
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Europe's Evolving Pandemic

Friends, the media would like to create the impression that Republicans and conservatives love the coronavirus and spread it enthusiastically, while liberals, progressives, and "democratic socialists" advance responsible countermeasures to keep everyone safe.  Well, the picture is a lot more complicated than that.  The same surge in cases that is currently gripping the Sun Belt in this country is showing itself in parts of Europe too, even parts that were already hit hard by the virus back in March, April, and May.

Meanwhile, Sweden, which pursued a measured response to the coronavirus and eschewed lockdowns, has seen cases crater.  Note the part of this story where public health authorities advise AGAINST wearing face masks, even on public transport!

I think the upshot here is that it's very unclear what measures ultimately protect a country from infections and deaths.  Certain risky behaviors are correlated with, well, risk, sure, but do we know for sure that lockdowns save lives, or that masks are effective versus hand-washing and sensible social distancing?  Is exposure to the virus more a case of inherent vulnerability than it is of behavior?  Will the virus ultimately infect all or most of us -- and only the speed of its spread is within our control?  We just don't know.  Hopefully, one day we will.


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack:NOW,now,in saying"who knows" on anything at all,you insolently ignore the unchallengeable wisdom of the American left. They "know" and if reality forces them to change, why they just "know better". But to doubt at any given time their omniscience is to invite a visit from the Inquisition. Re:Portland Yes, if they are so averse to the Feds,let's cut their National Endowment for the Arts funding; that WOULD bring them down.

  2. Jack, welcome back!!!

    You're right -- the Left proceeds from a presumption of omniscience. It's funny really: they assume that the human capacity for understanding is infinite (theirs, in particular), while they also seem to assume that the human capacity for ignorance and wickedness is equally infinite (ours, naturally). So which is it? Are humans marvelous, intelligent beings, able to solve any problem, and inherently good? Or are we vicious, small-minded creatures in need of elite guidance and continual upbraiding? The answer: we're whatever our progressive masters tell us we are, and if that changes moment to moment, well -- shut up!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: so very good to be back on this wonderful forum! Eric Hoffer,when, I think, he coined the term "true believer" in the book of that title,which my wonderful 1965 PoliSci prof had us read, asserted that one of the salient desires of that type is the perception of a doctrine which can fully ncengage them so that further introspection is rendered moot.Today's American left wallows in the luxury of summary dismissal ofopposing views and all the inconvenience involved in discourse by the conviction that their views are automatically self evident, simply for having been theirs.

  4. Well said, Jack! We might as well admit it: the Left has become anti-discourse, although not anti-speech. For them, the purpose of speech is to repeat ad infinitum the same empty catchphrases and vicious insults that comprise their lexicon. Give-and-take is no longer part of the equation.
