
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Democracy Dies in Dumbness


Friends, concocting false narratives to make Republicans, conservatives, and Trumpers look bad is what some people are good at.  It's their passion in life, not to mention a pretty decent livelihood.  For a while, the lefties had a field day with "Russia collusion".  The new flavor of the month, however, is "insurrection".  It's the buzzword that's on every progressive's lips.  The scary part is not so much that the Dems are at it again, making mountains out of molehills, but that they genuinely believe their own nonsense, i.e. that democracy came close to collapse on January 6th, that thousands of Trumpers pre-planned an "insurrection" but somehow forgot to bring their guns, and that DJT's (alleged) failure to condemn the Capitol Riot soon enough and vociferously enough is the same thing as staging a rebellion.  The worst delusion of all that has gripped the Left, though, is this: they claim that even to question an election is the same thing as, say, braining a policeman with a fire extinguisher.  Ergo, every Republican who supported, in any way, shape, or form, Donald Trump's effort to contest the 2020 election results should be thrown out of Congress (if they currently sit there) and prohibited from seeking federal office ever again.  Because "insurrection", in case you haven't heard, is a VERY BIG DEAL!  The BIGGEST, in fact!  Well, my latest interview with Sputnik News reveals the asininity of all this pearl-clutching.  Read it and judge for yourself:


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But, to suggest that the Dums, with the far left cracking the moral and ideological whip, would see anything wrong with braining a policeman, perhaps weakens that analogy. Their newfound regard for law and order is shamefully presumptuous and baldly disingenuous. " Wha shoot, we was just funnin on all thait anta POLice stuff. Too bad though about them dead POLice" is their reflexive Slick Willie esq refrain.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I have thought for awhile now that Schumer/Pelosi were aiming at an anachronistic invocation of the 14th amendment. How I would rejoice to see it argued before our lawful Scotus!The context of that amendment, passed soon after a to this day unparalleled national catastrophe, is conveniently ignored by the leftist intimidated Dums. When considered so a comparison to Jan. 6 is, well, LOL. But they yet think they can pull it off. It does demonstrate how very, very much the reaccension of Donald Trump and his real America TERRIFIES those poor dears. And why? Because they know, as do all con men, when their game has been blown! Their game, since the '60s, has been: (oh yes, we believe wholeheartedly in American democracy and will willingly adhere to its procedural standards ,though of course we will extirpate it as soon as we have the power to do so).

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack : That some of those people of good will who support the Dums believe that Jan. 6 was a real threat to our polity and our government is understandable. The may well lack historical perspective and may be then, open to the far left, cloaked in the once loyal Democrat party, in its contemptuous use of their yet good will. Let us hope that the ever more presummptuous far leftist assault on our culture, fully and gutlessly countenanced by the Dums, wiil yet convince them of the existential threat to all they hold, to all they value, to all they revere!

  4. Jack, I'm not entirely sure that it would be SCOTUS that would decide the question of whether any particular federal office seeker is guilty of "insurrection". I mean, the management of elections is a state responsibility. I fear, therefore, that there's a chance that some blue states might succeed in rigging the system to the disadvantage of Republicans. We shall see.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But the 14th Amendent is Constitutional and therefore only construed definitively by Federal courts. One would think that those of this mind would successfully prosecute this in any setting and throw it into Federal Court.

  6. Good point. Ultimately, SCOTUS can do whatever it pleases, but it would not surprise me if it kicked the can on this one.
