the fiasco is kaput, so to speak: the Senate trial of (ex-)President Donald J. Trump for "incitement of insurrection" has ended in acquittal, as almost everyone knew it would.  Fair enough, since there was no incitement and no insurrection.  This means that Trump is free to run for federal office again.  It also means, of course, that the Dems and lefties are free to hound him as a private citizen, and to try every trick in the book to ruin him, personally, professionally, and criminally, if they can manage it.  Luckily, he can afford some good lawyers.  He'll need them.

It's disappointing that no less than 7 Senate Republicans voted to convict.  Truthfully, though, if every Senator who loathed Trump and viewed him as a venomous, populist toad had voted his or her "conscience", he probably would have been convicted -- easily! -- and hanged to death from the Capitol flag pole.  Official Washington really, really doesn't care for Trump, in case you've failed to notice.  All along, the only ones who've truly been in his corner are ordinary Americans, those 74+ million "deplorables" who made him President in the first place.  They're not going away, and apparently neither is Trump.

Speaking of which, Trump is already teasing his return to public life.  Will he be merely the Influencer-in-Chief, a kingmaker, or will he, in fact, for run for office himself?  Time will tell.  One thing's for sure.  He's coming for his enemies, especially the RINOs who, as he must see it, "stabbed him in the back".  If the Dems pursued this impeachment farce hoping to ignite a civil war in the Republican Party, the truth is they may well get it.  That chagrins me.  I believe pro- and anti-Trump Republicans need to work together, if we're to defeat the evilest stratagems that the Dems have in store for us in the next two to four years.  In my view, there's room in the GOP for all, but I recognize, just the same, that Trump-haters aren't representative of the party's rank-and-file.  To some degree, a reckoning between Trumpers and those GOP Congressmen and Senators who supported impeachment is inevitable.  I have a feeling I know who will come out of that melee victorious.  Care to place your bets?


  1. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

    It's sad that 43 Senate Republicans failed to adhere to the vow to which they swore as Senators of the United States.

    1. On the contrary Rod, those Republican Senators adhered to the vow they swore, and voted to acquit Trump. Why? Because they knew that having this impeachment trial was Unconstitutional in the first place. Too bad your Leftist brain can't accept that. However, Leftists don't give a damn about The Constitution anyway. You guiding document was written by Karl Marx.

  2. As for Trump, the case laid out in the Senate certainly can be used against him in both criminal and civil litigation. He is also facing possible criminal trials in GA and NY, plus a number of civil suits. He will be too busy in courts to run again.

    And, if his current legal team defending him against impeachment is any indication, Trump is in serious trouble,

    1. Now, Now Rod, don't be upset. What you need is some counseling and hot chocolate. I know you are upset, and you should be, because Trump could come back and bite you in your Left Buttock.

    2. Sorry Rod, but if Trump's current legal team were all that incompetent, as you imply, then why did Senators vote in favor of Trump? Looks like those attorneys must have had some effect, don't you think? Anyway, too bad if you don't think so Rod. Tough toad! Also, Trump could run again, and that's because his attorneys might be in some Leftist court, but not Trump himself. Happy nightmares to you Rod. Life's a bitch isn't it?

  3. Dr. Waddy et al from Jack: OK, this viciously cynical, partisan procedure is over and what does the left haveto show for this disgraceful exercise of "overwhelming" electoral dominance? Have they excited their core? To what end? Donald Trump's heretical insolence in denying Hillary did for that! Was it a recruiting effort. Why, who would be persuaded and to what, by this futile, petulant spasm?

  4. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: Well,the left now faces a revivified Donald Trump with his real America core so much more determined! Oh yes, lefties, do use your decisive numerical power to promote stautes now to disenfranchise Donald Trump. You hope this would bring unlimited federal judicial budget to bear against his personal wealth, thereby defeating your forlorn hope to ruin him in court. Oh you do fear him don't ya!!

  5. Donald Trump faces a major tax inquiry in New York State, possible extortion charges in GA, and thanks to the heroic Jamie Raskin's brilliant arguments, a case for AG Garland to bring against for inciting the insurrection.

    The impeachment trial also showed that Trump was more interested in his election than the safety of Mike Pence and members of Congress, particularly in his conversation with Kevin McCarthy (which is now part of the impeachment record).

    As far as who would be persuaded -- seven Republicans were persuaded, the most members of a defendant's own party to vote to convict. Not bad, given that the fix was in.

    Finally, McConnell's words will be used in ads against every GQP member running in the House and Senate in 2022. That, combined with a recovery brought about by the Biden Administration, could lead to a Blue Wave in 2022.

    So the trial had its positive influence of weakening Trump and the GQP.

  6. Fear Trump. As Ted Lieu said, the only fear that Dems have is that Trump runs, gets beaten again and incites another riot.

  7. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: Excuse me: " thereby bolstering your forlorn hope. . . "

  8. Dr. Waddy et al from Jack: My bet is on Trump nation. The high handed Dems are sending us recruits every day and marginalizing the RINOS ever apace!

  9. Rod, I'm not sure the Framers of the Constitution contemplated that a President would be impeached for a "crime" which manifestly isn't a crime, and for which there was no investigation, no witnesses, and no due process. Basically, he was impeached and found guilty (by 57 TDS sufferers) of intemperate rhetoric. So, in future, anyone who says a bad thing, and then a bad person does a bad thing in response, will be subject to impeachment and removal. No prospect for abuse of power there!

    Rod is right, though, that Trump faces serious legal jeopardy. That's not, however, because he's guilty of any crimes. Every single one of the witch hunts Rod cites is a real stretch, in terms of the legal niceties. Justice, though, is NOT blind, as we all know, and the main reason Trump should be wary is because so many powerful people want to take him down. As far as I can tell, the purpose of the law, from a leftist perspective, is to silence and/or destroy non-leftists. We'll see how well suited our existing criminal justice system is for that purpose. I hasten to add, though, that, even if Trump were found guilty of ALL the nonsense of which he stands accused, he'd be out of jail in plenty of time to ruin Rod's day on November 5th, 2024.

    Jack is right, the Left has little to show for this impeachment farce. Trump's support among Republicans actually increased in the course of the trial (not surprisingly, given the way it was "argued"). Trump is eligible to run, most Republicans want him to run, and he appears to want to run. Be afraid, Rod, be very afraid!

    Rod, let's examine your towering pile of "evidence", shall we? You've got a hearsay account of a conversation between Trump and Kevin McCarthy. Inadmissible in any court, naturally, but no matter. In it Trump is reported to have said that "apparently some people are more upset about the election than you are". Uh, what exactly is Trump guilty of there? I fail to see a crime. In fact, I see an observation that is unquestionably true. The most that Trump has EVER been guilty of is a bad attitude, Rod, and a failure to grovel at the establishment's feet. And for that he may well go to the slammer, but that's nothing to crow about.

    Rod, if the worst case scenario is that Trump might "incite" another "riot", might I suggest that next time you use guns against the yahoos with signs? You'd make quick work of them, and you'd discover your inner Lenin, all at once!

    If Rod is right about the economic boom, then of course 2022 might be survivable for the Dems. If, on the other hand, the $2 trillion they're about to spend is just a down payment -- since they seem to contemplate trillions more for health care, green energy, infrastructure, etc etc. -- then we may be in for inflation and a fiscal crisis, and soon. Anyway, I have absolute faith in the capacity of the Dems to screw things up, and in fact to turn on each other. You can set your watch by it.

  10. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: It is a badge of honor for President Trump and with him the real America, to be taken to law by the savagely leftist disgracefully compromised legal machinery of the State of New York government,which is inimical to millions of NY citizens!

  11. Jack, you may well be right that, in neo-Marxist America, the only good Americans will be, like Trump, behind bars... If so, well, all those years you spent getting the feel of the "Big House" might come in handy!
