
Friday, November 3, 2023

The People's House?


Friends, although most Democrats are outraged that someone of George Santos's, uhh, ilk is able to serve as a member of the House of Representatives, I wish to single out for praise those 31 Democrats who voted against a resolution to expel him.  A cynic might say that these Dems voted to keep Santos in the House only because they enjoy watching Republicans squirm.  The truth, though, is that some Democrats can perceive the danger in expelling anyone from the chamber only because they've been charged with a crime, rather than convicted.  No kidding!!!  The article below claims that Santos must go because he's a "charlatan".  Well, that term could be applied with a fair degree of accuracy to dozens of Congressmen, Senators, and prominent figures in the Biden Administration.  Santos' lies were mostly trivial, and frankly not that convincing, but the more dangerous prevarications, by far, are the ones that catch fire nationally and internationally, and which threaten, at times, to destabilize our whole system of government.  Not so long ago, almost every Democrat was propagating the myth that Donald Trump, as President of the United States, was an agent of a foreign and a hostile power.  Their evidence was shockingly thin...but they clung to their delusions with amazing vehemence, and many of them still do.  Almost none have apologized for misleading the American people.  So, my perspective would be that "charlatans" are a dime a dozen in our system of government, and we had better get used to it.  The fundamental basis of democracy, at any rate, is not that the truth or decency should prevail, but that the will of the people must reign supreme.  That means that the voters get to choose their representatives in elections, and sometimes, maybe even most of the time, they choose poorly.  Unfortunately, though, the only alternative to letting the people decide is letting a much smaller number of people -- the experts, or the elite -- choose for us.  Now that sounds like the type of "democracy" that most Democrats would be very comfortable with.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: This is a well reasoned commentary. No doubt there are dems who in the case of Congressman Santos have chosen principle over the expediency of hastening Santos' departure and reducing the thin GOP majority. But their party is nonetheless captured by those solely determined to seize totalitarian power by ANY means. Why don't they come in from the cold? Their party's irredemable degradation is manifest.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I cannot refrain from commenting on developments described in American Thinker today. There appears to have been massive defections of well to do donors to "elite" American universities because of the execrable emergence of already established antisemitism among some "students" and some faculty in reaction to Israel's insolent defense of itself after the Oct. 7 Hamas subhuman onslaught. Maybe, finally, the antiamerican left which counterintuitively makes common cause with murderous radical Islam ( or is it radical?), has gone too far(tactically that is; morally they have long casually languished in left field). Defunding of institutions like the American academy, cuckooed by neo marxists, is perhaps the only way to root them out and short circuit their despicable misuse of our "universities", almost all of which enjoy tax payer largesse


    I think deep down inside the brain of every American is a desire to live in A Peoples' Democratic Republic.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Maybe now America will be moved to acknowledge the onerous and unendurable esconsement in our very institutional vitals of a doctrine arguably the most inhuman ever: marxism and its willingness to embrace any evil.THIS, their summary rise to passionate expression of antisemitic hate, eloquently bepeaks on their part how the essential murderous intolerance of the left in power in the 20th century yet lives and prospers.They are proving, to all who have eyes to see, the monstrous convictions which propel their unrestrained grab for totalitarian power, yes, right here in the U.S.! Maybe now America can muster the resolve to say and do "we know what you are about and we will not allow it! "

  5. Dr. Waddy ,Ray et al from Jack: Yeah, the "Che" shirts obvious among those who demonstrate support for Hamas' s sociopathy bespeak a naive willingness to try living his principles. They richly deserve a chance to live them,just not in our country, ever.

  6. Jack, I find it hard to believe that ANY Democrat would hesitate to support any move that would empower the Left and debase the right, but I suppose it's theoretically possible that some of them have scruples? There's a first time for everything...

    Jack, I of course celebrate the decision by many rich donors to stop underwriting the intellectual self-sabotage of Western Civilization via higher ed, BUT I would point out that academia is in a delicate position. It cannot entirely stifle anti-Israel rhetoric and be true to its (alleged) devotion to free speech and open dialogue. There is, naturally, a difference between criticizing Israeli policy and scurrilously attacking Jews. In this case, academic institutions will be aware that they will be accused of "discrimination" almost regardless of the line they take.

    Ray, so you think every American is intrinsically a Marxist? I will agree with your (sarcastic) observation in this sense: Marxism asks us to be resentful and scornful of the most successful and privileged among us...which is not asking much! Most are happy to oblige.

    1. RAY TO DR. NICK

      I'm sure you will agree that the majority of Americans, if asked, could not tell you much of anything about Marx, and probably don't care to know. That's why the Left's Marxist agenda has worked so well in the U.S. for all these many decades. Maybe some of the older people think that you must be talking about the Marx brothers, especially Groucho.

  7. Dr Waddy from Jack: In the 60s I didn't fully realize the understandable disgust with which the"Silent Majority" regarded rampaging college "students". "What's with them anyway? They are kids and have alot to learn. But they act as if they know it all. If they are students why aren't they studying, listening to those who know better and enjoying college life? Getting really tired of their nonsense!" One result then: a landslide for President Nixon over " relevant" George McGovern in '72.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack:Today, the campuses erupt again in self righteous condemnation, this time of Israel and Judaism .And just as in the '60's it really amounts to support for sociopaths.In the '60s it was for commies; now it is for "radical" Islam. I hope the result is the same as in '72: decisive defeat for the antiamerican left which made then and still makes detestable common cause witu subhuman doctrines. It was and still is the motivator, organizer and dictator of these terribly wrongheaded "student" mobs.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree there is a difference between principled criticism of Israeli policy and rank antisemitism (murderous hatred of Jews). I think it confirmed though that much of what informs and motivates the ostensibly pro Palestinian demonstrations is unfettered expression of a hatred for Jews long harbored by the far left. The demonstrations are very well organized: they are, I'm sure, the product of the antiamerican left.Having a Jewish sounding name and having worked for 20 years in state prisons I experienced first hand the crude Jew hatred I see manifested(and by some of the same perpetrators) in these "passionate" calls for pogrom disgracing our campuses and public places now.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Fox reports that the massive anti Israel demonstrations seen this weekend were organized by the far left faction ANSWER. The left is suffused with Jew hatred, to judge by these abominations. What insufferable wrong the antiamerican left does American Jews and America itself with this neo nazi eruption of its long festering antipathy.Our country is disgraced beyond measure by this atavistic assertion of profound evil crept out of a barbarian past.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Its time to consider this appalling possibility; that hatred of Jews is integral and organic to the far left! I will be submitting an essay on this for your consideration shortly.

  12. True, Ray -- most Americans couldn't tell Karl Marx apart from Karl Malden, although I must admit that I feel myself to be shamefully ignorant of Marxist doctrine. Realistically, though, it doesn't matter much what Marx said or wrote, all those years ago. It matters what modern progressive opinion leaders decide to make of him.

    Jack, so you think Middle America's disgust for hippie activism contributed significantly to Nixon's big win in '72? Could be, although I would note that the public turned against Nixon and towards the (McGovernite) Dems soon enough...

    I agree: the organizational sophistication of the pro-Palestinian activists suggests that they enjoy strong support from the leftist donor base. This Israeli-Palestinian issue is one of the biggest fissures you'll find on the Left, and it exposes one of the key flaws in leftist "reasoning": you can exalt the virtues of "disadvantaged minorities" all you like, but do you do when these minorities turn against one another?

    Ooo, an original contribution from the incomparable Jack??? Bring it on!!! The whole WaddyIsRight team would be honored and excited to give you a forum.

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would disagree with you in that Watergate was not a democratic event and the evidence against Nixon turned even his firmest supporters against him.True, the by then rapidly degrading MSM got him good but Carter in '76 ran an only slightly to the left campaign; of course we know now what he was really about. The radicals settled in for the long run of "joining" and undermining the "establishment" especially after President Reagan ascended. To be sure,their eventual success is appallingly evident now.

  14. Jack, Nixon got up to all kinds of dirty tricks, but that doesn't make him unique or even unusual in the modern age. What makes him unusual is that media decided to hold him to account for it. Many Republicans out of an abundance of integrity decided to help the media torpedo him...and got milquetoast Ford as a reward.
